I'd started a more complete post for this, and had hoped to have time to finish it, which I have not. Still, wanted to get something out in the likely event that the forum closes the second the world does.
I haven't posted here in quite a while. Many of you may remember me as the founder of Time, and former co-leader of the "Hate." disaster that led to it.
I continue to keep tabs on and access to Time, and have pondered posting here (even written up many things, which I ultimately opted not to post). Time has been headed almost entirely by my former co-leader, Areyoukidden (AYK, of course) for well over a year and a half now, and completely without any input from me (with the exception of random unworthy advice related to any situation that I couldn't keep my mouth shut on). AYK is PRIME when it comes to leadership...met him in W19 and had appreciation there even as enemies. Was elated when I finally convinced him to help with the tribe, that I never expected to leave. I did leave though...not with initial intention (I was in the middle of a move), but once I was gone I realized the Time I had for other things, that I didn't previously realize I was missing, and I found myself glad to have it back.
I suspect that the name in itself, "Time" was some subconscious indication of how much of it I recognised that our members spent, for a game, because I knew full well the number of hours I spent being a suck "butt" (not going to get my post deleted at this stage) player in Time. I understood gameplay, but never cared for it. "Time" for me, was a matter of recruitment, and bringing a tribe together who wanted to play with one another (those recruited during my time know this full well), and a matter of personality, intellect, and esteem, that meshed well with the personality, intellect, and esteem already sitting within the tribe.
In the end, many of those people are gone, and many new people came on board over the months (years), and my hope is that those who have, and who sit in Time right now, hold the same appreciation for the way this world will end as those who came on board 3 years ago when our tribe had it's start (and more specifically, those who were still there at least a year later). I hope that ALL of you sitting in Time now are proud, knowing that you are a part of the end result of this world, which came from your persistance, and dedication to a tribal matter at which stage you entered it (or what tribe you entered into it under).
Mostly though, I honestly hope that those of you who are ready, will move onto the appreciation of "Time" itself. I hope that those of you who have a wife/husband, children, education, and other significant life events that need tending to, will take more "Time" tending to them.
Best wishes to all of you, no matter what.
P.S. Considering I have continued access for who knows how long, I was working on a breakdown of a few of my favorite Timers that I'll post here when it's completed, IF there's still Time.
In finishing up, considering it seems I have time to:
I know that many of you have already begun to move on, to other worlds here in TW, and there is a big piece of me that feels proud that you will move on in this game as former Time members. There is also that piece of me that recognises what a game like this can take away from things that really matter. No matter what tribe you're in here as this world moves to a close, or who you happen to be as you read back through the old chats from W32, keep your priorities straight. Never sacrifice true purpose and meaning for yourselves in life, for anything temporary...think about getting old, and wanting different things from your life than you do now, and how what you're doing right now (both in this game and outside of it) contributes to that, or doesn't.
That said, would like to make a few statements in general about some of the Time players closest to my heart, during my time here. There is NO true order here, what-so-ever, just the order in which people come to mind, with the exception of AYK, who I do place where he is.
AreYouKidden -
Well. Already stated a piece on this guy. Tribal Wars doesn't know, and will never truly know without playing beside this guy in leadership, what they're going to be missing out on; because I suspect he's going to stick to his guns about being done with this game. As many know, I didn't have a lot of experience before I landed here, in W32. I was quickly innundated with problems I didn't know how to solve, with our tribe. Some of those in Time know the history between AYK and I, and it's almost "Comical" (W19 thing) to look back on how we handled one another at that time (I do have to point out, that I know he would say our tribe surpassed his expectations at the time by a long shot)...given the friend he became to me upon moving here. I hold no one higher in my list of all-time favorite players in this game. Not only because I'm biased, but because, he's at least one of the best, if not the best, leaders to ever cross this game. Some leaders show others by way of teaching, some show by way of playing, some lead with force, some by fear, some by setting their example. AYK lead by knowledge, of all of these things. He recognised where people needed teaching, and he taught, by showing them how to properly manage their villages, and how to manage onslaughts against them, as well as conducting those onslaughts against others. He recognised that many learned by seeing how he played, and he showed them by managing everything that we asked of the tribe, himself, by spreading out and being "everywhere", as our tribe was taught to be, so that no single member or group of members were left alone, to burn out in any war.
