I'm still lurking on a few worlds. Maybe even w70 still, who knows.
93 views of this thread means there are other w39ers lurking still also.
Its more likely some haters that follow me around wherever I g XD LOL
I created a bit of a rep for myself on w72 by calling #1 tribe out on bullshit because they were allied with 2-3 and were family with 5...ever since they've been drowning the externals with mass propaganda trying to make me look bad...i replied by infiltrating their tribe 3x in a row and posting all of their forums and claims on externals for everyone to see...which didn't really help the rep
...now things have changed some...now its #1 #2 #5 + Majority of the rest of the world (acting as bashers) vs #3,4 and 6...some 200mill vs 120...
Its just been a massive hug fest right from the start (at start it was #1,2,3,4 vs everyone else)...
If any of you fancy a good battle let me know and i'd be more than happy to have you on some of our accounts...This game seems to have taken a turn in the direction which I truly do not fancy...the old days of rivalries which laster forever and until 1 tribe dies and all players are eliminated seems to be long gone...now, people are willing to betray one another for a small price and tribes generally don't get nobled out but mass recruited into the winner and overtime internalled...Thus I preffer to go back to old worlds and get in touch with people...even old enemies are more likely to show loyalty than new players you just meet because the newer generation in this game doesn't know the value of friendship and honor