Orly? Ohyeah!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser80599
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Coz he keeps on singing rolling in the deep. lol

Why does every tribe that MoM faces always comes with a excuse?

I guess it's because it sounded so sweet the troopers just fell asleep ^o^


can MoM put a gag order on Bigjay that he wont break 5 seconds later?

I state some facts, you jump to insults, i pity the fool...

since when did Oh Yeah! ask a tribe to attack Haul!, LMFAO!! this guy is so high on ego, you are a hypocrat you ask CODE to attack us and even made an alliance. But you failed.. Little did you know that we are fighting 3 fronts at that time #2, #3 and some tribe that is in top 10.

I hope you shrug your curse when you go to MoM. Speaking of curse, every tribe that you unintentionally or intentionally drag into war with us failed so hard that it is not funny anymore.. :icon_cry:

Stop lying....the fact is ohyeah, cant do it alone.....dont cry, its fine. i understand. No i will not join you. Stop sending recruitment letters.

In terms of getting code involved some strong words were exchanged other a few incidents and they decided to go the right way no the wrong.


I will wait until I see incoming W2V support onto my newly conquered villages before I believe a mere rumour

Seriously though, come on MoM, this is rubbish:


I can send that in less than 10 mins :D put a bitta effort into it and I might actually shut up on the forums and get to work ingame.

who said anything about faking?


It's a necessary requirement in the recruitment process.


I state some facts, you jump to insults, i pity the fool...

Stop lying....the fact is ohyeah, cant do it alone.....dont cry, its fine. i understand. No i will not join you. Stop sending recruitment letters.

In terms of getting code involved some strong words were exchanged other a few incidents and they decided to go the right way no the wrong.

cant do it alone ey??
well if you wanna go that way, Haul couldnt do it even with friends


Damn. Friends in both tribes :(

Try not to hurt eachother too much, mmkay?


Funniest thing I've heard all day.

W2V have their own thing to do.

ok i've seen alot of confusion about the following post of mine :

MoM only got the initial upper hand coz W2V supported them.
They've been stackg your front lines for days
why doesnt W2V jsut declare as well. we're fighting both of you anyway

there we go, got it out the way for you

people seem to think it was a serious accusation.

i would like to make it quite clear now
it was not an actual accusation.
Twas making light of this post:

Well since W2V are now way behind the MoM's war front let me see how long it will take for someone to start saying MoM is winning only cos W2V are supporting. :)

thought i'd get it out the false attack on MoM and W2V out the way so a random flamer doesnt get to it first.

this goes to show we are not all like xshaz (no direct offense intended, just example) who posts random stuff to incite their alliance.

Some of us do make light of the situation and not reply in a serious manner all the time (as can be seen from many other posters)

thank you for your time


For my first post on externals, Ill say this...

This war has all the makings to be the war to decide w56. 1 V 2.

On that note...
Everyone grab your twisty straws!


I know you put that song in just for me, I approve :icon_wink:.

Good luck to both sides, looking forward to an interesting war :).