He's not faultered from his start here. From the time he accepted a leadership position, he's held true to it. This is one of those things I'd previously taken issue with (a leader starting a tribe, then disappearing to any degree, from it)...AYK managed here where I did not. He managed without me, something I assured him even, would never have to happen from the day he came on board...and yet it did. He's not left his post as a leader, from the moment he stepped into Time. He even became a forum presence, where previously this was not his thing...because he recognised that Time had a political presence as well, and even when he may have at least previously preferred not to take place in it.
AYK was a master with Excel, and used it for our tribe's benefit. If there was anything we needed to figure out, he was on top of it. As for any player in the world who we had any interest in, or concern with, he was there with their bloodtype and mother's maiden name (figuratively).
AYK is a a player, and as a leader...he's the most well rounded "leader" I've ever watched, and I had the privilage of knowing so first hand. He's an amazing person, a fantastic tribemate, and he's one of a small handful of people I know who can unwittingly cause people to appreciate him and his tribe in this game, even when they are against them. He gives credit many times over, where credit is due...and he calls things as he sees them, respectably and correctly. He has an ability to be objective, while having a heart only for his tribe, and making it better as a result.
NukeDieWalker -
Nuke came in when our tribe (Hate. at the time) was ages away from him. It was a long shot, to bring him much of one, that we almost didn't try. However, he had a buddy nearby at the time, and the hope was that he could hold out until we could get there, and we brought them both in. Within less than a month, as I recall, his buddy was gone, and there Nuke was in the middle of nowhere, alone, still more than an entire K away from us, surrounded by enemies, and no friends in sight. We offered him all the support we could give...though I'd love to say he did it alone, 'cause he IS that good, he was given top supports within the tribe at the time, and even though most didn't feel he would make it despite the support, which would make that support a waste, they did what was asked of them out of faith in leadership that it was for a good cause (and as leaders, we just held tight to how hard Nuke was working, and knew we couldn't let him do so alone...though hope was still honestly minimal). Nuke toughed it out. Not only did he tough it out, but he managed to keep up with his villages enough to let us know what he could hold (that far away--incredible at the time) until we got there, vs what he knew was already lost, so that NO tribe member of his lost any unnecessary troops. He needed, but didn't care for account sitting of his account...if someone took it, it was just so he could sleep, and those who did barely managed to keep up with his incomings. Even those with the best of intentions, lost villages...but when Nuke came back on board, he often took them back and regardless, made up for them, without regard for laying "low" due to his status there as a single southern player at the time. I don't believe that any player in TW history could make happen, what Nuke made happen in this world; he is the most efficient, solid, tribemate I feel ever came into TW. To this day he is the best damn hard move that our tribe ever made...and it helped to bring us together in early stages. When I hear the name "Nuke" (as we lovingly refer to him as), I feel an early sense of accomplishment as a leader, knowing that whatever we did here, we did right. I know without a doubt, that there is no player in TW that holds a candle to him as a player, and may the TW gods take mercy on anyone to cross his path in future worlds (this one, I know, will carry on with this game). This is one of 3 TW players who actually has my number, and has from the start of his crisis here early on. I know him personally to be a very down to earth guy (with the exception of the fact that his wife, forgive me, Nuke, doesn't seem to take much issue with his playing...and everyone knows this is a biggy).
Vanapagan/Loxxor -
He wouldn't want me talking about him, in all likelihood, because he can be a jerk. Everyone who's ever played with him knows it and he does also. Many tried to have him outted, and many can't stand him, even in Time. However. Everyone also knows that I adored him, as a player, and those who came to know him often did as well, but it took a lot of doing. He'll read this and want to darn me to hell for talking about him, he'll likely even try to carry on my name as a lousy leader, lousy tribemate, and lousy person, for ever posting his name here or having anything at all to say about him. That's alright with me. Pagan, as he was lovingly known (and adhered to himself as, a couple months ago) has huge kudos from me. He was a great player, and even downgraded himself in accounts a time or two in order to continue to bring havok to this world. Anyone who came up against him, or dared to cross him met wrath, period. He is a brutal player, and one who in life would take no prisoners (he is the honeybadger of TW...the tribe, and any friendships to be made). He had zero tolorance and zero appreciation for everyone, with the exception of his tribemates, who he only barely tolerated (but who I believe he managed some level of appreciation for). Just to be in the same tribe with Pagan took at least some guts, and to even try to "lead" him into anything at all, took even more. He's seldom had anything nice to say about any of our leadership, myself included (that's alright, because he still chose to play with us and those who love him anyway know that this means something)...and he's likely to bash us all until the day we die. That's alright. I LOVE this guy as a player, and he's been with me for about 5 years, even though I think he hates me (and will probably say how much so, soon). What do I care at this point? Notta. He's still a favorite of mine (you hear that, Pagan?).
