Well in celebration of my 1000th post on the forums I decided to look through every page of these forums to see the important events of w20 since it’s founding. I know I’ve probably left some things out but if you comment I’ll add them to the list. So without further a due…. A timeline of w20!
First family tribe of notoriety: REV family
BANNED formed then get disbanded a week or so later but then reform
Dream is around towards the end of the month and take rank #2
The tribe Panda pops up
Hug is first mentioned
50 commandments of the w20 forums are made
The first noble appears in w20
Hug declares war on REV and their alliance
Dream declares war on the FAF family
Cor and Kor appear somewhere in this month I think
Hug, Who?, Fire*F, AOS, BEYOND, and |i| are a few notable tribes in the top 10 at this time
The first official mod comes to the w20 forums; mccorn (lol)
Dream declares war on Asia52 and Asia53
Go Bunnies (~!~) owns K24
Hug disband
Tyrsis takes down his auto-updating maps :icon_sad:
Airsofter78 makes his auto-updating maps :icon_razz:
WildFire becomes Scorch
Dream declares on the Core of the Round family (Cor, Kor, and Holy)
ZZzz.. forms from the old Hug
Who? declares war on Go Bunnies
BANNED declares war on LOTUS
-OwNeD- owns ZZzz.. and turns it into HACKED
LETS appears during this month
McLovinn and Lord of Hades resign from leadership of Dream
Dream is disbanded by kebabe8 a few days later
Some former Dream members join Who? to form what we call “Who? South”
-OwNeD- quits TW
People wonder who Who? is.
THB and CORE war (wizzy called it the first major war of the world)
Tango Alpha puts up his updating maps
Hulk appears in the top 10
U Noob appears in this month
Elite and NM war
T.G.S resigns as duke of Who? and quits w20 :icon_sad:
Who? declares war on the CORE family
CARE forms from BANNED and KBK makes a great PnP post about it
Hulk takes rank #1
W20 forum awards thread is created
CARE merges with Hulk to form the most uber-l33t tribe
Who? declares war on L-Nz and L-NzII after we receive word that they’re planning to declare on us
Tacolord and I form Where?
U Noob declares war on CTU
We get Sora as a mod! :icon_razz:
Sora leaves for w25 :icon_sad:
We get Kanga as a mod :icon_eek:
Who? declares war on BEYOND family
NMA declares war on BEYOND family
Na3 is formed
U Noob disband
Fire*F wars with Scorch
Prime declares on Fire*F
NATO wars with Prime
Nickjer makes his auto-updating maps
NMA merges with Prime
Rage wars with NM
K.T merges with Who?
-PRD- merges with Who?
Prime kicks members to form Group 1 and Group 2 and has them fight eachother
[W] wars with ENlGMA
RAGE and NM war
RAGE disbands
Crimsoni hacks Hulk and renames the tribe "Hijack"
Hidden declares war on Dark*T
Hulk/Hijack changes their name to RunRox, "The Church of Runican" :lol:
Hulk wars Hidden
NM merges with Hulk/Hijack/RunRox
Hidden steals Hulk's tag
Hidden/Hulk changes their name to Rhino
Hulk/Hijack/RunRox changes name to Hunter "The Rhino Hunters" then finally settles on Kong. But for how long? :icon_surprised:
Dark*T merges with Kong
CLETUS and E=MC² skirmish then errupts into war
AOS reappears in the top 20 (....:icon_neutral
Kong declares war on GRINCH
Mario! merges with Gdzila (GRINCH)
Who? fights with TNT-C leading to their disbandment
En|gma declares on Gdzila
|NQ declares on Gdzila
FPC declares war on NWO-WP
BEYOND changes leaders
FUL, NORTH, and +DWD+ merge into FND in the Northwest
Who? declares war on Scorch
GRINCH/Gdzila falls apart and breaks up into other tribes
NATO declares war on Prime
BEYOND merges with CLETUS
s wipe is formed by Jammy :icon_wink:
Prime declares war on rZr
NATO dsbands
Tj and Jammy declare war on Kong, Cletus, and king ziggy the 2
AOS merges with ENlGMA and creates an academy (ENGMA2)
Kong declares war on the world except for Who?
