A final farewell


Just a quick message to say good luck and goodbye to all the great players and friends I have made during the last few years in world32 and especially during my spell with Time.
It was a blast from day one and I am very proud to have finished in the top tribe with a few of my favourite players still there with me to the end..

Special thx to Damon.l who kept me going through the "tougher" earlier stages of the game..also to AYK and the whole of the Time team new and old,you were a great bunch of players.

If I ever get the time to play another world I very much doubt it would ever live up to the fun I had in this one.

I would also like to say thank you to any enemy that I ever fought,any player who's villages I ever nobled and any players whose troops I ever killed..
You made the game what it was,a great challenge and very very addictive ;)

Take care everyone and thx for the memories.


All I can say is for the time I have played this game the players that have passed thru a few special tribes have been the best I have ever know.

Great job guys, you did it right from start to finish.

Semper Die!


Cheers for the [H]ostile slagging. We won't go into the bit where one of your mentioned beloved players wanted to spy, even in your.. Spyless tribe :icon_wink:

In saying that, well done. :)

/back to FPS'ers.

PS, hi all and everyone. Send me a PM :)

Shoutout to Bitey if he's reading? Get in contact bro!! I won't drag you into co'ing, don't worry. Haha.

Edit: Forgot to wish you well for your (and everyone elses) future endeavours. Cos I'm nice like that. Enjoooyy
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Well done Time.

World 32 holds good and bad memories for me but nothing can take away from the greatness that is Hate./Time. You thoroughly deserve the win.

Congrats !



Cheers for the [H]ostile slagging.

I missed it, where is the Hostile slagging?
Would love to get in on that!

Much love to my Hostile mates out there, for your short stint on this world, you guys made it an interesting one, it's too bad you guys couldn't stick it out to the end!


W32 were beautiful times, the game will seem more attractive then than now.
Friends, tribal mates, nice memories.


Hunty <3 ... I joined Time with TK and several others when Hunty left Hate. Loyal as can be, and it stayed that way. Hunty is still my first Tw master :p

((Taz)) loved playing with you, and just having you around.

Hunty, while I've never been one much for PnP I didn't just pop back in for a bit, I've been here all along. Perhaps you've forgotten or just didn't know that I've been running the crabstick11 account for quite a long time.

Oops, sorry Whisper; I meant here on the world forum. You took over crabstick either just before or just after I dropped my own account. I just know you never really frequented in here (though you may have more over time; I've not kept up with the forum) and was glad to see you pop in to say hi where I could see yas. :)

Niko rules (rock) + (heidy)
... and vana for me is "the most interesting" player. glad you both made it to the end :)

p.s. if it's Huntress personal farewell thread, sorry for hijack :) congrats to both you and AYK ofc :)

Nono, not a "personal" farewell (well, my saying farewell, but others welcome to do the same). Glad to see you in here, too, Kilga...you were another absolute beast in TW and a HUGE part of our our beginnings in this world. You're one of those I always had the utmost respect for and remember looking to on many occasions during your time here. You were a great example of how this game was meant to be played.

Cheers for the [H]ostile slagging.

Sorry, xplicid...though I suppose it's easy to see the comment as something of that nature, that wasn't the intent. It was intended more as a reference to Day in general, and how much we knew he put in (was also an acknowledgement of why his recruitment was so simple for Time, which even Day commented on). To clarify though, MANY Hostile members also put in a great deal (most, even). Hostile, to me, was generally seen as a fun-loving tribe with a lot of potential and many great members. They helped to keep the world entertained during their time here. Of all the tribes who I personally spent time here with in W32, it was definitely one of the most memorable.

Again, best wishes to all of yas.


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every single world I have ever seriously played(6,20,32) is now officially finished

it's kind of a weird feeling


So i feel maybe it's my turn to say something..

Thanks to all of you..

i'm not an original premade Hater but i joined after a while..
with Hate./Time attitude i was a little ranked high :p until my real life priorities come first..

i surely miss my original account.. and i'm realy glad to see it in Hate. stats which AYK posted..

after about 1 year of retirement for some reasons AYK offered me an account in Time again..
i took ctiemeyer account..
and with my busy job and angry girlfriend i tried to keep it up to bring down enemies..
then became even more busy again..

