Armageddon, End of Existence, Mayan's Know etc...


It reminds me of this thing about 12 years ago, can't remember specifics, but something along these lines, you might remember it.


lol, the Y2K scare... and all the doom.... hmm, makes me wonder if some tribe (had TW been around) might also have asked the current world of the time if they too would become "chicken little".

Reavor, no excuses... just bringing an interesting topic to the forum while trying to get everyone to send me all their troops. :)


Ok, so as we all know.. the world is ending on winter solstice 2012 (Dec 21) and therefore I have a couple questions.

1. Now that we've address the end, who will be mass deleting on Dec 20 so they can spend the last day getting pissed?
2. Those who aren't, will you be celebrating with those who do or will you be here eating the easy food?
and finally,
3. Like me, will you be laughing at those who buy into this Mayan BS?

Actually, my plan is to convince everyone the sky is falling and they should send all troops to support shAve (mostly facebook staulkers) while they themselves run about screaming (or laughing) doom. <

Doom to us all, run my friends, run and find hugs everywhere before the chance for hugs is gone. Run to your homes and snuggle with your loved ones. Run to your homes and hold your children close. Run to your kitchens and eat that last meal but do so only after sending your armies out in support of me. The player who in W59, first gave you warning. :icon_twisted:

Scientists have proven gold does not come from the earth so my theory is the alignment sends dust from our black hole which rebounds back at us to make us all rich :) there are many world ending situations and whether we are here or not wont make much of a difference because just like present day the rich will live the poor will suffer.

note the us shot a missle at the moon to study space dust hmmm

the coolest end i believe is a supper volcano sending enough ash in the atmosphere for 7 years of darkness no crops to feed anyone so stock up on popcorn


Anyone who quotes wikipedia as a source, is usually wrong. I don't know about gold, but I would not trust wikipedia as a source.


Wait my post was dead on, This tool magentoo has said gold doent come from earth, HMM

Care to try to elaborate on how Gold doens't come from Earth?

Even though Wiki is wrong a lot of the time the link posted has an interesting passage which i've been told myself a few years back.

From source - 'Gold's atomic number of 79 makes it one of the higher atomic number elements which occur naturally. Like all elements with atomic numbers larger than iron, gold is thought to have been formed from a supernova nucleosynthesis process. Their explosions scattered metal-containing dusts (including heavy elements like gold) into the region of space in which they later condensed into our solar system and the Earth.[43] Because the Earth was molten when it was just formed, almost all of the gold present on Earth sank into the core. Most of the gold that is present today in the Earth's crust and mantle was delivered to Earth by asteroid impacts during the late heavy bombardment.'

So gold does come from the Earth but all our actual gold is in the molten core of the planet and unobtainable. The gold we mine likely comes from asteroid impacts.

The earth itself is made up of dust particles brought together from across the vast distances of space, so we can just as easily say that Earth's natural gold is also from elsewhere.


we all come from the stars. so, rather then dust to dust, its from star dust to star dust


actually gold is from the cosmos , its already been proven . As science proved the earth is made up of all space particles if you believe the big bang theory.Eros is an asteroid that contains more gold then ever mined on earth .

433 Eros, the asteroid NASA investigated contains more gold than ever extracted on Earth. The total amount of gold on Earth is calculated at $3,000,000,000,000 and this is excluding all the stuff held in private collections and any fabled Aztec lost city of gold.

If you're wondering just how much 3 trillion dollars is, well that's like the entire cost of the Iraq War there in one rock. Hell, you could buy Alaska and still have like 2.5 trillion to spare.

There's more gold in one rock than in the entire world. That's not to mention, there's predicted to be asteroids containing mostly platinum and even more precious metals. For an asteroid of similar size to 433 Eros containing only 10% of its mass as a rare-precious metal like platinum, well that's when you get the capability to buy out the entire planet.

Back to the Mayan end of life claim , Its the end of a cycle . The mayans never said the world would end , it was a new beginning as there God was going to come .

If they could predict the end of the world specific to a date , think of how much more they could have accomplished.

There are 4 cultures predicting the end of the world china ,Mayan , early American Indians , and ancient Aztecs . There are 2 other cultures that agree with this through prophets the middle east and Gaelic .

This world has been destroyed 3 times already this fact has been proven through science , yet some form of culture has survived. Scientist no there was an asteroid that hit the gulf of mexico and destroyed the planet once.This has nothing to do with the dinosaurs they died off due to plague caused by ice age and polar shift that was #2

The third was the great flood and Noah , if we believe the bible it happened , science backs that up , but not to the stories written in the bible.

This was again mother nature and another ice age causing the seas to rise as continents shifted , science has also proved this as they have researched the timelines of planet growth and carbon dated remaining plants as the north pole ice cap dissolves, again showing the remains of a polar shift.

