Hmmm i sniped a members trains for him i guess that means i can internal him all i want. Still waiting on your excuses for Mezonies , and mileina lol just admit it dude your using your tribe. Your a trash leader who just recruits everybody and anybody. Just stop pretending that your good and you care about your tribe that all im asking for you.We(screw) all know how useless of a leader you are and we(screw) are quite tired of your selfish shit. How about this make someone else duke for the day and see how many people call you on your bullshit becasue they are no longer afraid of your ability to kick and internalKrieger - I sniped 60 trains incoming to that account
Seriously bro thats your excuse? Oh since the enemy isnt nobling enough of screw screws leader can just internal his members as he sees fit? Does no one else not see the failure of logic in this. I mean voodoo and hektik obviously doesn't.Maybe that's because noobs isn't nobling enough of his members?
Kirk tried that, doesn't work to well, I just grow when I get to see the whole world as Brown dots and everyone is a target <3
Also I'd love to know who is getting internaled before even quitting? Do you even know the stories or are you trying to just stir shit, but your not as good as us at it?
Why not pull up Solo's total nobles against enemies and non-internals, they highly overnumber what you have shown here.
But hey, your here posting of an account that hides your Ingame name, great game..
Trust me bro i know everything thats going on in screw. And yeah im hiding my account actual name cause ive spent money and time on this world and im not gonna let solos selfish ass take that away from me simply because he is greedy for that number one spot.
Also having a hard time understanding what your saying with your head so far up solos ass.
Im surprised that your voice doesnt come out of solos mouth when you talk you have alot of loyalty for a terrible leader after jumping ships to the number one tribe.
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