TSL want Candy!!!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser34483
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It wasnt bad in Twist all of the time there were good times aswell, it was just towards the end it got bad. The world is far from over theres still good players there who will give you a run for your money. They may also acquire new players so dont think you have an easy ride ahead.


It may not be an "easy" ride, but it will be extremely more "easy" than it looked to be a few months ago. At this point it's inevitable that TSL win the world (it always has been in my mind, but now it is in everyone's), it's just a matter of how much PP twist! are willing to spend in order to prolong our inevitable win.


As i said about 5 pages back on this forum, the reason Twist! failed was because of weak leadership. After reading all the back and forth posts since then, I am only more certain of my original assessment. OMG, you talk about egos and "clicks" and inactives and sat accounts as all the reasons that Twist was brought down. These are all things that TSL at one time or another had to deal with too. The difference is over here, these things were dealt with quickly and decisively. It was absolute 0 tolerance for any of that B.S. If you didn't help out a tribe mate because of personal differences, you were kicked out and eaten up. If you pulled support from a border village because you didn't like a certain player, you were kicked and eaten. If tribe member near you was kicked and you were told to eat him, but you refused because they were a friend of your, then you were kicked and eaten. There was only 1 rule in TSL... work together as a tribe to defeat anyone who was not TSL. Simple as that. If you broke that one simple rule you were dealt with harshly. There was no debate, no second chances. If you broke that rule you were no longer considered a member of the tribe and you were eaten up.

And that is the difference between strong leadership and weak leadership. With strong leadership tribe members learn very quickly you either get on board and become part of the tribe, or you will be kicked and eaten.
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Yes your right ken, you know so much it must have been from when you were in the Twist tribe? oh no wait you werent in the tribe so what the hell would you know. Its like talking to a brickwall :icon_eek: no wonder I didnt use the forum previously.

As i said about 5 pages back on this forum, the reason Twist! failed was because of weak leadership. After reading all the back and forth posts since then, I am only more certain of my original assessment. OMG, you talk about egos and "clicks" and inactives and sat accounts as all the reasons that Twist was brought down.

If you read it properly you will see I saying despite all of the above mentioned problems Twist regained its ground, so you can put that down to GOOD leadership, nowhere in the conversation did I say it was because of these issues Twist failed.
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Yes your right ken, you know so much it must have been from when you were in the Twist tribe? oh no wait you werent in the tribe so what the hell would you know. Its like talking to a brickwall :icon_eek: no wonder I didnt use the forum previously.

Well your conversation with smintie on here gives everyone a fairly clear perspective on what happened in Twist, and what went wrong. Also twist members have been very clear and vocal on their issues with their tribe, which allows us in TSL to see whats going on fairly easily.

If you read it properly you will see I saying despite all of the above mentioned problems Twist regained its ground, so you can put that down to GOOD leadership, nowhere in the conversation did I say it was because of these issues Twist failed.

Twist never regained its ground. The only momentary success it experienced was territorial advancement in k's 64,74,84, and 94 due purely to inactive accounts. Props to them for taking advantage of our weakness at the time, but they never "regained" much throughout the war. Leadership was never in good shape in Twist, and this played a major role in its downfall. Of course this is not the only reason it fell (many poor players, poor decisions from the council and so on contributed greatly)


Yes your right ken, you know so much it must have been from when you were in the Twist tribe? oh no wait you werent in the tribe so what the hell would you know. Its like talking to a brickwall :icon_eek: no wonder I didnt use the forum previously.

If you read it properly you will see I saying despite all of the above mentioned problems Twist regained its ground, so you can put that down to GOOD leadership, nowhere in the conversation did I say it was because of these issues Twist failed.

You clearly don't understand what he is saying. You're saying that Twist! failed because of huge ego's in the tribe...Ken is saying it's the leadership's job to deal with the ego's appropriately. TSL leadership has never had a problem with cutting someone who was causing issues in the tribe (has happened very little, but still). The weak leadership of Twist! took shortcuts in this game that have helped them fail - merging with 500, placing noobs on good accounts because they didn't want to internal them, allowing huge ego's to remain in Twist! when it was obvious to everyone they were a problem (Now one of the biggest ego's is leading the tribe), etc.

All that stuff is placed on the leadership. No matter what you say, Twist!'s downfall can always be attributed to their weak leaders.


Blah blah Blah

Could reply to last 3 or 4 days posts especially about core but can't be bothered.
And toll saved more tribemates vill's with support/stacks and snipes than you will ever know or understand.
With my account and sits but hey i am just a troublemaker and bad ego.
Won't go into why my oda is so low when i was top 10 oda/odd for a very longtime before twist was formed,
Make your own assumtions you always do anyway.

Have fun
Itchy out


Sick having the same conversation so all I will say is if TSL think that Twist was full of poor players and bad leaders then it doesnt say much for TSLs gameplay because even as chachi pointed out not much got nobled in the time hes been gone :icon_eek:


Sick having the same conversation so all I will say is if TSL think that Twist was full of poor players and bad leaders then it doesnt say much for TSLs gameplay because even as chachi pointed out not much got nobled in the time hes been gone :icon_eek:

You had 500 (nearly 100% defense, 40m points) stacking your fronts for you....

The way the world was set-up (half and half with only one front-line), taking some villages is better than losing villages


Jan, I'm not a good person to comment (as I wasn't here all the time while Twist was here), but you weren't around for a long time in Twist either after helping out in a few northern sits, and I think you didn't hold any frontline core account for a "perma" amount of time. I think most players have been ignored or issues not sorted / not listened to. It become a chao when players take things into their own hands because leadership unable to solve issues.