Thanks to the leadership, thanks to the tribemates i played, thanks to everyone..

i wish, i'd be able to make more contribution to the tribe..

There are so much players i wish to talk about, instead of it i only wish to see their names in a list..

@AYK - if it's not too hard, could you please make a list of all players both in Hate. and Time we played together ?
vanished and remain..
lost and keeps on..
it would be magnificent if you include stats in it like you did.

I wish, all my tribemates well in real and in game..
I thank to my enemies to make this game fun and they had guts to fight against me and my mates..
i wish, you do exactly what you want to do..

Best Regards..


was an honour to fight against Time. although my co deleted i couldnt kill your trains anymore :(
i hope THX proved a worthy fight for you all :)

Well played w32 players. was a good old world


I missed it, where is the Hostile slagging?
Would love to get in on that!

Much love to my Hostile mates out there, for your short stint on this world, you guys made it an interesting one, it's too bad you guys couldn't stick it out to the end!
Refer to the Day paragraph. It's no big deal really, heh.

Sorry, xplicid...though I suppose it's easy to see the comment as something of that nature, that wasn't the intent. It was intended more as a reference to Day in general, and how much we knew he put in (was also an acknowledgement of why his recruitment was so simple for Time, which even Day commented on). To clarify though, MANY Hostile members also put in a great deal (most, even). Hostile, to me, was generally seen as a fun-loving tribe with a lot of potential and many great members. They helped to keep the world entertained during their time here. Of all the tribes who I personally spent time here with in W32, it was definitely one of the most memorable.

Again, best wishes to all of yas.

All good. Not all that phased :icon_razz: Day's an exceptional team player, and to go along with it can go weeks without sleep :icon_eek::icon_eek: ... He does deserve the mention he got, that's for sure.

Best wishes to you too, and everyone else.

Oh, I forgot. Congrats!


Vanapagan/Loxxor -
He wouldn't want me talking about him, in all likelihood, because he can be a jerk. Everyone who's ever played with him knows it and he does also. Many tried to have him outted, and many can't stand him, even in Time. However. Everyone also knows that I adored him, as a player, and those who came to know him often did as well, but it took a lot of doing. He'll read this and want to darn me to hell for talking about him, he'll likely even try to carry on my name as a lousy leader, lousy tribemate, and lousy person, for ever posting his name here or having anything at all to say about him. That's alright with me. Pagan, as he was lovingly known (and adhered to himself as, a couple months ago) has huge kudos from me. He was a great player, and even downgraded himself in accounts a time or two in order to continue to bring havok to this world. Anyone who came up against him, or dared to cross him met wrath, period. He is a brutal player, and one who in life would take no prisoners (he is the honeybadger of TW...the tribe, and any friendships to be made). He had zero tolorance and zero appreciation for everyone, with the exception of his tribemates, who he only barely tolerated (but who I believe he managed some level of appreciation for). Just to be in the same tribe with Pagan took at least some guts, and to even try to "lead" him into anything at all, took even more. He's seldom had anything nice to say about any of our leadership, myself included (that's alright, because he still chose to play with us and those who love him anyway know that this means something)...and he's likely to bash us all until the day we die. That's alright. I LOVE this guy as a player, and he's been with me for about 5 years, even though I think he hates me (and will probably say how much so, soon). What do I care at this point? Notta. He's still a favorite of mine (you hear that, Pagan?).


All good. Not all that phased :icon_razz: Day's an exceptional team player, and to go along with it can go weeks without sleep :icon_eek::icon_eek: ... He does deserve the mention he got, that's for sure.

Looking back, we probably did take advantage of it a bit more than we should have (sorry for that btw day, i <3 you) and also took him a little for granted. I have to be honest though, i really miss having day there (and have to admit, i would probably end up taking advantage of him again without meaning to >.<) because he would be there whenever you needed... near enough anything. The only thing he couldn't do was participate in OP's and that's because he was always sitting someone who was taking part in them.


See you guys are starting to come around.

The post was never meant to dig at [H]ostile, but to show what type of player Daysteppr was, and the appreciation we've had for him since before he was ever a member of Time.
He did a lot for us as well, for that I'll always be thankful.


Well done Time.
Well played and much deserved to a team of great guys.


I think few forget you mate.
At least if they had any sort of a forum presence!