Earth cleanses itself every how many years , we were all born of dust and turn to dust. The earth was formed after a mass explosion if we believe science, resulting from two atoms colliding. As these particles evolved the created more elements, thus our periodic table was formed.

Heres a thought in the last 4 thousand years the earth has evolved many times over in the last 200 years it has multiplied the knowledge and grown achieving great feats due to science.

if we argue science then we argue the last 70 years , nuclear war , the internet , space travel ,and many other great changes that have benefited all cultures.

Im having an end of the world party to laugh at prior uncivilized cultures that believed in deities or Gods , im not saying they are wrong or that something wont happen but im also not running out to build a bomb shelter.

Theres and old saying id like to interject here believe 1/2 of what you see and none of what you hear ,and yeah i believe in aliens as well.


Actually, its said that 2012 will be the end of the world as we know it :). does not mean the end of the world lol.


Wait my post was dead on, This tool magentoo has said gold doent come from earth, HMM

Care to try to elaborate on how Gold doens't come from Earth? cnn had this a few weeks back

slinkiestwizard the mayans were able to tell us next 500 years of eclipses without a telescope and if the spanish hadnt destroyed all but a few tablets from there civilisation who knows what else they knew
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everyone here but me is wrong. I mean, I don't want to be chicken little here and scream the sky is falling, the sky is falling but... damn it, The Sky Is Falling and everyone should support me because I'm the one saying so. :p

In seriousness, I personally think there are many "unknowns" regarding the winter solstice 2012 and as a result, governments world wide are holding their breath. For those that want to disagree, I can show multiple threads where governments have admitted to creating shelters designed to keep a small number of people alive for 100 years. Additionally, one only has to listen to life's lessons and the words "History has a tendency to repeat itself" or "if it happened once, it can and likely will happen again". I'm not saying its going to happen soon but, the truth is, it will again happen and we can't avoid it.

Think of some of the possibilities:
Super Volcanoes (Yellowstone is like 40,000 years past the average and they are witnessing a "huge" increase in quake activity"
Polar Ice Melt, (surely people won't argue this) and ocean rising. As that happens, more and more weight on the Pacific rim of fires plate tectonics creating a much higher probability of a Massive, Massive earthquake that can and will shift lands. (Japan shifted 10 feet after the last large quake)
and finally,
Mankind and the dolts that want to see world destruction. Think this is the most likely "end of the world" scenario. An example of what "might" be a good pointer to what the snobbish elitist want (and reason for starting a world war) is the Georgia Guide Stones. (google them).

Truth is, mankind is destructive by nature. We, for one reason or another, prefer aggression over peace. There are examples from the beginning of time where we have glorified the ruthless and condemned the weak. It's human nature and IMO, it is exactly this nature that will destroy us.


In a way, i don't care if the world ends. I mean, we all gotta' die someday, probably better sooner than later.
but it would also be a shame, as i'm still waiting on my snowboarding sponsorship. ;)


Anyone who quotes wikipedia as a source, is usually wrong. I don't know about gold, but I would not trust wikipedia as a source.

I have heard this before. but I have also heard some people did an experiment, got a heap of experts to make deliberately incorrect but plausible statements on a large range of different subjects on wikipedia to test how long it took the community to correct them; average time was less than 14 mins. my thinking is wikipedia may not be a 100% reliable source but it is very useful and to write it off completely is snobbery.


what interests me most regarding the "2012" scenario is what follows "2012"

The world needs to take heed of the Hopi Indian prophecy...

No, I'm not saying the world will fall apart as shown in the movie 2012 but... the Hopi's prophecy says "man will chose one of two paths". One path leads to peace, harmony and prosperity while the other leads to doom and destruction.

Considering the enormous amount of world government elections that are occurring over the last half of 2012 and the fact that we (the world as one) are facing what may very well be the largest and most threatening prejudices in all of time. I'd say the Hopi's may be onto something.

Middle East needs to heal. We all know there is a hatred that can explode at any time.
The western countries need to work with and not against the Muslim countries.
The orient needs to grow together in unity.
and the world as a whole needs to reduce the weapons that can at anytime destroy life throughout in a flash.

It saddens me, as an American, to have to admit that we are the only country to have ever used atomic energy to intentionally destroy a population. My father and uncles (all of them) participated in that war and I've witnessed the tears stream down their cheeks (at least my fathers) when he would reflect on the loss of life. I am however, also very proud to now be able to stand not against but beside those who were once the enemy and know the hatred's and prejudices that once divided are gone and the two countries (Japan and the US) have worked extensively to recover peacefully and equally.

My hope is that 2012 will come and go without disaster but I fear the outcome of the forthcoming elections might have something to do with it.
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