My Lord and players of World 50,
I write out to you today with a specific purpose in mind.
When I returned back from my journey to distant worlds, to spread the word of my Lords hear, it struck me how quiet and desolate the forums seemed, almost so much so as World 50 itself.
It seems that as the speed and activity of the world itself slows down, so to does the activity on the forums. I believe that it does not have to be this way, and therefore in an effort to rectify this gradual decline, to provide my Lords with some humble entertainment and maybe provoke some thoughts and discussion, I present to you:
The World 50 Player Interviews
In this forum, and over the coming days and hopefully weeks, I plan to get in contact with some of my Lords, and even players outside W50, to discover a little about them, what motivates them, and how they feel about the world.
For this purpose, this afternoon I decided to depose of my previous means of communication (usually a horse-backed messenger) and invest in a Skype account (partly due to a comment yesterday from one of my Lords, about installing new technology.
My Skype identification is prophet.mahrek
Please add me on this as soon as convenient, for at the moment I have no means of contacting any of you, and unless this is changed, these interviews will go no-where. To begin with, I am not particularly concerned about who applied, even if you are a little worse point-wise than others (Mr Tickle
). I will also accept past players. In a way, the more obscure the better, for they will also doubtlessly be more interesting.
Thank You for your time, I hope that you help me in this.
Mahrek - W50's Prophet
I write out to you today with a specific purpose in mind.
When I returned back from my journey to distant worlds, to spread the word of my Lords hear, it struck me how quiet and desolate the forums seemed, almost so much so as World 50 itself.
It seems that as the speed and activity of the world itself slows down, so to does the activity on the forums. I believe that it does not have to be this way, and therefore in an effort to rectify this gradual decline, to provide my Lords with some humble entertainment and maybe provoke some thoughts and discussion, I present to you:
The World 50 Player Interviews
In this forum, and over the coming days and hopefully weeks, I plan to get in contact with some of my Lords, and even players outside W50, to discover a little about them, what motivates them, and how they feel about the world.
For this purpose, this afternoon I decided to depose of my previous means of communication (usually a horse-backed messenger) and invest in a Skype account (partly due to a comment yesterday from one of my Lords, about installing new technology.
My Skype identification is prophet.mahrek
Please add me on this as soon as convenient, for at the moment I have no means of contacting any of you, and unless this is changed, these interviews will go no-where. To begin with, I am not particularly concerned about who applied, even if you are a little worse point-wise than others (Mr Tickle
Thank You for your time, I hope that you help me in this.
Mahrek - W50's Prophet