Tony was one of most difficult recruits. Unfortunately, I think that at the time, he was the result of how prior loyalties impact one's ability to move onto new tribes (tribes who are already well established), who want loyalty (first and foremost, and even when it's not easy). Time was one of those tribes. Time properly wanted to know that when someone came in, they would be loyal only to Time...but Tonyball instinctively wanted the tribe he grew up under to continue to survive somehow, and that is something that I, and a few other tribe members, at least, saw as a good thing (we'd all but asked him in, and he'd flat out refused). Tony was loyal. Loyal is good. So, the question became how to bring "loyal" (elsewhere) into Time.
Our answer, was to wait. We continued to hit Tony multiple times, and cleared him entirely at least twice, of everything he'd been working on (most "decent" players would have quit under what he went through once, and he did so multiple times, still clinging to the tribe he "grew up under"). We did not do this to bring him into Time (by then most had given up on the idea); we did this, because he was the biggest threat of what remained of his former tribe. Meanwhile, we continued to keep in touch, and Time continued to work against his tribe...he continued to fight us (though, less and less frequently, as the tribe he was loyal to further deteriorated...and perhaps, he realized some of what he'd wanted in a tribe was leaving with it).
Some in Time saw this loyalty to a dying tribe as a good thing, and some did not. Long story short, eventually, Tonyball was appreciated for his prior loyalties, and came into the tribe, and had to adapt to Time's way of thinking, which was quite different from what he was accustomed to. We'd explained it previously, and what we expected in Time. Some of believed in him enough to really push his recruitment, but would not bring him in without 100% backing from those already in Time (our goal at the time, was that we lose no one IN the tribe, for the benefit of anyone outside of it). Tonyball came in with a lot of uncertainty from the tribe, but, in 100% agreement to go for it. I don't think anyone in the tribe has ever regretted a moment of his being here. He's done his part in Time, and I've not spoken to anyone in the tribe who's not been impressed with what he's put out. He's one of the few who came into Time with some need yet to prove himself to it on some level...most who came in already had that benefit. He's managed it, through all uncertainties, to become one of Time's top players in W32.
Scorponok/Serenbo/My man:
Some of you know that we met 2 summers ago, though we didn't really publicize it. We talked here for quite a while in game, and then in chat, and then on the phone, in advance. Needless to say (for those of you who knew us) that this wasn't something that was originally expected, but it's something that came to be, nearly 2 years ago. I will try not to give a biased interpretation here, of him as a player. I first took notice of him (as a player) as Serenbo in W19. Very long story short, Serenbo eventually took on the "SlickBlackJesus" account we had open in W32. That account name eventually came under fire, because the mods had an issue with people calling themselves "SlickBlackJesus", and it was put to rest, almost without further notice (can't blame them really, everyone knows from the pictures of Jesus that he was neither slick nor black...sigh--I'm joking). He then took over the Scorponok account.
Since that time, he's been a tribe minded soul, noted mostly for massive fakes against any target we undertook...several of them deleting before they felt the full "actual" impact of Time, based likely on incomings alone. Given that most of the tribe hated sending fakes (it was just a duty), and the fact that he could have taken it over almost independently given what he managed on his own as cover for the tribe's assaults, he deserves a place here. He also ranked number two just a day or two ago in the tribe with regards to overall placement...Tonyball made a smart, though slightly underhanded move by building his villages up to finish in second place, while Serenbo was still focusing on enoblements and making fools quit. (For the record, Tonyball, I did tell him that in the last stages of the game, as things are, I understood why you'd make the move that you did...just thought I'd throw that out there).
I'll be honest about Day, and say that we wanted him in Time long before he came here. Day was in Hostile previously, and I know that I myself, feel his services were abused there (sorry, Day, and Hostile, but keeping it real). He sat most of the tribe, at ungodly hours, and was under constant pressure with little relief. We knew Day loved Hostile, but I personally hoped for a "better life" for him (though he probs won't appreciate my saying so). Daysteppr was a non-issue for Time. Pretty much everyone in Time knew that he was the primary sitter for Hostile, and Time needed someone half as dedicated to the cause. Day was loyal, and able to leave on good terms (Hostile quit, afterall), and he's been one of my favorites ever since. Day headed a defense account for Time, which was one of our most trusted accounts (what tribe wants a huge mass of defense in it's core, which Day moved into, who it doesn't fully trust?)...we were ready to offer one to him from the moment he walked into our tribe. We always felt good about Day, and he was always honest and up front with Time, incoming members, and our position as a whole. I've spent many nights talking with Day about his thoughts, and value them tremendously. He keeps a watchful and interested eye over Time, particularly in our tribal chat. I think that if Time were to go on for another 20 years, Day would be there...I love that about him. This, despite the fact that I believe that after W32 (in just a few hours at best), he's done.
