A busy day in world 59 today


oh no several remaining gotrob accounts have been banned? How ever did that happen? Certainly never the lawful angels in gotrob that only play one account and would never use proxies or ip spoofers to circumvent anti-cheat protocols. Their moral high ground would never allow them to sink to such depths!


oh no several remaining gotrob accounts have been banned? How ever did that happen? Certainly never the lawful angels in gotrob that only play one account and would never use proxies or ip spoofers to circumvent anti-cheat protocols. Their moral high ground would never allow them to sink to such depths!

O my NOT another twist in the story geani when is this nightmare going to end ???????????????


wrong jurasu :)

you allways manipulated everyone to get your purpose, you did it with us, when recruited ex Ride members, and now recruiting our members

anything you and others will say doesnt hide the fact that Pita will win through treason and trough dirty manipulation

we wanted to play an honest game, not to be betrayed by a bunch of noobs and scared kids

anyway, enjoy your game and mostly, enjoy hating me, because PITA HAS NO HONOUR

Firstly, on the more general consideration of 'Treason', i'd suggest Jurasu covered that rather well. To be less specific on the subject, i think it'd be exceptionally hard to find ANY objective observer that would take your obsurd claims on this subject seriously.

Regarding Ride a number of points might be made.

At no point did we feel 'manipulated' nor ill-treated.

Even upto the point after (and in fact before) the Dissolution of ~ONE~ we had as a Tribe identified Pita as the team we preferred to win the world, simply on the Basis of being Much more Honest and having a much better Reputation, and being trust-worthy and generally playing the Game in the Right way as we viewed it.

Now, to refresh some accurate History for you Geani - Ride at it's formation and for a while had No diplomacy with either of the Two major tribes - Pita and GotRob, and nor, after some initial enquiries did we recieve any Diplomacy from either.

After a while - and some time, we Napped PITA and had a shared forum.

Nothing was promised to us specifically, merely that historically PITA had dealt well with Tribes that had dealt well with them.
This made sense to us as we had a similiar ethos.

I do recall you saying on these very forums, how we should ignore any promises and that we would be back-stabbed by them - when later we declared on GotRob.

In point of fact no specific promises were made, nor needed: and here-in Geani, lies the point perhaps - because we felt able, based on mails / assesment of Character and past-History to trust Pita as an Honourable tribe that played- and here's the KEY part... played the Game correctly.

I could go on, as no doubt both Jurasu and Gearhound would testify to... :icon_redface:

But your frankly Obsurd assertion that:

you allways manipulated everyone to get your purpose, you did it with us, when recruited ex Ride members

Bears absolutely no even remote resonance to even the far frontiers of truth or reason.
We initially agreed a Nap with PITA..after some time... then later allied PITA - as i recall after we had fought with them against Rob.

Eventually we merged.

Any merge has a few issues, but overall, I for one have no complaints in any of my dealings with Pita, and feel a part of the Family in a pretty fair and open tribe that's main Ethos is a Meritocracy.

Google the word- perhaps you may yet learn it's meaning!
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"I'm going to take all of my toys and go home! You never beat me! You never beat GotRob!"
-geani29, March 21, 2013

Court jesters, all of them.


How low you've sunk frankly disgusts me geani, looking at what is going on in-game. This is why everyone left; you and your underhanded and disgusting tactics.

Good riddance. You told me you'd win, now you won't and I will with the awesome members of the tribe I'm in. Nothing you do will change that; not your tantrums, not your low tactics, nothing. You're done, and history. And you deserve to lose.


"I'm going to take all of my toys and go home! You never beat me! You never beat GotRob!"
-geani29, March 21, 2013

geani a going away present i was saving this one for just this day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWJIGq2x7gQ

also just a note as you flee the scene i did infact say you could not take me out of this world guess i win?
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I love it. Cannot stop smiling. We we're always sure that Gotrob we're manipulating the rules (everyone knows how, I won't go into it again)... So to end the tribe by deliberately cheating is perfection.

