to resume.. offend are the best in war with tribes 1/5 of their dimension, and hitting PA... wowowowowo!!! what a pretty tribe!
to resume.. offend are the best in war with tribes 1/5 of their dimension, and hitting PA... wowowowowo!!! what a pretty tribe!
to resume.. offend are the best in war with tribes 1/5 of their dimension, and hitting PA... wowowowowo!!! what a pretty tribe!
Honestly Offend has the upperhand. Most of their players have Nukes rolling out while you guys maybe have several players who have full nukes? maybe a dozen with a train while they have a good 35-40 player with trains. Offend has the offensive capablities and the expirence to perform a succesful op and rim you all. I would give him 6 hour notice before i attacked because your tribe has to come first
I should hope they have 66 members with trains.