Sandy took over the Evaric account. Best I remember, it was running well at the time and the original owner was still there, but Sandy eventually took it over as he bailed (it seems like she's been with us for forever now, and it's hard to recall a former owner--so forgive me for any misinterpretation of the details). Sandy has been right there, through so much of our history. Sandy came in to a lot of account sitting being needed, and she was turned to for it again and again and's a wonder she's still here through it all...but she never stopped being someone that the tribe could count on in any time of need, and that includes myself. I only knew at the time that I would be gone for a couple of months, during a move, and wanted AYK to have secure and honest people to help lead the tribe on an "as needed" basis until I could return (I didn't realize at the time that I'd never fully return)...I went to Sandy personally (particularly, for help with recruitment, as with all that AYK does, he didn't have the time to devote into something that we spent SOOOO much time on...and Time spent as much of this on recruitment as anything). She was someone who was highly familiar of the game on all levels, very capable of doing pretty much any task that might be needed, and she was particularly helpful with the social aspect. I knew that one thing that the tribe might lack with my "supposed temporary" absense, was someone in leadership who was active with the tribe as a whole, in real time as well, in our chat...and no doubt, Sandy kept that piece up. Even through periods where she was ready to be done herself, she remained. Sandy is a fantastic motivator (and she never TRIED to be, she just was, just being there and being herself). Pretty much anyone at any point could log in, with almost no one on in our tribal chat, with no one seeming to be present, and she would chime in for them, letting them know that someone was there to hear them out (with knowledge of ongoings), and she was able to answer directly, or forward on to someone who could. She's been one of our two most active participants in the tribal chat...and she is loyal to no end.
Not initially thought of as Time material by some, due to having come from the head of a successful (at the time) family tribe...loyalties were again in question. I'm not sure that any of us who rooted for him fully expected that he would be able to overcome his former position to hold one in Time, but I know that we were all hopeful and the entire tribe at the time felt there was promise here (or, they trusted in leadership who felt it), or Fortezzo would not have come to Time. Fortezzo and I, even during difficult times, kept in close communication, and I think he would agree that as far as "friends" go in this game, we qualified (even as enemies). I place him as one of those I most admire here, because I know what he had to go through, mentally, to be a part of this tribe. One can imagine, and it's not something I'll even bother to go into here...but we know how difficult it was for Fortezzo to not only come here, but to do so and maintain loyalty to our tribe, after what he went through at the hands of Time. Fortezzo is just a good, well rounded person, and we knew this as leadership when promoting him and felt very good about him, despite the issues he was facing in leaving his former tribe. He's been very loyal to Time, as all members have, to our knowledge, but he had the most cause not to be.
I know that many have been left out of this, and I'm sorry. There are at least 5 others who I'd like to get to here...but as it is, time for W32, and my input, is gone. I've not even run a spell check, because it's time for me to get to bed. Know that everyone in Time, particularly those who have to know that they are close to my heart, have earned their title here. I do wish you all the best, and continue to hope that in "the best", you have more important things than this game that can account for it, and that this is where you'll devote your time. That said, I'm going to bed.![Smile :) :)]()
Best wishes.
Okay, one more for now:
Qwerty/Original Sinister in Time:
Jeez. Can't believe I didn't add him here previously. Qwerty was my mentor really, from all the way back in W19 where he became the coleader of Comic. I'd played before then, and landed somehow in a leadership before then, but I really had no clue about what I was doing prior to Qwerty. He's the one who showed me how to properly run ops (and he'd tell me how much I slacked as time moved on while I was here...but times changed as well, gradually making "quantity" at least as important as "quality"), and gave me constant reminders to be very picky about recruitment (he was more of a stats person, where I was more of a "meshing well" one, when it came to this, and between the two of us, it was nearly impossible for anyone to get in). He gradually made it his job to make mine easier, and he was invaluable to leadership. I've run into few geniouses in life, and know he was one of them. He left us a long time ago...before most remember, and he was a very "behind the scenes" kinda person, but he was absolute KEY in helping to get, and keep, Time afloat in early days. I hope he's enjoying life to the fullest, and wish him the best.