Ougamer quits
AOS/ENIGMA and ENGMA2 declare a cease fire
CLETUS and E=MC2 declare a cease fire
Top members from CLETUS and E=MC2 form a new tribe called H-Bomb
Wizzydizzy quits leaving his co-player Lodda in charge of the account:icon_sad:
Kangaroom becomes a super mod (elder mod) and gains more power
and is replaced by Old Skool
ENlGMA and ENGMA2 fall apart
PH-S merges with Prime
-NE- declares war on the FATE family
Rickyson1 steps down as duke of Kong
Leaders of Kong form a new tribe of the highly active/skilled players of the old tribe called 8nsk8n
Left out Kong members form their own tribe LOL.
8nsk8n changes names back to Care
Spirit merge with ~TCR~
|NQ disband
Atomic and H-bomb declare on ~SOH~ and ~SOH~a
GOLD declares war on ~SOH~
KilTom and KilKet declare war on -NE- and -NEa-
Care declares on the old Kong
[W] and -KilTom war
We get Tropicalpenquin for a mod
H-BOMB declares war on Who?, Hulk, Prime, {SD}, {SD2}, and {SK}
TJ decleres on king ziggy the 2 & SBHogadia1
KA declares on TDPC
KilTom Family
and Prime declare war on Who?
Hulk declares war on KilTom Family and Prime
TNENTH! declare war on KilTom Family and Prime
Dwarveneree becomes the new mod
{SD} split and the Big Scary Monster Tribal Huggers appear
H-BOMB drop from 5th to 8th in rankings
TENTH! moves up to 5th in the rankings
{SD} disband
Runican quits :icon_cry:
TJ and ixy quit :icon_cry:
Airsofter quits :icon_cry: :icon_cry:
K A changes its name to SEL. and merges with Dam
{BK} declares on {SK}/S-3
colonellabbas returns
sbhogadia1 quits
Who? drop to rank 5 as members delete
Bash! declare on T.B.S
FPC merge with SEL
FATE disbands and joins Prime and KilTom family
Prime gains rank #1
GREEN merges with Hulk and renames to Kong taking rank #2
Kong takes back rank #1
Who? splits and merges with Kong and TENTH!
TENTH! changes their name to FEAR after Who? merges with them
Smoke merges into FLB
Who? disbands
GREEN changes their name to [ENRG]
Hefty and Cheese spam the forums and declares on KilTom family :lol:
SEL declares war on FLB
Caleta takes over the WizzyDizzy account
FLB merges into S.A.W bumping them up to rank #3 in the world
Kong falls apart and Bong972 quits
Prime take rank #1
FLB changes their name to FUSION
Prime and {BK} recruit players from Kong gaining the core
{BK} merges SEL into them ending the FUSION vs SEL war
Ixy returns (again!)
FUSION starts to fall apart and scatters to surrounding tribes
S.A.W reforms form FUSION leftovers
WizzyDizzy reaches 1k villages
FUSION falls out of the top 10
Pron gains the core Ks
Hefty takes over the wizzydizzy account
Ixy returns (again) and takes over Hefty's account
Maker73 is finally banned from the forums. The w20 community rejoices
#6 PRON declare war on #1 Prime
Ixy quits again
PRON is disbanded by Hefty
FEAR??! start attacking Loonman of Prime
Air comes back and joins Prime
{BK} change their name to BSM (Big Scary Monsters)
BSM declare on the SSS
Prime (rather informally) declares war on KilFam
KilFam declares war on Prime
Prime recruits some KilFam members before the fighting begins
Sparta merges in SUN
Hefty gets swine flu and drops to rank #2
Obatca takes rank #1
Dorin Baba gets blocked after making a pointless thread blaming mods for taking sides against him. W20 rejoices :lol:
Maker takes another extended vacation from the forums :lol: (Best day ever)
Nonsou co-plays with Hefty on the wizzydizzy account
jack's caddy shack, and obatca, and floadi are dismissed/leave Prime
CaptMatt takes rank 1
Obatca deletes
BSM breaks alliance with Prime and declares on them
Twin peaks and shadow-runner leave/are kicked from Prime
Berryham Wallace goes barb/deletes :icon_cry:
AOS merges into FEAR?!
KilTom merges into FEAR?!
FEAR?! takes rank #2
Air retires
KONO is formed from ex-KilTom players that didn't join FEAR?!
KONO declares war on Smile!
