Red pretty much summed it up, we weren't going to let you get stacked/more stacked(turned out was not much/none) but anyhow Lord Ayok account is just about gone, think before you act. 
C+ Can you tell me how i could of done anything with all my D troops coming back from the AAA front line and the troop`s that did return i used on snipes if i had a snipe on with the time they got back.? The original player on Lord Ayok left for collage but who do you think was doing the 2 man noble train split`s when he was here.? Me sitting him from my co play on The New King account. You got 1 train past me as i did not have any troops to stack or snipe with..The one were you had 2 nukes and train in the same second which pissed me off greatly as i split any train. Re caps? troops were coming back from the new 322 villages i took. Raveman 9 invited me to tribe as a few in his tribe new my play/skill`s but with a noob co and not asking for stack`s (To much red wine here.) We joined.End of w65 for
You have waited a bit too long for me to prove anything as I only have literally 1 report left of hitting you, but I didn't put all that much effort into you. I expect nukes to be dodged (well, all troops really) when you only have ~50-100 incoming over 12 hours. I hit quite a few nukes at home, which the account only had like 15 to begin with. I also only sent 2 trains at you. 1 got sniped that I split my nuke up in (which took the village), the other I had to cancel the train as 1 noble didn't send. I resent the train and you brought a full D back for the train, which I got good luck on and killed the full D with the first attack leaving loyalty below 20 due to the last 3 nobles. I wasn't worried about it as I was hitting so many troops at home I assumed you were offline, but alas you were. I resent nuke ~1 hour away to retake the village which wasn't 2 nukes it was this:
[468|501] - Nukeemo:Scout today at 16:42:37:326 0:59:39
[468|501] - NOBLE:Semi-Nuke:Scout today at 16:42:37:345
Edit: I went to sleep after I took the village from that due to lack of sleep the night before. I had expected only a couple hour nap, but I slept for like 6 hours. When I had gotten up everyone had claimed the villages I had cleared (I only claim as I send nobles) so I didn't send anything else.
Just bold.. i do dodge all troops if i,m on which i was not and me thinking co (noob) was on but he went mia and i had 800+ Inc`s un tagged when i got on. I think i know how to play this game since i have co played many top player`s and top ranked 5 account`s.Not playing tw or co ing so have some fun peep`s and good luck.
Just bold.. i do dodge all troops if i,m on which i was not and me thinking co (noob) was on but he went mia and i had 800+ Inc`s un tagged when i got on. I think i know how to play this game since i have co played many top player`s and top ranked 5 account`s.Not playing tw or co ing so have some fun peep`s and good luck.
You played w46 with my old friend hellkiller46 and was also a tribe member of mine there.I remember you shouting for help all the I solo played STREETWISE and Daz gave you his village`
And if you were a good player you could manage to figure out what most of those 800 incoming were. Instead, you decided to bail out like a sissy. But meh, wish I could blame poor co's for everything that ever went wrong with my account. =/
You know what I remember? I remember that I had to shout all the time just to get people to participate in OP's while the south was being nobled by ANARKY. So yes, I was shouting for you guys to help/participate in tribal OP's, but you failed to do so. However you are implying that I requested personal support, which I did not. Hell I was never attacked by anarky during that war but I was actively sitting other southern players.
And after that I remember being in ANARKY, fighting against 1337, do you remember what happened to them?:icon_rolleyes: And after that I nobled some Dazrield villages as he had quit, but he would not have wanted me to have thoseNot after I left his tribe to join anarky I can assure you.
Not long after I quit the world due various reasons, most important one was that the world grew boring and I went back to world 5.
If you are really as good as you want us to believe you are, how come that you got nobled? Normally people would get to know each other for a bit before you start to co play. I doubt that you/anyone would have played with someone if he was not skilled enough. Stop blaming a co that does not exist and accept that you have failed miserably.
You were solo playing STREETWISE? Barbs + Internals made you the best solo player in the history of tribalwars I'm sure. You had about 10 villages captured that were not barbarian villages or internals. FYI I have never used a co player before this world.
I did but as i said troop`s were coming back from AAA front line.? Some peep`s do not read post`s.
Grow some and not bull shit.:icon_twisted: I will be back on a co so be lucky playing noob`s. Oh wish me a happy 48 th birthday on the 9th.. Good luck in play`s.Bye till i get the bug again.