I haven't posted here in quite a while. Many of you may remember me as the founder of Time, and former co-leader of the "Hate." disaster that led to it.
I continue to keep tabs on and access to Time, and have pondered posting here (even written up many things, which I ultimately opted not to post). Time has been headed almost entirely by my former co-leader, Areyoukidden (AYK, of course) for well over a year and a half now, and completely without any input from me (with the exception of random unworthy advice related to any situation that I couldn't keep my mouth shut on). AYK is PRIME when it comes to leadership...met him in W19 and had appreciation there even as enemies. Was elated when I finally convinced him to help with the tribe, that I never expected to leave. I did leave though...not with initial intention (I was in the middle of a move), but once I was gone I realized the Time I had for other things, that I didn't previously realize I was missing, and I found myself glad to have it back.
I suspect that the name in itself, "Time" was some subconscious indication of how much of it I recognised that our members spent, for a game, because I knew full well the number of hours I spent being a suck "butt" (not going to get my post deleted at this stage) player in Time. I understood gameplay, but never cared for it. "Time" for me, was a matter of recruitment, and bringing a tribe together who wanted to play with one another (those recruited during my time know this full well), and a matter of personality, intellect, and esteem, that meshed well with the personality, intellect, and esteem already sitting within the tribe.
In the end, many of those people are gone, and many new people came on board over the months (years), and my hope is that those who have, and who sit in Time right now, hold the same appreciation for the way this world will end as those who came on board 3 years ago when our tribe had it's start (and more specifically, those who were still there at least a year later). I hope that ALL of you sitting in Time now are proud, knowing that you are a part of the end result of this world, which came from your persistance, and dedication to a tribal matter at which stage you entered it (or what tribe you entered into it under).
Mostly though, I honestly hope that those of you who are ready, will move onto the appreciation of "Time" itself. I hope that those of you who have a wife/husband, children, education, and other significant life events that need tending to, will take more "Time" tending to them.
Best wishes to all of you, no matter what.
P.S. Considering I have continued access for who knows how long, I was working on a breakdown of a few of my favorite Timers that I'll post here when it's completed, IF there's still Time.
In finishing up, considering it seems I have time to:
I know that many of you have already begun to move on, to other worlds here in TW, and there is a big piece of me that feels proud that you will move on in this game as former Time members. There is also that piece of me that recognises what a game like this can take away from things that really matter. No matter what tribe you're in here as this world moves to a close, or who you happen to be as you read back through the old chats from W32, keep your priorities straight. Never sacrifice true purpose and meaning for yourselves in life, for anything temporary...think about getting old, and wanting different things from your life than you do now, and how what you're doing right now (both in this game and outside of it) contributes to that, or doesn't.
That said, would like to make a few statements in general about some of the Time players closest to my heart, during my time here. There is NO true order here, what-so-ever, just the order in which people come to mind, with the exception of AYK, who I do place where he is.
AreYouKidden -
Well. Already stated a piece on this guy. Tribal Wars doesn't know, and will never truly know without playing beside this guy in leadership, what they're going to be missing out on; because I suspect he's going to stick to his guns about being done with this game. As many know, I didn't have a lot of experience before I landed here, in W32. I was quickly innundated with problems I didn't know how to solve, with our tribe. Some of those in Time know the history between AYK and I, and it's almost "Comical" (W19 thing) to look back on how we handled one another at that time (I do have to point out, that I know he would say our tribe surpassed his expectations at the time by a long shot)...given the friend he became to me upon moving here. I hold no one higher in my list of all-time favorite players in this game. Not only because I'm biased, but because, he's at least one of the best, if not the best, leaders to ever cross this game. Some leaders show others by way of teaching, some show by way of playing, some lead with force, some by fear, some by setting their example. AYK lead by knowledge, of all of these things. He recognised where people needed teaching, and he taught, by showing them how to properly manage their villages, and how to manage onslaughts against them, as well as conducting those onslaughts against others. He recognised that many learned by seeing how he played, and he showed them by managing everything that we asked of the tribe, himself, by spreading out and being "everywhere", as our tribe was taught to be, so that no single member or group of members were left alone, to burn out in any war.
He's not faultered from his start here. From the time he accepted a leadership position, he's held true to it. This is one of those things I'd previously taken issue with (a leader starting a tribe, then disappearing to any degree, from it)...AYK managed here where I did not. He managed without me, something I assured him even, would never have to happen from the day he came on board...and yet it did. He's not left his post as a leader, from the moment he stepped into Time. He even became a forum presence, where previously this was not his thing...because he recognised that Time had a political presence as well, and even when he may have at least previously preferred not to take place in it.