War! is formed from a couple FEAR?! players unhappy with FEAR?! leadership
FEAR?! break up and most join S.A.W. or KONO
BSM/NOT! break up and join Prime or Sparta
Prime declare on Sparta
First family tribe of notoriety: REV family
BANNED formed then get disbanded a week or so later but then reform
Dream is around towards the end of the month and take rank #2
The tribe Panda pops up
Hug is first mentioned
50 commandments of the w20 forums are made
The first noble appears in w20
Hug declares war on REV and their alliance
Dream declares war on the FAF family
Cor and Kor appear somewhere in this month I think
Hug, Who?, Fire*F, AOS, BEYOND, and |i| are a few notable tribes in the top 10 at this time
The first official mod comes to the w20 forums; mccorn (lol)
Dream declares war on Asia52 and Asia53
Go Bunnies (~!~) owns K24
Hug disband
Tyrsis takes down his auto-updating maps :icon_sad:
Airsofter78 makes his auto-updating maps :icon_razz:
WildFire becomes Scorch
Dream declares on the Core of the Round family (Cor, Kor, and Holy)
ZZzz.. forms from the old Hug
Who? declares war on Go Bunnies
BANNED declares war on LOTUS
-OwNeD- owns ZZzz.. and turns it into HACKED
LETS appears during this month
McLovinn and Lord of Hades resign from leadership of Dream
Dream is disbanded by kebabe8 a few days later
Some former Dream members join Who? to form what we call “Who? South”
-OwNeD- quits TW
People wonder who Who? is.
THB and CORE war (wizzy called it the first major war of the world)
Tango Alpha puts up his updating maps
Hulk appears in the top 10
U Noob appears in this month
Elite and NM war
T.G.S resigns as duke of Who? and quits w20 :icon_sad:
Who? declares war on the CORE family
CARE forms from BANNED and KBK makes a great PnP post about it
Hulk takes rank #1
W20 forum awards thread is created
CARE merges with Hulk to form the most uber-l33t tribe
Who? declares war on L-Nz and L-NzII after we receive word that they’re planning to declare on us
Tacolord and I form Where?
U Noob declares war on CTU
We get Sora as a mod! :icon_razz:
Sora leaves for w25 :icon_sad:
We get Kanga as a mod :icon_eek:
Who? declares war on BEYOND family
NMA declares war on BEYOND family
Na3 is formed
U Noob disband
Fire*F wars with Scorch
Prime declares on Fire*F
NATO wars with Prime
Nickjer makes his auto-updating maps
NMA merges with Prime
Rage wars with NM
K.T merges with Who?
-PRD- merges with Who?
Prime kicks members to form Group 1 and Group 2 and has them fight eachother
[W] wars with ENlGMA
RAGE and NM war
RAGE disbands
Crimsoni hacks Hulk and renames the tribe "Hijack"
Hidden declares war on Dark*T
Hulk/Hijack changes their name to RunRox, "The Church of Runican" :lol:
Hulk wars Hidden
NM merges with Hulk/Hijack/RunRox
Hidden steals Hulk's tag
Hidden/Hulk changes their name to Rhino
Hulk/Hijack/RunRox changes name to Hunter "The Rhino Hunters" then finally settles on Kong. But for how long? :icon_surprised:
Dark*T merges with Kong
CLETUS and E=MC² skirmish then errupts into war
AOS reappears in the top 20 (....:icon_neutral
Kong declares war on GRINCH
Mario! merges with Gdzila (GRINCH)
Who? fights with TNT-C leading to their disbandment
En|gma declares on Gdzila
|NQ declares on Gdzila
FPC declares war on NWO-WP
BEYOND changes leaders
FUL, NORTH, and +DWD+ merge into FND in the Northwest
Who? declares war on Scorch
GRINCH/Gdzila falls apart and breaks up into other tribes
NATO declares war on Prime
BEYOND merges with CLETUS
s wipe is formed by Jammy :icon_wink:
Prime declares war on rZr
NATO dsbands
Tj and Jammy declare war on Kong, Cletus, and king ziggy the 2
AOS merges with ENlGMA and creates an academy (ENGMA2)
Kong declares war on the world except for Who?