I do wonder how Gotrob and their members felt that getting a mass ban for at least 25 of the remaining tribe would teach us a lesson? What was going through your heads lol! All you've done by your mass ban is made it that much simpler for us to win the world.

.... And you call us cheaters yet purposefully cheat to get yourselves banned!

As ads said, there are not enough smileys in the world. Thank-you for helping us win the world faster.


Personally i think it's a shame because not all of Gotrob were bad there was just a tumor that couldn't be removed

But well played to all (who didn't try to cheat)


"I'm going to take all of my toys and go home! You never beat me! You never beat GotRob!"
-geani29, March 21, 2013

Such a punk statement, like the child in a school yard, that we all reviled as children.. I never quite believed that anybody would sink to the depths ascribed to you madam. Obviously I was mistaken!

People left you, not GotRob. Why because of the way you play the game. I sincerely hope you learn from it.



Gearhound: Geani You have been weighed.
Tepsudes: You have been measured.
ads121: And you have absolutely...
JonnyFlame: Been found wanting.
lesss: Welcome to the New World 59.
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need to be more specific, how much in % is Fat?

100% pure lard!


I'm getting 2 kinds of mail:

Hate and Z! Applications

Not sure which I like more.


GotRob - geani29 on 21.03.2013 at 13:11 Thanks Quote

I will hit delete too shortly

anyone who needs me, Im geani29 on skype

Good luck everybody, I will not play again on net

*performs victory jig*

Shut the door on your way out, eh? Cheers :icon_wink:


wrong jurasu :)

you allways manipulated everyone to get your purpose, you did it with us, when recruited ex Ride members, and now recruiting our members

anything you and others will say doesnt hide the fact that Pita will win through treason and trough dirty manipulation

we wanted to play an honest game, not to be betrayed by a bunch of noobs and scared kids

anyway, enjoy your game and mostly, enjoy hating me, because PITA HAS NO HONOUR


What killed GR was you and Jamie (I want to add that I have much of respect and really like Jamie as a person). With that said, Geani. I can't believe you have such a terrible command of the English language. Sure you are a ro, but you live in England, where they speak ENGLISH. Your constantly talking down to people and after so long it gets old. I dont believe you have managed more in life than walking dogs down to the park. And Jamie, lack of communication. AWOL for about 6 out of 8 weeks since the start of the year, you were informed of what was happening yet you did nothing. Personally, I think it was intentional. What better way to gain some free time than to leave things to Geani knowing that her ro's are scared shitless of her and the rest of us would pour gasoline on her if she was on fire. So much more to say but really pointless now as most of the world claims to have quit.
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Interesting that you call us backstabbers for dropping an alliance. We had a whole written agreement that both councils had agreed on. Included was a procedure for how the alliance should be ended should either tribe wish to end it. We announced it to Shave and we waited the agreed upon time before attacking. It seems to me that you are mislabeling us as backstabbers for simply dropping the alliance, which is asinine in a game where only one tribe can win. No alliance lasts forever. That particular ending should not have been a surprise to anyone involved in the leadership of either tribe either as there was a lot of tension the last month or so of the alliance.

Amongst other things, we are also being called treasonous and traitors by Geani. Again, very interesting. Treason is the betraying of or purposely working to hinder one's own nation or sovereign power. PITA and GotRob have always been separate entities. One never controlled the other, so no actions, real or imaginary, no matter how terrible could ever be (correctly) labeled as treasonous. Traitor has a very similar definition, but it is a little more broad. A traitor is someone who betrays his/her nation, a cause or a trust, but again it is misused here. At one point GotRob and PITA were allied and it went well for a few months, but then the leadership in GotRob attempted to redefine the original terms in a way that would only benefit GotRob. As with the Shave alliance, the original agreement included a point that outlined the ways to go about ending the alliance. When it got beyond the point of negotiation (I at this point had been blocked by Geani and Jamie didn't want to talk either), we notified GotRob that we were ending the alliance and waited the agreed upon period of time before declaring war. So once again, traitor is being used incorrectly.

