World 21 - Player Maps (aka. picture book)


Not bad it gets easier the more you do.

I like to keep all layers apart until the very end. You can use the eye feature in the window to hide layers just to see what effect each has on the map.

thanks for the advice, i might do another one soon and f mess around with the settings

6-10 map

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Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Nice colour. Love the font.

I tend to put a name to the map with the date then put my own name in a corner somewhere.

Have a play around with the grow feature to get different effects.

I tend to resize them 750X750 fit on the page a bit better.
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tiem for a new map :3

Rank 1 to 5

congratz to ~VOID~ making it to the top ten

rank 6 to 10


note: this is the first map ive ever made with photoshop, i dont apologize if it looks bad


Did you use "Color Range" to select the tribes before growing/adding effects to them? or did you use another method?


thats the exact method i used lol..I am a photoshop newb afterall :p

You may want to work on your setting with that a bit then. I noticed on your second map you didn't get all of VOID selected using color range and as a result you had some VOID villages that didn't get your effects added to them. The method that I like to use when selecting the tribes is to use the magic wand tool to select a village of a tribe (it's usually easier to zoom in and select a cluster). Then go to Select > Similar (I believe that's where it's located anyways). I can't remember if it has any setting with it or not, but I usually go with the lowest settings so that it only selects that tribe and not any other with a similar color.


Started this a couple of days ago, didn't finished.. just now got around to finishing so I'm not sure if the rankings, etc are still the same as when I made this map. I know breindamegd is no longer in Dr. NO, but I think he still was for this map and I'm sure there's probably a few other situations like that.. but enough about that. I'm not too impressed with this map (I think I'm getting worse lol).. but I made it animated where it first shows just the tribes for 5 seconds and then it shows the tribes with their names.. I also added a little background to this map (well, you can barely see it) I usually only do that with early world maps, but thought I would try it here as well.. I guess it makes a little bit of difference, but not much.


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Love the map pitch :) the bright colours really help distinguish the tribes and love the fact that you get an oppurtunity to see behind the text, keep up the good work :)


Love the map as well pitch!! I always did like purple, but now I ;)


gret map and i love the idea, but it must be said w21 doesnt have a literal top 10 anymore...
a top6, a chance of a top7, but no way a top10 =p