This is just a warning to all of you about trusting [player]didbid[/player]
I had a personal nap with him, and while i was supporting a tribemate undet attack of his tribamate i had 4 scouting and now 4 nobles on the way...
I had a personal nap with him, and while i was supporting a tribemate undet attack of his tribamate i had 4 scouting and now 4 nobles on the way...
CloserToGod Aug 04,2012 09:47
i think u are sending some scouts on me.... why?
CloserToGod Aug 04,2012 09:50
sooo.. u want war?
i didn't expecet from u... i tought u was a loyal person
didbid Aug 04,2012 09:56
Not war am scouting for someone in tribe who is trying to work out if your are helping defend Darklancer
CloserToGod Aug 04,2012 10:01
if we have a pesonal nap i am soupposed not to have incoming from u. i'm speachless... i have, 50 incomings.. u really think i'm supporting another player?!? moreover i'm on, i will dodge everything... so your action is honorless an useless