Ougamer quits
AOS/ENIGMA and ENGMA2 declare a cease fire
CLETUS and E=MC2 declare a cease fire
Top members from CLETUS and E=MC2 form a new tribe called H-Bomb
Wizzydizzy quits leaving his co-player Lodda in charge of the account:icon_sad:
Kangaroom becomes a super mod (elder mod) and gains more power
ENlGMA and ENGMA2 fall apart
PH-S merges with Prime
-NE- declares war on the FATE family
Rickyson1 steps down as duke of Kong
Leaders of Kong form a new tribe of the highly active/skilled players of the old tribe called 8nsk8n
Left out Kong members form their own tribe LOL.
8nsk8n changes names back to Care
Spirit merge with ~TCR~
|NQ disband
Atomic and H-bomb declare on ~SOH~ and ~SOH~a
GOLD declares war on ~SOH~
KilTom and KilKet declare war on -NE- and -NEa-
Care declares on the old Kong
[W] and -KilTom war
We get Tropicalpenquin for a mod
H-BOMB declares war on Who?, Hulk, Prime, {SD}, {SD2}, and {SK}
TJ decleres on king ziggy the 2 & SBHogadia1
KA declares on TDPC
KilTom Family
Hulk declares war on KilTom Family and Prime
TNENTH! declare war on KilTom Family and Prime
Dwarveneree becomes the new mod
{SD} split and the Big Scary Monster Tribal Huggers appear
H-BOMB drop from 5th to 8th in rankings
TENTH! moves up to 5th in the rankings
{SD} disband
Runican quits :icon_cry:
TJ and ixy quit :icon_cry:
Airsofter quits :icon_cry: :icon_cry:
K A changes its name to SEL. and merges with Dam
{BK} declares on {SK}/S-3
colonellabbas returns
sbhogadia1 quits
Who? drop to rank 5 as members delete
Bash! declare on T.B.S
FPC merge with SEL
FATE disbands and joins Prime and KilTom family
Prime gains rank #1
GREEN merges with Hulk and renames to Kong taking rank #2
Kong takes back rank #1
Who? splits and merges with Kong and TENTH!
TENTH! changes their name to FEAR after Who? merges with them
Smoke merges into FLB
Who? disbands
GREEN changes their name to [ENRG]
Hefty and Cheese spam the forums and declares on KilTom family :lol:
SEL declares war on FLB
Caleta takes over the WizzyDizzy account
FLB merges into S.A.W bumping them up to rank #3 in the world
Kong falls apart and Bong972 quits
Prime take rank #1
FLB changes their name to FUSION
Prime and {BK} recruit players from Kong gaining the core
{BK} merges SEL into them ending the FUSION vs SEL war
Ixy returns (again!)
FUSION starts to fall apart and scatters to surrounding tribes
S.A.W reforms form FUSION leftovers
WizzyDizzy reaches 1k villages
FUSION falls out of the top 10
Pron gains the core Ks
Hefty takes over the wizzydizzy account
Ixy returns (again) and takes over Hefty's account
Maker73 is finally banned from the forums. The w20 community rejoices
#6 PRON declare war on #1 Prime
Ixy quits again
PRON is disbanded by Hefty
FEAR??! start attacking Loonman of Prime
Air comes back and joins Prime
{BK} change their name to BSM (Big Scary Monsters)
BSM declare on the SSS
Prime (rather informally) declares war on KilFam
KilFam declares war on Prime
Prime recruits some KilFam members before the fighting begins
Sparta merges in SUN
Hefty gets swine flu and drops to rank #2
Obatca takes rank #1
Dorin Baba gets blocked after making a pointless thread blaming mods for taking sides against him. W20 rejoices :lol:
Maker takes another extended vacation from the forums :lol: (Best day ever)
Nonsou co-plays with Hefty on the wizzydizzy account
jack's caddy shack, and obatca, and floadi are dismissed/leave Prime
CaptMatt takes rank 1
Obatca deletes
BSM breaks alliance with Prime and declares on them
Twin peaks and shadow-runner leave/are kicked from Prime
Berryham Wallace goes barb/deletes :icon_cry:
AOS merges into FEAR?!
KilTom merges into FEAR?!
FEAR?! takes rank #2
Air retires
KONO is formed from ex-KilTom players that didn't join FEAR?!
KONO declares war on Smile!
War! is formed from a couple FEAR?! players unhappy with FEAR?! leadership
FEAR?! break up and most join S.A.W. or KONO
BSM/NOT! break up and join Prime or Sparta
Prime declare on Sparta
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