Tisk Tisk... We have a player among us that seems to like to talk down on everyone else, and make himself feel as if he is the most upstanding member of this world. We all know which player I may be speaking of... but I will just use "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of".
Now, I won't get into too many details, afterall... why should we, when the enemy does not either? only fair right? because this is an upstanding player ("he-who-we-should-not-speak-of").... he does not cheat... he does not manipulate... he does not lie... always truthful... always the righteous leader...
I assume that others lie and so maybe you can see how this might have nothing to do with "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of"... but he does lead our enemy tribe.
Anyways... lets have have a look at recent happenings, and allow the rest of the world to decipher what may be occuring on the east side....
Recently, a member of Skill? had decided to "retire" from W46. He had friends on both sides of the fence, in Skill? and in ANARKY. When he decided to quit, he decided to leave the tribe, and allow one of his closest "friends" to sit his account while the villages were nobled by parties from both sides.
So, yes, Mr. Dub essentially gave his account to a friend, not currently affiliated with either tribe at war. And every village was to be taken by sigma as well. Since taking the sit of the acct, sigma decided to "divvy" up the acct between Skill? and ANARKY, in order to keep the borders essentially the same.
I bet "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" is not happy...
He told Skill? that they would start by taking the K45 and K55 villas "as quick as possible"... so members started requesting clearings...
Why, for someone that wants these villages to be taken as quickly as possible, would he only clear 2 at a time, and also 2 days later say those troops are "being used"? being used for what?
Separate of that, we have a couple villages that "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" decided to hold on to in K44, Z-silhouetto (487|498) K44 and Z-greattrentster (490|497) K44, which he has had for quite a while. Recently members of Skill? decided to begin to remove these red dots from the area, knowing they would have stacks. but some interesting information followed. The first village had quite a few nukes hit, all with no troops returning. "OK" we thought, "maybe he's had them stacked for a while"... then the reports for the second village started to appear...
Suspicions were correct. "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" had a good stack in the villages...
but wait... what's this?
[spoil]more support incoming?
The Skill? members starting to wonder. "where did he get such quick support?" Then a report came in... from a nearby Kontinent. What is this?
I'll say it again... what a sly dog...
Just trying to let people know another viewpoint of "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" :icon_redface:
I respect a tribemate's trust in a friend, and the allowance of that friend to take the acct... but for that friend to turn around and do the very things his all-honorable leader would claim to despise doing... makes you wonder.
(and yes, I know that sigma is not in anarky, and has not been in anarky for a short time... but this action tells me exactly where sigma's "loyalties" lie)
Now, I won't get into too many details, afterall... why should we, when the enemy does not either? only fair right? because this is an upstanding player ("he-who-we-should-not-speak-of").... he does not cheat... he does not manipulate... he does not lie... always truthful... always the righteous leader...
I assume that others lie and so maybe you can see how this might have nothing to do with "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of"... but he does lead our enemy tribe.
Anyways... lets have have a look at recent happenings, and allow the rest of the world to decipher what may be occuring on the east side....
Recently, a member of Skill? had decided to "retire" from W46. He had friends on both sides of the fence, in Skill? and in ANARKY. When he decided to quit, he decided to leave the tribe, and allow one of his closest "friends" to sit his account while the villages were nobled by parties from both sides.
Sorry to say my friends but the time has come to say goodbye to this world. RL has caught up with me and I just can't put enough time into this world to grow, and this is not fair to the tribe.
I promised my friend 13bsigma a long time ago that if I ever did leave W46 I would gift him my villas so I will be leaving tribe and sending sit to him. I will tell him to leave all support I have in tribemates villas there, and anyone supporting me feel free to pull your support. He has been fighting alot with Clara and Firey so don't be suprised if in the future he will be fighting with you.
I will be on W54 playing a little so hit me up there or on Skype if you would like to.
With that said, I say goodbye, farewell, and best of fun beating ANARKY to the rim and off the edge of the Earth (do it for the ol' Dubster).
Thank you everyone it has been an honor and a privilege to fight along side you, and will miss you all a bunch.
Kind Regards,
Dub Sack
So, yes, Mr. Dub essentially gave his account to a friend, not currently affiliated with either tribe at war. And every village was to be taken by sigma as well. Since taking the sit of the acct, sigma decided to "divvy" up the acct between Skill? and ANARKY, in order to keep the borders essentially the same.
13bsigma on 18.02. at 17:52
He and I
Want to make it fair for all
I wont attack Skill with his villages ( Pete did hint at it lol ), Dub is a respected player and I wont do anything to change that))
Its mostly the K46 villages
Dub and I have been friends for a long time, and he didnt want me to suddenly have a new neighbour !!!!
13bsigma on 18.02. at 20:30
Pete and I fight all the time.. He does not like the way i play LOL LOL
2 day's ago, we said our goodbys, and were ready to send nukes at each other))
chachiINcharge on 18.02. at 20:38
and today? lol
13bsigma on 18.02. at 21:02
Today we are talking...but he is not happy i have Dubs account
I bet "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" is not happy...
He told Skill? that they would start by taking the K45 and K55 villas "as quick as possible"... so members started requesting clearings...
martinl on 19.02. at 03:56
###|### can you clear that and all the surrounded villages
Dubtize on 19.02. at 10:34
This is clear..
I will clear 2 at a time for you, Others are also taking villages
martinl on 19.02. at 19:10
cant you clear them all there i have them claimed so no worrys about others nobling them
Dubtize on 21.02. at 13:05
Why are you attacking ###|###, I have not said you could, The troops in that village are being used
I am not happy
martinl on 21.02. at 14:52
you taking ages to clear them
Why, for someone that wants these villages to be taken as quickly as possible, would he only clear 2 at a time, and also 2 days later say those troops are "being used"? being used for what?
Separate of that, we have a couple villages that "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" decided to hold on to in K44, Z-silhouetto (487|498) K44 and Z-greattrentster (490|497) K44, which he has had for quite a while. Recently members of Skill? decided to begin to remove these red dots from the area, knowing they would have stacks. but some interesting information followed. The first village had quite a few nukes hit, all with no troops returning. "OK" we thought, "maybe he's had them stacked for a while"... then the reports for the second village started to appear...

