



wizard total barbconquers 437

@Night total barcounquers 402




If 3 members from @Night post a paragraph on the greatness of Trump and how he shall lead this world to greatness I'll give ye another chance to win this world :D


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Side 1:
Tribes: WIZARD
Side 2:
Tribes: @Night

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 50
Side 2: 7
Difference: 43


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 343,743
Side 2: 47,111
Difference: 296,632



If they merely had a plan and executed it somewhat competently, they would have won easily. Strange world this one.

Night aren't the only ones with good players. They just think they are the only good players. Ask night how many OPs they have run. It wasn't poor executions, they were just met with opposing force.


Night aren't the only ones with good players. They just think they are the only good players. Ask night how many OPs they have run. It wasn't poor executions, they were just met with opposing force.

Actually that is not what I am saying at all

Not to insult WIZARD, but if it was just about having the best lineup man to man at the start of the world, @Night would have won easily. This is not to say WIZARD has no good players, the opposite. All top tribes generally have a proportion of good players, regardless of the quality of the tribe. To give an example from WIZARD, Mezonis is well known for being a top tier player and I'm sure I could look through and find distinguished accounts. That being said, merely having the best lineup man to man at the start of the world does not ensure victory.

Earlier I mentioned that hubris has destroyed them. When I was in STD on W87, I'd quite regularly talk to Boris/Harambe who was, at the time, leader of another top tribe Rage. He'd tell me about @Night, this premade with a very high individual talent led by Mint who had won W75 and had recently joined W89. I was, at the time, a bit disappointed about the lack of challenge on W87 and we kind of discussed this hypothetical situation where @Night and STD fought and both kind of agreed that it would be an interesting matchup. At this time, I knew very little of @Night other than the names on the paper.

If I held the information I had now, I would have known that this matchup would have, in fact, not been very interesting at all.

Before the original owner of Walatiki1 decided to change the password of the account, I was in @Night for a while as a semi-active coplayer. This was the case up until about five days into the WIZARD war. I won't say I knew everything that was going on since I was not in @Night from the beginning, but I was around long enough that I kind of got my bearings on what it was like and I still talk to a few players in @Night since they play on W87.

When I joined, the forum battle between @Night and WIZARD was brewing. The arrogant persona of @Night that is rarely seen nowadays was on full display. I think it was simple enough to say, given the situation on the public forums that a conflict with WIZARD was somewhat inevitable for months. I had once played in a tribe with a similar persona in the forums, which was one of if not possibly the best tribe I've ever been in during my TW career. The difference between @Night and that tribe was that @Nights arrogance did not stop in the forums. The disrespect was not only ingame, but also internally.

Coming from W87 where we crushed everything in sight and also playing in W85 where something similar happened, I can understand @Night not wanting to replicate that and create a more interesting world. I made an assumption that @Night purposely compromised themselves diplomatically (though funnily enough had more diplomatic agreements than either Rabid or STD had in their worlds with one and zero respectively) and created situations where they were at a numerical or strategic disadvantage for a handicap. I've done this in the past myself to make things more interesting.

Pretty soon, I realised this was not the case. When most tribes trashtalk incessantly, behind the scenes there are cogs of a machine spinning in order to best prepare the tribe for a conflict. This is because there is pressure internally to back up the trashtalk on the battlefield, at least I find it that way. For the best leaders, this starts months in advance with front creation. STD in W87 always believed we were the best in the world, though we were never anywhere near as vocal as @Night, but behind that there was months of work prestacking, creating fronts and interwoven players through operations and internalling, patching vulnerabilities, simulating various war scenarios and more.

This is not the case in @Night. @Night runs essentially on react and I could give a multitude of examples here but I want to wrap this up.

I fully believe that @Night has the mental capacity, the experience and the skill to do this but they have chosen not to. So when the war started with WIZARD, there were minimal stacks on the front, there were weak and inactive players were in bad positions on the front.

So the inevitable happened.

A collapse.

