world 32's best warrior


what acc actually has ravn on?

... nice try of taking away from me that 'GOD status' :icon_biggrin: !

[spoil]Well, seriously now :) : If Raven wants, then will tell.[/spoil]
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what acc actually has ravn on?

Uhm...The account they're on? Your a bad guy. Why should we tell you?
Besides. This thread isnt about what account certain players are on. Its to acknowledge the accomplishments of players, past and present. What account a player is on has nothing to do with this topic.



Who cares about being ontopic...this forum needs life!!!!



Erm.... my top ones havent really changed in the past 7 months :D
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Uhm...The account they're on? Your a bad guy. Why should we tell you?

Cuz im coot and cuddwy :3

Besides. This thread isnt about what account certain players are on. Its to acknowledge the accomplishments of players, past and present. What account a player is on has nothing to do with this topic.

it does, kinda :p i would rate ravn highly, but how can i rate him if i dont know which account he is playing :p


maybe ayk could bless us with his wonderful stats. i should think that we're pretty much equal if you just count THX vs Time. who knows


What stats did you want? Not sure how THx and Time are equals, it kind of confused hte request for me


Oh I'm sure I can do something like that.
The only thing is that Time has 4 or 5 different targets and many of us aren't even hitting THx.

Side 1:
Tribes: Time
Side 2:
Tribes: THX

Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 74
Side 2: 170
Difference: 96

You guys are eating a virtually inactive braatz account, while we are focused on removing our other wars, so we can all get back to focusing on you guys :p~
It is nice though that you and C.B.B are consolidating all our targets into one of two tribes :p~


Oh I'm sure I can do something like that.
The only thing is that Time has 4 or 5 different targets and many of us aren't even hitting THx.

Side 1:
Tribes: Time
Side 2:
Tribes: THX

Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 74
Side 2: 170
Difference: 96

You guys are eating a virtually inactive braatz account, while we are focused on removing our other wars, so we can all get back to focusing on you guys :p~
It is nice though that you and C.B.B are consolidating all our targets into one of two tribes :p~

you cant say he was inactive when we first started hitting him tho. just pointing that out to the audience :)


Absolutely he wasn't, and prior to his real life taking him away, he was handing it to you guys:

[spoil]Side 1:
Players: braatz7
Side 2:
Tribes: THX

Timeframe: 26/03/2011 00:00:00 to 13/05/2011 14:34:08
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 92
Side 2: 24
Difference: 68[/spoil]

And not to take anything away from you guys, because you guys are making good progress there, but had he not needed the time off to straighten some things out in real life, he would have continued to fight off your attacks, and make progress, while being deep in your territory. deeper in your territory than most of our members.

But all in due time, no worries :p~
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i wouldnt say he was handing it to us AYK... id say we werent really trying back that hard.

Further, I dont doubt that his RL took away from his tw time either, but to many outsiders, it will look suspiscious that THX dumped a few thousand attacks on him and then he suddenly had rl to sort out. It does happen, i understand, but you have to expect some slander.

As it stands, over the last 2 weeks, THX are up on conquers against Time, 328-196, even if they are mostly against a barely active player.


By that logic, you guys shouldn't really be given any credit then for being ahead the last two weeks, as we haven't really been trying.... :icon_eek:

Braatz took over half his THx villages off of Mevlutc61, a very active account, who is well defended, has been fighting back the entire time.
To suggest he wasn't doing well or was only doing well because you guys just didn't care, is just poor sportsmanship in my eyes.

You guys have done well the last 2 weeks, unfortunately to try to focus the highlight around just Time/Thx is slightly unwarranted considering we started this war by declaring on the tribes rank 2-5, and the only one left at this point is THx. It's going to take time for us to turn our focus on you guys, as we have scraps and runners to clean up, but I can assure you, by taking on players to make a bigger frontline with us, you'll see the results soon enough.


Yup Ravn, and it seems im giving more and more time to this game as the days go on, once again ><


Cuz im coot and cuddwy :3

it does, kinda :p i would rate ravn highly, but how can i rate him if i dont know which account he is playing :p

A: Your not that cute and cuddly. You were in [H] after all.
B: Not really. You can rate him from what you know of him when he played the ravnscream account, where obviously he made a reputation for himself. What account they play now has no relevance to his skill or capabilities now does it :)



vernan18 ... simply the best !!

I'v known this guy a long time in the game and he just never stops attacking even when under very heavy fire..
His stats speak for themselves..he is running away with the ODA.
Pleasure having played in the same tribe for so long with you mate.
Keep up the great work !