Suspicions were correct. "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" had a good stack in the villages...
but wait... what's this?
[spoil]more support incoming?

The Skill? members starting to wonder. "where did he get such quick support?" Then a report came in... from a nearby Kontinent. What is this?

I'll say it again... what a sly dog...
[2/16/2011 9:21:32 PM] Peter-firey: youre a manipulator of the truth
[2/16/2011 9:21:43 PM] Peter-firey: as subtle as it is
[2/16/2011 9:21:49 PM] Peter-firey: its just hidden from most
[2/16/2011 9:21:54 PM] chachiINcharge (copenhag3n): if you say so masta ((bow))
[2/16/2011 9:21:59 PM] Peter-firey: credit to you for being mostly invisible
[2/16/2011 9:22:20 PM] Peter-firey: you can fool most most of the time
[2/16/2011 9:22:24 PM] Peter-firey: but not all
[2/16/2011 9:22:29 PM] Peter-firey: not all of the time
[2/16/2011 9:22:33 PM] Peter-firey: you aint fooled me
[2/16/2011 9:23:44 PM] chachiINcharge (copenhag3n): if you hate me so much, why do you continue to talk to me?
[2/16/2011 9:23:59 PM] Peter-firey: i wouldnt in private
[2/16/2011 9:24:08 PM] Peter-firey: may as well let people know another viewpoint of chachi
[2/16/2011 9:24:19 PM] Peter-firey: so they can reflect on it
[2/16/2011 9:24:22 PM] Peter-firey: the smooth operator
[2/16/2011 9:24:24 PM] chachiINcharge (copenhag3n): lol
[2/16/2011 9:24:26 PM] Peter-firey: that you are
[2/16/2011 9:24:32 PM] chachiINcharge (copenhag3n): and you call me a manipulator
Just trying to let people know another viewpoint of "he-who-we-should-not-speak-of" :icon_redface:
I respect a tribemate's trust in a friend, and the allowance of that friend to take the acct... but for that friend to turn around and do the very things his all-honorable leader would claim to despise doing... makes you wonder.
Dub is a respected player and I wont do anything to change that
(and yes, I know that sigma is not in anarky, and has not been in anarky for a short time... but this action tells me exactly where sigma's "loyalties" lie)
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