It was written off as weeding out the weak and brushed under the rug. This was accepted by the vast majority of the tribe and the council, the only exception here I saw at least was myself. For me who had not really been paying attention, that was the signal to not join another account and leave silently. And so I did. I believe a top level tribe never blames or gives up on its members, it fights for every single one like they are the last. If they are weak, it is the responsibility of the tribe and the leadership to make them strong through cultivating the correct environment, teaching and supporting. Only weak tribes have weak players.

Eventually @Night will probably lose, they handicapped themselves too far by handicapping their own tribe. I doubt the tribe has the mental fortitude to come back. If they had that sort of attitude, they would never have made the mistakes in the first place. I know it will end in complaints about spies, dirty play and traitors. I don't believe this for a second, you counter these things by being better. @Night was not better.

It is a shame since they could have and should have done it, but let bygones be bygones.
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The only real reason you mentioned is they were arrogant, and you say that they were arrogant in game -- which led to them not stacking. That's just flat out wrong. They stacked before the war, but the front is just obviously too big to stack everywhere.

Nemesis123 said:
It was written off as weeding out the weak and brushed under the rug. This was accepted by the vast majority of the tribe and the council, the only exception here I saw at least was myself. For me who had not really been paying attention, that was the signal to not join another account and leave silently. And so I did. I believe a top level tribe never blames or gives up on its members, it fights for every single one like they are the last. If they are weak, it is the responsibility of the tribe and the leadership to make them strong through cultivating the correct environment, teaching and supporting. Only weak tribes have weak players.

This. @Night is losing because their members see incomings from Wizard and they quit. They get nuked, catapulted, nobled etc etc. They don't get the help they need, so they, like the player before them that was targeted, quit. This can be seen from the accounts no longer in @night, just look at TWstats. This is a breakdown at the leadership level, it is their job to keep up with their players and make sure they are getting taken care of with support, sits, snipes etc.

As far as skill level on a player-by-player basis, I have seen absolutely nothing from @Night that makes me think "Wow, this person actually knows how to play this game." Knowing how to use Ntoombs script to farm, getting a bunch of freebies and going heavily offense so you can keep up a high growth rate does not impress me. Being able to snipe 400ms Easy-Mode-TW trains does not impress me. And I have yet to see any of them time something offensively that's worth noticing. I'm not sure why they are so hyped. I would argue that on a player-by-player basis, or an average skill level, Wizard wins. I'm biased of course, so who cares.

The war isn't over yet, of course. Both tribes will have to keep up the grind and whoever can battle the real enemy, consistent tribe-wide activity, will win.



TLDR - Night collapsed and were bored and didn't care......

BS on that mate. You are completely discrediting everything done by Wizard. Maybe, just maybe, Wizard players exposed 'good' players on Night? Everyone suddenly is busy or don't care when they start losing. Players in Night were improperly stacked, their OP's were set up well but countered better, their outer players were left to fend for themselves. All the deficiencies were found because Wizard pressed. If Wizard does not set up successful OP's, defend well, and continues the course, then those players in Night that arent good (not saying that is all of them just saying the ones that have been exposed) they get to keep playing sim city.

Deleted User - 10017355


TLDR - Night collapsed and were bored and didn't care......

BS on that mate. You are completely discrediting everything done by Wizard. Maybe, just maybe, Wizard players exposed 'good' players on Night? Everyone suddenly is busy or don't care when they start losing. Players in Night were improperly stacked, their OP's were set up well but countered better, their outer players were left to fend for themselves. All the deficiencies were found because Wizard pressed. If Wizard does not set up successful OP's, defend well, and continues the course, then those players in Night that arent good (not saying that is all of them just saying the ones that have been exposed) they get to keep playing sim city.

You obviously didn't read his post if that is what you think he said...

Also, Wizard seems to be discrediting the work of the rim tribes aswell, if those tribes had buckled easily @night would have had alot more defense to use more effectively on the Wizard front.