HC Strategy

  • Thread starter One Way Ticket To Hell
  • Start date


builds slower, im sure it costs more, and it does less damage, this is no 15 tech world so not a fan, you can always use hc in your first nuke but meh

Exactly what i told him in the last thread this got brought up Here (click)

Its slower to build has way less offensive power and if your getting attacked and stack up with 2 offensive villages and lose all LC you now have lost technically 4 villages as now you no longer have HC for defense (2 villages) and no HC for offense (2 villages) And crippled yourself for the price of killing off one nuke.


Lets look at HC IN Offense

A standard LC NUKE
5 Swords
6998 AXES
3000 LC
3 scout
3 hc
255 ram
75 cats

Population 20902
WOOD -896000 CLAY 592000 IRON 1090000
WORKSHOP (LEVEL 8) 109 Hours
Offensive strength 678505


5 Swords
6998 AXES
3 scout
2003 hc
255 ram
75 cats

Population 20902
WOOD -921000 CLAY 593000 IRON 1540000
WORKSHOP (LEVEL 8) 109 Hours
Offensive strength 588505

It decreases Offensive strength of your Nuke By about 18 %.

Whether to use it or not depends upon the playing style of a player.

I have seen People who use clusters approach, use HC in o as well as D.But i have always believed that HC is best suited for players who take a spread out approach and play not looking at in game MAP but from saved MAPS on their TWSTAT accounts.

As the real benefit of Hc imo is not in its Offensive or defensive strength.Its a weak unit.

The advantage of HC is its speed in defending.so a Players who likes to take a spread out account approach can use it properly in defense.
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Ok I am a nub and my nuke build is bad (as per you) but calling it non sense is not acceptable.

Its probably better to explain why your 'standard nuke' looks so... Non-standard.

Well it works for me and so I use it as standard nuke.if something else works for you..good for you.

Why include cats in a standard nuke?

Well coz I like to cat smithies of all vill in a cluster to avoid recaps.end game that is

Could you care to explain what you mean by nonsense.

I m still waiting for ans from person concerned.his friends r welcome to flame as well.


If its only a nuke you use, then it's not a standard nuke, but first can you explain why would you send 3hcs in a 'standard' LC nuke?


Hc has a different speed.

I make sword n hc in a nuke to use them for sniping options if no D village is nearby to snipe a train.

It gives me 5 speed options to snipe even from o villages instead of 3.

I know you guys r pro but I played frontline accounts and found these r things which sometimes save you.
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ashoka1 is right, having a different speed makes a huge difference when trying to snipe. It is also good to have sword for a different speed to send your nuke (if you send without rams/cats). Now before you ignore me for mentioning sending a nuke with no rams/cats my reason is maybe you need a nuke to land just before your train or to anti snipe your train and you can't send at ram speed because it will take too long. If you are trying to anti snipe that must mean you have already sent enough nukes in front of the train to clear the village which will also mean the wall is also already demolished so sending a nuke with no rams will not cause unnecessary losses. So adding 3 sword to a nuke build just gives you a little more options.

Not sure why you are all picking on ashoka1, there is a much nicer way to suggest that his/her build is not as good as it could be or to ask why they think they should have 3 sword/hc in a nuke build. That is the build they like to use, you do not have to agree but you do not have to say its nonsense. And I also like to have a few cats especially during early game to target the rally and prevent a back time. Or to just lower the smithy by a level or two as I am sure we all know how annoying it is to have to rebuild our smithy before we can use the academy again.


Hc has a different speed.

I make sword n hc in a nuke to use them for sniping options if no D village is nearby to snipe a train.

It gives me 5 speed options to snipe even from o villages instead of 3.

I know you guys r pro but I played frontline accounts and found these r things which sometimes save you.

Not trying to dis your build at all, just legitimate questions. Ok, if you are very keen on different speed options why not be consistent and add some Lcs to your hc nuke (given there is only 1 paladin)?


