answer the point I made when I fixed your post.
the exact reason why they were released?
One player on this world seems to claim to war solo over those accounts wile they were in fact entirely inactive, you nor WaTz PopPiN? can hardly say that those accounts fought back or even participating in the war at hand.
For the support they aren't really meaningful or that important like PopPin? tries to point out, "looking at the position they are at" the only account that could of given some trouble to that location is mengawasi for now, but at this point menga is almost entirely if not totally decommissioned on troops to do anything threatening in that area.
you should know as you were sniping those trains from maggot and at least tried to fight back, the way i look to it those captures were not given freely to us but looking at the stats we seem to hang in there, comparing at the size of FOOLS its actually pretty clear we will give them a hard time to gain good ground.
I am not sure how you or anyone else looks upon the stats but I don't think this is in FOOLS favor so far :icon_neutral: only 7 nobles differences? lets put in all allies :icon_eek: it should of been more if you ask me ;-) Especially when they have been claiming to have recruited all the best players on this forgotten world
Side 1:
Tribes: SoLo, Duo, ZOMBY
Side 2:
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers:
Side 1: 606
Side 2: 629
Difference: 23
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 58
Side 2: 48
Difference: 10
Points value of total conquers:
Side 1: 4,656,861
Side 2: 5,551,373
Difference: 894,512
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 531,528
Side 2: 435,100
Difference: 96,428
this doesn't mean that I claim we will win this world or even turn the tides around easy but at least I am not ashamed to be in Solo or even siding Zomby in this war ;-)