Indeed. But series with no plot whatsoever are almost always to be avoided. It's just too hard to get into the story when there isn't one to get in to.
A while back i heard about someone making a halo anime (not from those guys at rooster teeth either) was gonna be about the spartans and them fighting in the civil war before the covenant attacked and all.But i havent heard anything else about it lately :S
Back in the day i used to watch dragonball and pokemon. Since then i dont really watch Anime. Nothing against it just would rather watch non animated TV's and Movies
Haven't watched it nor even played Halo, but this seems like it might be what you're looking for, just based on a little search:
Has anyone watched all episodes of Hellsing here? i have few stupid questions![]()
Which one?
The one with the real plot still has 3 more episodes to be released.
Don't manga still have filler archs and the like? i mean bleach is the worst about it so is naroutu all there manga had massive filler arches.
I watched with 13 episodes one but i feel like they hurried up and have not finished the story.
now im watching Hellsing Ultimate and it explains more about every character but its not as good as one with 13eps because they skip many things that was explained in 13eps one :|
now try to understand what i said![]()
Indeed. But series with no plot whatsoever are almost always to be avoided. It's just too hard to get into the story when there isn't one to get in to.
To Love-Ru has few battles, no overall plot, and fairly boring characters. It's hard to watch.does that just go with common scene you can't get into it if its not there?
And anything without a plot is just pointless unless its nothing but random battles in which case the combat somewhat makes up for it.
Back in the day i used to watch dragonball and pokemon. Since then i dont really watch Anime. Nothing against it just would rather watch non animated TV's and Movies
I checked most of the animes posted here and none of them is as good as Code geass
if only you can suggest me some dramatic, with good story animeCG was the best one for me and Death note/Elfen lied were not bad