AYK was a master with Excel, and used it for our tribe's benefit. If there was anything we needed to figure out, he was on top of it. As for any player in the world who we had any interest in, or concern with, he was there with their bloodtype and mother's maiden name (figuratively).
AYK is a a player, and as a leader...he's the most well rounded "leader" I've ever watched, and I had the privilage of knowing so first hand. He's an amazing person, a fantastic tribemate, and he's one of a small handful of people I know who can unwittingly cause people to appreciate him and his tribe in this game, even when they are against them. He gives credit many times over, where credit is due...and he calls things as he sees them, respectably and correctly. He has an ability to be objective, while having a heart only for his tribe, and making it better as a result.
NukeDieWalker -
Nuke came in when our tribe (Hate. at the time) was ages away from him. It was a long shot, to bring him much of one, that we almost didn't try. However, he had a buddy nearby at the time, and the hope was that he could hold out until we could get there, and we brought them both in. Within less than a month, as I recall, his buddy was gone, and there Nuke was in the middle of nowhere, alone, still more than an entire K away from us, surrounded by enemies, and no friends in sight. We offered him all the support we could give...though I'd love to say he did it alone, 'cause he IS that good, he was given top supports within the tribe at the time, and even though most didn't feel he would make it despite the support, which would make that support a waste, they did what was asked of them out of faith in leadership that it was for a good cause (and as leaders, we just held tight to how hard Nuke was working, and knew we couldn't let him do so alone...though hope was still honestly minimal). Nuke toughed it out. Not only did he tough it out, but he managed to keep up with his villages enough to let us know what he could hold (that far away--incredible at the time) until we got there, vs what he knew was already lost, so that NO tribe member of his lost any unnecessary troops. He needed, but didn't care for account sitting of his account...if someone took it, it was just so he could sleep, and those who did barely managed to keep up with his incomings. Even those with the best of intentions, lost villages...but when Nuke came back on board, he often took them back and regardless, made up for them, without regard for laying "low" due to his status there as a single southern player at the time. I don't believe that any player in TW history could make happen, what Nuke made happen in this world; he is the most efficient, solid, tribemate I feel ever came into TW. To this day he is the best damn hard move that our tribe ever made...and it helped to bring us together in early stages. When I hear the name "Nuke" (as we lovingly refer to him as), I feel an early sense of accomplishment as a leader, knowing that whatever we did here, we did right. I know without a doubt, that there is no player in TW that holds a candle to him as a player, and may the TW gods take mercy on anyone to cross his path in future worlds (this one, I know, will carry on with this game). This is one of 3 TW players who actually has my number, and has from the start of his crisis here early on. I know him personally to be a very down to earth guy (with the exception of the fact that his wife, forgive me, Nuke, doesn't seem to take much issue with his playing...and everyone knows this is a biggy).
Vanapagan/Loxxor -
He wouldn't want me talking about him, in all likelihood, because he can be a jerk. Everyone who's ever played with him knows it and he does also. Many tried to have him outted, and many can't stand him, even in Time. However. Everyone also knows that I adored him, as a player, and those who came to know him often did as well, but it took a lot of doing. He'll read this and want to darn me to hell for talking about him, he'll likely even try to carry on my name as a lousy leader, lousy tribemate, and lousy person, for ever posting his name here or having anything at all to say about him. That's alright with me. Pagan, as he was lovingly known (and adhered to himself as, a couple months ago) has huge kudos from me. He was a great player, and even downgraded himself in accounts a time or two in order to continue to bring havok to this world. Anyone who came up against him, or dared to cross him met wrath, period. He is a brutal player, and one who in life would take no prisoners (he is the honeybadger of TW...the tribe, and any friendships to be made). He had zero tolorance and zero appreciation for everyone, with the exception of his tribemates, who he only barely tolerated (but who I believe he managed some level of appreciation for). Just to be in the same tribe with Pagan took at least some guts, and to even try to "lead" him into anything at all, took even more. He's seldom had anything nice to say about any of our leadership, myself included (that's alright, because he still chose to play with us and those who love him anyway know that this means something)...and he's likely to bash us all until the day we die. That's alright. I LOVE this guy as a player, and he's been with me for about 5 years, even though I think he hates me (and will probably say how much so, soon). What do I care at this point? Notta. He's still a favorite of mine (you hear that, Pagan?).
