You should add barbs to that map, I bet they are the top tribe in the world right now.
You should add barbs to that map, I bet they are the top tribe in the world right now.
Stick to world 40's please you clearly don't have a clue. Barbs don't have a tribe. The top tribe in the world right now is DVAD3R and barbs are not ranked in world one.. maybe in your newer worlds were the barbs grow they may get ranked but not here... and we don't put them on maps either.
I believe he was being sarcastic.
stick to world 24... in fact don't.. your so far behind.. start a new world and be a noob somewhere else...
I love being evil but it's not as good when nobody with a sufficent enough argument argues back..
The cannon fodder that stimulates the W1 bash/mass attack arguments has been greatly diminished in the past year.. what a shame.
I don't get it.. but yeh I suppose it sounds right.