Hc has a slower speed then lc.so when u send lc with hc or axes + lc with sword then they travel at Sword or hc speed.

Lc travels slower then only scouts
Scouts cant be used to snipe.

If we send hc or axes with lc they travel at their own speed and not lc

Common sense

As for rebuilding smithies

Let me give you an example

30 days back I mass nuked 500 villages in a k where my tribe had 11 villages and enemy had 2500 villages.one of those 11 vill was mine.

I catted smithy of all vill in 40×40 of my deathstar.

Nobled few and now I have 100 villages in that k.

Check w60
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Hc has a different speed.

I make sword n hc in a nuke to use them for sniping options if no D village is nearby to snipe a train.

It gives me 5 speed options to snipe even from o villages instead of 3.

I know you guys r pro but I played frontline accounts and found these r things which sometimes save you.

Although this answers the question of your build it adds new questions. If you need five chances to get a snipe off you should practice your lag a bit more and figure it out.

I personally think this is getting off topic though. This topic is to discuss what your opinions are on using HC nukes not bashing Ashoka1 for his HC nuke build.

so lets get back on topic before or-el brings out the whooping stick.


Although this answers the question of your build it adds new questions. If you need five chances to get a snipe off you should practice your lag a bit more and figure it out.

I know my lag and can snipe when I want to.Those who played against me know that.

As for 5 chances

I said 5 Options which mean I dont have to wait for lc speed and can snipe even when hc speed snipe chance comes.

As for hc I believe they are weakest o unit.


your nuke is axe heavy is the problem you are wasting time while your stable waits, also 3 scouts is bleh .
6125 axe 3200 lc 250 ram 50 scout or something in those lines, sniping units mixed in if you please too many axes is a waste of time.

but for people who dont seem to understand, you get 5 sniping troops and send a support train instead of a single snipe, putting troops infront of each noble if you are lucky, and if you are laggy still getting the snipe. and for 5 different troop movement speeds it allows for more time flexibility, building 5 swords or hc in an o village doesn't hurt.
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I don't really see the point in getting a huge amount of scouts per offensive villages. Yeah, 3 scouts by my standards is too low, and I usually keep a max of around 40-50 just for intel fakes or to send out with the nuke. You usually have scout villages at mid-game anyways.

Early game troop builds don't matter. If you have time and are waiting on nobles, go for more axes (considering you can actually get a full nuke before nobiling). If not, just keep stables/rax 24/7. Later in the game you usually don't op people every week or send out all nukes weekly. So I tend to do higher axe counts, at around 7.5k axe 2.95k lc 300ish rams. It all comes down to personal preference. If you are able to keep sending out nukes every week or so (well, every time you can send out all full nukes in one go). Then go for the quicker build. If not, go for the tougher build.

I personally dislike heavy cavalry units because I find them to be sub-par at defending. The only use I see is 300-500 hc per defensive village for sniping and removing a few extra hours of rax buildtime.

For players that enjoy math. A sp/sw/hc would be 28% more efficient (and note that that is for a single D, when you stack it increases) then a sp/hc. So, for every 100D you end up getting 28D more. Takes like 4 more days to build.

General defence 1332000
Cavalry Defence 1145000
Defence Archer 1226000
General defence 1042000
Cavalry Defence 1119000
Defence Archer 1055000
General defence 1562000
Cavalry Defence 1678000
Defence Archer 1581500
General defence 780000
Cavalry Defence 1351500
Defence Archer 864000
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This is my first no haul world.

In farming worlds I make 50 scouts per nuke.but haven't seen the usage of 50 scouts anywhere but in sending farm runs.

As for sending fakes..I m no big fan of sending fakes.

A good player can always check the pattern of your attacks and single out fake attacks.

A bad player ..you dont need to fake ..they run at sight of first op.

May be I will still go by fewer scouts in this world and if find ot not giving desired results , will change it.

It takes no more then 1 hour to decommission few axes n recruit scouts.but I feel 3-5 scouts should not be fine in o villages in no haul world.