Many conflicting views. Does leadership expect players to "look after themselves" or leadership "look after them"... in fact, what's the role of each...?

When there is an issue, do we inform leadership and get told off for "complaining/whining", or do we "solve" the issue ourselves in our own hands and then get told off for breaking rules/miscommunication/doing nothing/making things worse? (or better, even accused by council members of doing things they do not like...??!) Till today I still don't know, its a confuse.

As players all of us do our best for tribe and want things to work out. But if there's always chaos then how do you do a proper war? I've seen how many times Itchy is sorting his frontline k45 with random 500/Twist members popping up / nobling barbs any-o-how in his frontline. (some of these players are pretty inexperienced, most don't know what they are doing or even where they are nobling. but yet he lose no patience, he talks to them, gets them up to speed, teaches them, looks at nobling/stacking them and basically just making sure front is secure with as little weak links as possible)

I've been annoyed at 500 for a long time, the only leader in Twist who listened to their people, and suggested and gave me opportunity to plan an OP against 500 was Pete(firey), the rest just wanted diplo. But of course we couldn't do an OP against 500 in the end.

(...and Dmoron, you are partly right, but with 500/Twist diplo, to me, it was always the "perceived opportunity" of getting D from a 40m point tribe. Fact is probably less than 10 players sent support constantly, rest were just hogging, ignoring mail, or simply don't know what is going on. But we still continued with a diplo. They provided good chats and amused many Twist members and made them happy though.... at one point venge was set to coplay a big Twist player - you tell me how headbang that is when we hear such things. Obviously if that happened the big account will end up with all mixed troops.)

But if it keeps happening and happening... do you blame players for getting annoyed... or leadership? Players spend time on the game to help tribe, and if it involves spending more and more and more time just to re-sort everything.. then what?

Or should players just let it slide and close one eye and concentrate their time on other things?
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Wow a little birdy just told me 4 more members of Twist are going to be joining TSL. Well done you 4, I cant imagine how difficult the decision was to run to TSL leaving your fellow tribe mates behind without a second thought must have been. You must be really chuffed to be accepted by TSL, now you can look forward to ripping twist apart from a different side.

Lets play a game of guess who .... now no peeking till you guess lol

[spoil]sminite, itchy, Dont Hit Me and Nemovc[/spoil]

For smintie only:
[spoil] best hope people dont get the wrong impression and think you caused all this trouble delibrately so you could join TSL [/spoil]


Jan, have you spoken to Clara/Pete about their thoughts on where Twist members should go? No, you are not staying in an imaginary organization.

They have already each adviced Twisties on where Twisties should go, and also adviced on players who should go.:)

Patience and enough is enough. After getting dismissed, there is no more "Twist" in my eyes, anymore. Would play for people I respect but that's about it. Anything else is headbang.

People are loyal to people, not an imaginary tribe with leaders they don't know.:)
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Sminite I could rise to the bait of you trying to slate me/my account/ my playing abilities but I wont, simply because I couldnt give a shit what you think or have to say. The simple fact is YOU are mostly responsible for ripping Twist apart with all your stupid juvenille behaviour, now you can go do exactly the same thing in TSL and see how long you last cos apparently they boot and eat you over there for that kind of shit.


I don't think I ever meant your playing abilities, but rather if you were not in Twist or having an account/fighting frontline for a long time, the perspectives you have obtained are only from a select few. Then you come to the PNP and say what you think, without an in game account? But the opinions you have are just guided from others over from skype?

It's ok, you can say I'm responsible. I don't mind that. It's your perspective and a few others in that group you have over in skype, instead of tw.:)


oh theres a long list of the same opinion. So after being dismissed for attacking a fellow tribe member you came back, caused arguments in forums and skype, booted people from tribe, ticketed fellow members, took dukes sit and removed all council privs except your own but all that was okay because in your eyes you seen Twist as no more. You really are a piece of work girl. Goodbye!!


Check your evidence before talking. You not even in game so do you know how many barons are there in Twist now? And who did I boot? (did I even boot anybody?) I think you are just trolling without facts and basing them off a few opinion leaders you trust, who are telling you one side of story.

Talk about ticketing - who ticketed me first? Venge, with the assistance of Assassin who gave her intel. If leadership does that, players simply follow suit.


Aw poor smintie, claiming to think? Do us all a favour and leave it to those that know how!

If OMGRU4REAL is basing comments on a few opinion leaders you trust I have to ask the following questions

1) How many leaders are there that asking a few isnt enough?
2) What sort of dumb arse takes the opinions of people they don't trust?

Furthermore, checking evidence before talking...What makes you think she hasn't? People can communicate without it going through you. Is it just that you are living in a sense of denial about your own popularity (or lack of) and can't come to terms with the fact you are at least partly responsible for the failure of a tribe that had run well for so long before you took privileges to your account and caused friction and arguments between members?

With regards to how many barons in twist of course she wouldnt know, but now you have jumped ship nor do you so that doesnt really carry much weight as an argument.


No smintie i'll defend Venge there, she never had mixed troops she did know the difference :icon_redface:


How long ago it happened is irrelevant as you constantly bring up old tribal disputes. How long ago I last played what has that to do with anything? I stopped playing because of you thats all that matters.

You booted larry because he booted Pete for booting Assassin over some silly argument with you. Is that classed as sorting the core because Larry is south and Assassin is north :icon_confused:

Your too quick to judge other players, I think venge could have taken you out easily :icon_biggrin: