ZIP loves change


and hey! give slowhand a ZIP account. must see how the legendary six pack plays on a different era of world 11.
It would be Cool to be The King again.

Bless you for not being offended, it wouldn't be wise of me to offend someone who is pretty, creative and intelligent. This is someone whom I would nurture a relationship with.

It pays to note that MCD was locked into fronts in their east with us (Attero) and their west, Carlini and (TD) they had eaten (FKR) as they and Attero closed in on each other.
Both fronts were much tougher than I (personal opinion) think Uldor expected, and from what I saw, was that for the first time MCD was stalled in a war.
This was an opening that =M= seemed to have been waiting for and they hit hard with strong results. Again MCD had to engage in another front.
Now Rasp had the opertunity to take the top spot, they too attacked hard with strong results, it was only a matter of time to wear MCD down.

So did Attero / TD win over MCD.... yes
would they have without the invovlment of =M= and then RASP... can never tell, neither front was moving much it was a battle of wills and time. MCD bad the numbers in vills Attero had the numbers in players and accts. To off handedly say MCD would have rolled thru us is possible, but in fact was not happening even before the added pressure from =M= and then RASP. Cant say how the TD front would have went as I dont know how many players were fighting there, but it too was not moving much before the added attacks.

This war is interesting to watch as to me it pits the leadership of the 2 tribes that had the will to stand against the odds and not have players quit or change sides just to survive. Carlini and what is now Zip vrs Trauber and Attero.

Again just opinion, but they come from different evolutions, Zip seems to me to have evolved from mergers of large tribes and their respective remaining players, an advantage of players is always nice to defer playing time needed in a large war.

Attero evolved from 3 mid level tribes, and has remained pretty much the same for years, growing by expansion and cherry picked players from past wars prehaps making a more solid core, I can say when I was there, the willingness to support and sacrafice for each other was great (note the holding of the MCD front)

I like Atteros chances for this reason, they have been at war for years vrs which ever tribe was #1 at the time with almost no break. I have not seen their lines ever seriously pushed back.

Jotad has been a core strong tribe from its inception and have shown how well they can play. The 2 have a good history together.
I know little of LoD but I can see they do have tons of map in their hands. sooner or later sheer numbers could stall thier Zip front and once stopped in force (if done) I dont think it will ever be overrun again, but rather become an offensive zone.
Very interesting post. I think the tribe that wins the core, is a tribe that finds itself in a cage.

ZIP is considerably larger than ATTERO, 500KK to 400KK (?). That's a huge difference, 25% less of everything.

By all measures ATTERO has been a GREAT tribe. You should be proud! You've certainly gained the respect of all.


im my opinion the rasp factor tipped mcd over the edge not attero.


I absoultly agree with you, I said in the end Attero and TD won, but that was an end result... the factors in between were the cause of the result.


can we go back to the topic now?

stats, changes, pnp's?


can carlini and the zipper boys excite us again?
and attero is naturally quiet in forums. they are usually too drunk to make pnp's.


Probably mine... I hear second hand alcohol can affect people heavily.

nah... who might this be? ow! its carlini.
never did i visit your village so we never tasted your beer.

the culprit is yet to be determined.

seriously, can you try and spice up this world again sir Carlini?
we are a little unmotivated fighting RASP.... i mean ex-RASP now ZIP.
i miss ph. :'(


nah... who might this be? ow! its carlini.
never did i visit your village so we never tasted your beer.

It depends on what beer Carlini is serving. If we dont like that beer we wont visit his villages.:lol:


yeah. maybe. the northern zip beer tastes better (as i've heard from tavka - he is the original alcoholic)
western zip beers are a bit bland and even with 6 liters of drinking wont budge you.


It depends on what beer Carlini is serving. If we dont like that beer we wont visit his villages.:lol:

If they have the G beer, and the H-J beer, then it might be worth the visit..
But I doubt if they have it, since last time it checked Club Attero is the one and only with the rights to import those 2 beers into the world of tribalwars.


Carlini, you better hide your good beer.

You don't wanna know what happens when your beer tastes better than ours.
We have been sitting all day and not worry about ZIPs (or i would like to consider my enemies as ex-RASP) since we are contented with our beer. *hic! ooops


I have actually traveled quite a bit recently so I have many different types or beer from all over the world in my villages. Also many Ciders and Spirits so why not pop over and try them. WARNING: They are very strong and many cause you to die at my walls :D

Also something to motivate you a bit atra14. Using stats from: and the tribe rankings generated at about 12:10 S.T here is the change in points of ZIP + Legend vs Attero + LoD + Jotad + }D~A{.

Since Sept 1st (that is because this is the first blog after W.C. merged in):

ZIP + Legend:
Then - 812,733,418
Now - 840,056,029
Grwoth - 27,322,611

Attero + LoD + jotad + }D~A{:
Then: 860,047,091
Now: 743,759,818
Loss: 116,287,273

ZIP gains 143609884 on the rest of the world in this (nearly) 3 month period.

I would have much preferred to have done this in villages rather than point count but Klouwe's blog didn't have villages recorded.

This clearly shows that ZIP + Legend is handling the inactivity issue much better than the rest of the world. In September we were a good ~47M behind where as now we are roughly 56M ahead. I doubt this pattern will continue but if ZIP were to keep the same faster growth over the next three months we would be ~200M ahead come Feb 1st.


Wow! Salutations to Carlini.

But there's an ocean of red and blue between us. *sigh!

You may give me a cluster near you, will you?


sure. exchange of villages then. you give me a cluster near you and i'll give you a cluster near me. fair?


Some stats :D
First % from 25/08/10, new % from 24/11/10 (~ 3 months)

ZIP: 65.82 -> 70.61 Net change = + 4.79%
ATTERO: 18.29 -> 17.59 Net change = -0.7%

ZIP: 34.04 -> 24.98 Net change = -9.06%
Jotad: 40.36 -> 53.14 Net change = +12.78%

ZIP: 89.87 -> 94.68 Net change = +4.81%
}D~A{: 7.08% -> < 3.12 Net change = < -3.96%

ZIP: 59.22 -> 73.30 Net change = +14.08%
}D~A{: 33.45 -> 25.40 Net change = -8.05%

ZIP: 15.40 -> 32.99 Net change = +17.59%
Jotad: 77.78 -> 60.22 Net change = -17.56%

ZIP: 44.07 -> 44.13 Net change = -8.65%
Jotad: 50.81 -> 52.64 Net change = +1.83%

ZIP: 26.04 -> 17.39 Net change = -8.65%
ATTERO: 50.54 -> 67.64 Net change = +17.1%

ZIP: 87.88 -> 66.86 Net change = -21.02%
ATTERO: 10.96 -> 32.74 Net change = +21.78%

ZIP: 64.61 -> 72.51 Net change = +7.9%
ATTERO: 25.56 -> 24.28 Net change = -1.28%

ZIP: 93.03 -> 96.16 Net change = +3.13%
ATTERO: 5.06 -> 2.79 Net change = -2.27%

ZIP: 58.38 -> 70.20 Net change = +11.82%
ATTERO: <15.87 -> 27.22 Net change = > +11.35%

ZIP: 46.18 -> 45.35 Net change = -0.83%
ATTERO: <36.18 -> 53.40 Net change = > +17.22%

ZIP: 50.97 -> 91.36 Net change = +40.39%
LoD: 28.91 -> 4.72 Net change = -24.19%

ZIP: 76.19 -> 99.34 Net change = +23.15%
LoD: <15.32 -> 0 Net change = > -15.32%

ZIP: 96.67 -> 100 Net change = +3.33%
LoD: 3.33 -> 0 Net change = -3.33%

ZIP: 73.69 -> 90.92 Net change = +17.23%
ATTERO: <15.46 -> 7.27 Net change = > -8.19%

ZIP: <34.16 -> 46.38 Net change = > +12.22%
ATTERO: 40.52 -> 48.32 Net change = +7.8%

ZIP: <31.31 -> 57.00 Net change = > +25.69%
LoD: 48.62 -> 27.74 Net change = -20.88%

ZIP: 44.62 -> <20.15 Net change = < -24.47%
LoD: 35.27 -> 50.77 Net change = +15.5%

* Decided to attempt to keep ATTERO and LoD as two similar tribes, quite a lot of ATTEROs large increases are due to LoD merging.
* If I have missed anything out let me know ;)