I understand your post that I manage the 40 accounts in hell but wle lost the game

ıf you claim it what a shame for yours ? of course I did account sitting when our guys needed and always took more villages from your side. I am proud of my tribemates ( include mr.hyde account you can not grow any account like it. you took the mature account ) If I can convince to people to sent fakes or attack for an enemies also this amount is over 10k I can say we are most organized tribe in TW ?
As I said we never near to you so that we never make an strong operation against you. Look at the lodda he is great sample for you.. he was talking in forum about to cut our nukes but he dissappered suddenly and he lost his continents one by one ....
I prefer to kick your ass in game but you are useless that you can not protect your account than you are try to sent post against HELL. If you really see the result of our op you can check your tribe loses and dont speak here with assumptions. ıf someone stay in game we can lose the game oh crap crap crap ....
we are here and you are out thats simple we win under eveyr circumtance you lost when you have an big power. thats simple what a pity for you ... you have nothing but HELL will be remembering leader of W1 ...
This is the differences between us
Check our tribemates ...
red devils he want to join us ?
Arcwand she want to join us ?
alpedone he want to join us ?
mr.hyde he want to join us ?
xargon he want to join us ?
Friespieboy he want to join us ?
shadowman06 he want to join us ?
simolean he want to join us ?
yuho he want to join us ?
Man you leader did nothink in game ,,, oh sorry he just capture the barbarian and inactive players villages ,
But ıf you check our tribes conquers we always took enemies villages ;
Please open your eyes now
1 HELL 253.169.854 24.432 5.199 4.7 939.560.998 843.833.272
2 WLE 54.956.805 5.141 21.118 0.2 333.017.422 973.562.104
Did you see the differences between 2 tribes ? when your side merge with trap your side has an over 106k villages ? but we just have 50k and now we ate yours ....
Good luck to you in RL ...