Tony was one of most difficult recruits. Unfortunately, I think that at the time, he was the result of how prior loyalties impact one's ability to move onto new tribes (tribes who are already well established), who want loyalty (first and foremost, and even when it's not easy). Time was one of those tribes. Time properly wanted to know that when someone came in, they would be loyal only to Time...but Tonyball instinctively wanted the tribe he grew up under to continue to survive somehow, and that is something that I, and a few other tribe members, at least, saw as a good thing (we'd all but asked him in, and he'd flat out refused). Tony was loyal. Loyal is good. So, the question became how to bring "loyal" (elsewhere) into Time.
Our answer, was to wait. We continued to hit Tony multiple times, and cleared him entirely at least twice, of everything he'd been working on (most "decent" players would have quit under what he went through once, and he did so multiple times, still clinging to the tribe he "grew up under"). We did not do this to bring him into Time (by then most had given up on the idea); we did this, because he was the biggest threat of what remained of his former tribe. Meanwhile, we continued to keep in touch, and Time continued to work against his tribe...he continued to fight us (though, less and less frequently, as the tribe he was loyal to further deteriorated...and perhaps, he realized some of what he'd wanted in a tribe was leaving with it).
Some in Time saw this loyalty to a dying tribe as a good thing, and some did not. Long story short, eventually, Tonyball was appreciated for his prior loyalties, and came into the tribe, and had to adapt to Time's way of thinking, which was quite different from what he was accustomed to. We'd explained it previously, and what we expected in Time. Some of believed in him enough to really push his recruitment, but would not bring him in without 100% backing from those already in Time (our goal at the time, was that we lose no one IN the tribe, for the benefit of anyone outside of it). Tonyball came in with a lot of uncertainty from the tribe, but, in 100% agreement to go for it. I don't think anyone in the tribe has ever regretted a moment of his being here. He's done his part in Time, and I've not spoken to anyone in the tribe who's not been impressed with what he's put out. He's one of the few who came into Time with some need yet to prove himself to it on some level...most who came in already had that benefit. He's managed it, through all uncertainties, to become one of Time's top players in W32.
Scorponok/Serenbo/My man:
Some of you know that we met 2 summers ago, though we didn't really publicize it. We talked here for quite a while in game, and then in chat, and then on the phone, in advance. Needless to say (for those of you who knew us) that this wasn't something that was originally expected, but it's something that came to be, nearly 2 years ago. I will try not to give a biased interpretation here, of him as a player. I first took notice of him (as a player) as Serenbo in W19. Very long story short, Serenbo eventually took on the "SlickBlackJesus" account we had open in W32. That account name eventually came under fire, because the mods had an issue with people calling themselves "SlickBlackJesus", and it was put to rest, almost without further notice (can't blame them really, everyone knows from the pictures of Jesus that he was neither slick nor black...sigh--I'm joking). He then took over the Scorponok account.
Since that time, he's been a tribe minded soul, noted mostly for massive fakes against any target we undertook...several of them deleting before they felt the full "actual" impact of Time, based likely on incomings alone. Given that most of the tribe hated sending fakes (it was just a duty), and the fact that he could have taken it over almost independently given what he managed on his own as cover for the tribe's assaults, he deserves a place here. He also ranked number two just a day or two ago in the tribe with regards to overall placement...Tonyball made a smart, though slightly underhanded move by building his villages up to finish in second place, while Serenbo was still focusing on enoblements and making fools quit. (For the record, Tonyball, I did tell him that in the last stages of the game, as things are, I understood why you'd make the move that you did...just thought I'd throw that out there).
I'll be honest about Day, and say that we wanted him in Time long before he came here. Day was in Hostile previously, and I know that I myself, feel his services were abused there (sorry, Day, and Hostile, but keeping it real). He sat most of the tribe, at ungodly hours, and was under constant pressure with little relief. We knew Day loved Hostile, but I personally hoped for a "better life" for him (though he probs won't appreciate my saying so). Daysteppr was a non-issue for Time. Pretty much everyone in Time knew that he was the primary sitter for Hostile, and Time needed someone half as dedicated to the cause. Day was loyal, and able to leave on good terms (Hostile quit, afterall), and he's been one of my favorites ever since. Day headed a defense account for Time, which was one of our most trusted accounts (what tribe wants a huge mass of defense in it's core, which Day moved into, who it doesn't fully trust?)...we were ready to offer one to him from the moment he walked into our tribe. We always felt good about Day, and he was always honest and up front with Time, incoming members, and our position as a whole. I've spent many nights talking with Day about his thoughts, and value them tremendously. He keeps a watchful and interested eye over Time, particularly in our tribal chat. I think that if Time were to go on for another 20 years, Day would be there...I love that about him. This, despite the fact that I believe that after W32 (in just a few hours at best), he's done.
