I actually like anime to a point but it's full of gayness.
Back to anime.
I think code geass is for pedo's.
Btw, does any of you have any good dramatic anime +17 to suggest ? (something similar to code geass, death note, elfen cried)
If you're looking for something with a lot of gore and a relatively decent subplot to give it background (I saw elfen lied mentioned), I'd suggest Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai (second season of it).
Code Geass and Death Note had high points with them having an extremely overcapable love/hate protagonists that had very strong tactical skills that generally controlled the plot. Off the top of my head I can't really think of too many that fall under that can rival those in that regard. Perhaps X/1999. Gungrave is also a really strong one. I could also suggest a few good action series that I enjoyed on the level of those two. Black Lagoon, Darker than Black, Black Cat, Ikkitousen, Black Blood Brothers, Ergo Proxy, Hellsing Ultimate (I hate the fact it takes them several months to release each new episode though, it's still not done ), just to start.
If you're looking at a lighter side of drama (I say lighter, I find it much more emotionally gripping) try something like Ef - Eternal Memories, Chrono Crusade, Kanon, Air, or Clannad (particularly the second season, Clannad After Story). They've got a lot of emotional intensity and more relate-able tragedies involved than the take-over-the-world type stories of Lelouch and Light.
While many of these suggestions don't deal with adult characters, the themes and such are targetted for the same type of audience as the ones you mentioned enjoying previously, so I'd think you would probably enjoy them.
And if you already saw all those or they don't interest you, ask again! More parameters to your request this time, I could probably find you something more specific to your liking
Cheshire, I'm looking for a comedy similar to Kampfer if you've watched it. Something light and hearty. Just got finished rewatching Clannad Afterstory, so need cheering up.
Anime was cool when i was 8 and i used to watch Poke'mon -.-'