Now maybe she's attempting to insult the members who moved from GotRob to PITA. Before I go into why this is also wrong, I have to point out that GotRob has done much the same in the past. They recruited members from Shave, ONE, -34- and other tribes. They later claimed victory over said tribes. So apparently they considered it a good strategy, but when it was used against them, suddenly it's wrong?

Now on to the members who moved to PITA. Unlike her blatantly false accusations against PITA, the members who moved at least fall under the category where they could potentially be described as treasonous or as traitors. However, I feel that Geani has failed to keep the social contract theory in mind. In short, the social contract theory basically states that individuals will come together and give up some of their rights in exchange for some sort of mutual benefit and protection from a sovereign state or ruling body. In the context of this game, individuals come together to form tribes. They give up their ability to attack whoever they want and are often required to perform specific tasks. In exchange, they have tribemates who can support them and a leadership that is supposed to make good moves to advance them further in the game. Now where does this come into play here? What many people don't realize or skip over is that treason is a two way street. The normal definition looks at an individual or a small group that betray the government/nation. However, treason can also be when the government/nation betrays or fails to uphold its obligations to its citizens. It has been widely acknowledged for quite some time, and more openly admitted in the last couple of weeks, that there were many divisions in GotRob. A certain group of players got preferential treatment while others were treated unfairly. Pretty easy to guess which group was which after the move. The point being, when the government chooses to treat those under it differently and unfairly, they are in effect breaking their portion of the social contract. At this point, the individuals are no longer required to uphold their end. Doing so would be stupid and harmful to one's self.

So all in all, I feel that the insults directed at PITA are not only unneeded, but also baseless. I feel that there is a lack of sportsmanship being shown now that it appears that one side will win out over the other.

I never meant to insult pita and call them names, but the tactic was a little mean nonetheless. You first established a nap with gotrob , which turned into an alliance. You followed that up by telling us to nap them too. After gotrob started stretch Ting the rules of the nap by Nobling into k55 it was obvious that shave and gotrob would have to war soon. As you had an alliance with both you decided to stay neutral. As much as you hated gotrob and insisted that our alliance was stronger, you remained neutral in it all. I'm not blaming anyone for that or anything, and it was the right move on your part.

Now leading up to the war shave had gotten to be pretty inactive, and that was one of the factors that lead to our demise. As the war started it was all just fakes going both ways and hitting stacks on the fronts in some villas. However as slinky, our diplomat, was having RL issues and was not the most active, as well as many players not being active, we on the front lines got almost no support. They obviously started tar getting slinky, but there was no communication on his side. He never once asked for a sitter or support while losing villages, and, as you all know, kind of went out with a bang. Losing one of the front line players severely hurt us, but it wasn't just that. Pita saw shave struggling and decided to break off the alliance, and start attacking taking some easy villas from shave after the cooling off period had ended. At that point it was basically over, and a few shave players were recruited to other tribes, while the rest of us just waited out the inevitable ending to our time on w59.

I said back stab, but I guess that might not be the right term for breaking off an alliance then recruiting our members. IMO that was a fantastic play by pita, and it was what got them to rank 1 finally. From my view though, when the going got tough, our allies refused to help, and dropped the alliance. I am very happy that pita is going to win the world as I liked you guys from the very beginning. Gotta admire a tribe that stayed below 40 members for so long, and didn't just recruit like shave and one did. Obviously gotrob with their massive merging and everything, as you can tell, was not my least favorite tribe on w59. Things could've turned out very differently, but after I quit I made up my mind that pita deserved to win the world.
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The main reason we dropped the alliance with Shave wasn't to capitalize and try to take easy villages. Slink didn't like our neutral stance. And I mean REALLY. DID. NOT. LIKE. IT. He quickly went from asking us to break off our alliance with GotRob to demanding that we break it off to threatening us if we did not. When he began to threaten declaring war on PITA was when we decided that the alliance had come to an end.