Sandy took over the Evaric account. Best I remember, it was running well at the time and the original owner was still there, but Sandy eventually took it over as he bailed (it seems like she's been with us for forever now, and it's hard to recall a former owner--so forgive me for any misinterpretation of the details). Sandy has been right there, through so much of our history. Sandy came in to a lot of account sitting being needed, and she was turned to for it again and again and's a wonder she's still here through it all...but she never stopped being someone that the tribe could count on in any time of need, and that includes myself. I only knew at the time that I would be gone for a couple of months, during a move, and wanted AYK to have secure and honest people to help lead the tribe on an "as needed" basis until I could return (I didn't realize at the time that I'd never fully return)...I went to Sandy personally (particularly, for help with recruitment, as with all that AYK does, he didn't have the time to devote into something that we spent SOOOO much time on...and Time spent as much of this on recruitment as anything). She was someone who was highly familiar of the game on all levels, very capable of doing pretty much any task that might be needed, and she was particularly helpful with the social aspect. I knew that one thing that the tribe might lack with my "supposed temporary" absense, was someone in leadership who was active with the tribe as a whole, in real time as well, in our chat...and no doubt, Sandy kept that piece up. Even through periods where she was ready to be done herself, she remained. Sandy is a fantastic motivator (and she never TRIED to be, she just was, just being there and being herself). Pretty much anyone at any point could log in, with almost no one on in our tribal chat, with no one seeming to be present, and she would chime in for them, letting them know that someone was there to hear them out (with knowledge of ongoings), and she was able to answer directly, or forward on to someone who could. She's been one of our two most active participants in the tribal chat...and she is loyal to no end.
Not initially thought of as Time material by some, due to having come from the head of a successful (at the time) family tribe...loyalties were again in question. I'm not sure that any of us who rooted for him fully expected that he would be able to overcome his former position to hold one in Time, but I know that we were all hopeful and the entire tribe at the time felt there was promise here (or, they trusted in leadership who felt it), or Fortezzo would not have come to Time. Fortezzo and I, even during difficult times, kept in close communication, and I think he would agree that as far as "friends" go in this game, we qualified (even as enemies). I place him as one of those I most admire here, because I know what he had to go through, mentally, to be a part of this tribe. One can imagine, and it's not something I'll even bother to go into here...but we know how difficult it was for Fortezzo to not only come here, but to do so and maintain loyalty to our tribe, after what he went through at the hands of Time. Fortezzo is just a good, well rounded person, and we knew this as leadership when promoting him and felt very good about him, despite the issues he was facing in leaving his former tribe. He's been very loyal to Time, as all members have, to our knowledge, but he had the most cause not to be.
I know that many have been left out of this, and I'm sorry. There are at least 5 others who I'd like to get to here...but as it is, time for W32, and my input, is gone. I've not even run a spell check, because it's time for me to get to bed. Know that everyone in Time, particularly those who have to know that they are close to my heart, have earned their title here. I do wish you all the best, and continue to hope that in "the best", you have more important things than this game that can account for it, and that this is where you'll devote your time. That said, I'm going to bed.
Best wishes.
Okay, one more for now:
Qwerty/Original Sinister in Time:
Jeez. Can't believe I didn't add him here previously. Qwerty was my mentor really, from all the way back in W19 where he became the coleader of Comic. I'd played before then, and landed somehow in a leadership before then, but I really had no clue about what I was doing prior to Qwerty. He's the one who showed me how to properly run ops (and he'd tell me how much I slacked as time moved on while I was here...but times changed as well, gradually making "quantity" at least as important as "quality"), and gave me constant reminders to be very picky about recruitment (he was more of a stats person, where I was more of a "meshing well" one, when it came to this, and between the two of us, it was nearly impossible for anyone to get in). He gradually made it his job to make mine easier, and he was invaluable to leadership. I've run into few geniouses in life, and know he was one of them. He left us a long time ago...before most remember, and he was a very "behind the scenes" kinda person, but he was absolute KEY in helping to get, and keep, Time afloat in early days. I hope he's enjoying life to the fullest, and wish him the best.
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