ATEN's Declaration of War


whats with all the hot this hot that.
i dont see a hot anymore only reb,lws.aten,elude.
if aten really wanted to prove a point that they were good fighters and carring thier own weight why didnt you just declare on reb without adding elude and lws .
or was it the fact that aten know to damn well that 1 on 1 war with reb they would lose hands down


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whats with all the hot this hot that.
i dont see a hot anymore only reb,lws.aten,elude.
if aten really wanted to prove a point that they were good fighters and carring thier own weight why didnt you just declare on reb without adding elude and lws .
or was it the fact that aten know to damn well that 1 on 1 war with reb they would lose hands down

Uhm, I dunno about your interpretation of "adding", but LWS was at war with REB before Aten was. So you can hardly say that Aten "added" LWS to the war against REB.


whats with all the hot this hot that.
i dont see a hot anymore only reb,lws.aten,elude.
if aten really wanted to prove a point that they were good fighters and carring thier own weight why didnt you just declare on reb without adding elude and lws .
or was it the fact that aten know to damn well that 1 on 1 war with reb they would lose hands down

Only a few of them are 1)Worth a crap 2)Not huge cowards 3)Your fact is correct

Oh, and Jirki, you smell :)
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yes there was the odd skermish here and there.
but as hooch and the others have stated we could have napped or allied with them.
but not to worry aten have got themselves more skirts to help them


You cannot deny that ATEN did make decisions that were out of character. This is a fact.

Is it really? You keep talking about Aten's character as though you're experts. A switch like this can hardly be surprising when you do look at the facts. Aten learns that REB are planning to jump ship and switch on Aten. Aten then decides to open talks o their own and beat REB to the punch. Why is it so hard to understand that anyone would do that? Spiteful it may be, delicious though ;)


REB were not planning to jump ship and switch on Aten. Your information is wrong. What was said was REB talked about jumping ship. It was discussed. But REB decided not to (that is the truth of it, whichever way philler etc try to twist it).

I have already tried to put this in simple terms.

I talk about killing people.

I don't actually go out and murder someone.

One is slightly worse than the other.

Aten have no honour.



You see you assume my sources are Philler and the like. I had nothing to do with LWS until now and a nice bunch I find them to be. The point is REB opened these talks, REB were discussing the matter before Aten even thought about it. As I said, once were aware of it we beat you to it, nothing to do with @deciding not to@, the choice was no longer REB's.


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Is it really? You keep talking about Aten's character as though you're experts. A switch like this can hardly be surprising when you do look at the facts. Aten learns that REB are planning to jump ship and switch on Aten. Aten then decides to open talks o their own and beat REB to the punch. Why is it so hard to understand that anyone would do that? Spiteful it may be, delicious though ;)

So now discussions are now turning to facts. During the Xig/FTR war, ATEN had discussions with both sides about abandoning their neutrality. So by this logic, it must have happened. So, if I start discussions with LWS about abandoning the alliance, does this means that that they will?

I guess if daydreams were desserts, they would definitely be delicious.


Why start a discussion that you're not willing to pursue? Considering the history of part of REB it's not hard to see what "would have" happened. Protest your innocence, I care not. There are no innocents here.


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The history or REB? I've known Hooch almost as long as he led MPX and he has never turned on an ally. As for the HOT side, I believe it was Collosus that started the involvement with the ATEN war. It was steve that ended it after TW treated HOT like dirt. So, what part of the history did I miss?


junk there isn't much I need to add to that...apart from hooch not being a male ;P

Mystic I am assuming your source is philler because you say REB opened discussions first before Aten even thought about it. Apart from philler who would know that? How do you even know thats true?

As has been said multiple times. Discussing is extremely different to acting. The context of the discussion (REB carrying a larger burden of the war effort) is relevant here remember. Yet REB did not turn on Aten, even when they would of had more right to. See, some of us have morals. Don't want to overuse the word but it doesn't appear to be sinking in...we has honour.

If Aten had an issue with ex-HOT then why not bring it up while you were allied to them? Or waiting for the opportune moment? Sneaky. steve promised he would never declare on Aten. Have you lot over in Aten forgotten such a promise? Or maybe your leaders are keeping things from you to try and hold up a vague sense of justification. There is this thing called keeping your word. Google it maybe...seems your side struggle to grasp what it means.


I understand the concept. Honour goes hand in hand with respect yet promises in a game are meaningless. Honour would only apply if this were not a game and actual lives depended upon the choices we make.

You act as though we have no morals. To state we have no morals because we have changed stance in a game is absurd. Your approval or lack of it is not required. It will change nothing. You can continue to believe you have the higher "moral" ground but you're clutching at straws.

As for my source, none of your business. It certainly wasn't Philler. The reason it's none of your business is because it no longer matters.

True, Hooch has never turned her back on an ally, she was thinking of it and I can understand why. As for Ex-HOT, laying blame on one person for their actions from times gone by is just as meaningless as this topic. No-one will agree with the opposed side. I will never agree with your argument and you wouldn't agree with mine, nor do I expect you to. Feel free to keep spewing the same pointless argument but saying you have the moral high ground doesn't make it a fact, just an opinion.


A of point of interest; how many of the REB members currently debating the morality of this war with Aten members are original HOT members, and how many are MPX? As far as I can tell, the majority are ex-MPX which says something about the points being raised in my opinion.

In other words, anyone with an MPX background has solid reasoning to talk about lack of morality on Aten's behalf, as MPX have had a very PC and 'just' history. However the opposite could be said for anyone in REB with a HOT background, as they have changed side on many occasion, taken in refugees and turned common allies... etc. So perhaps REB members need to realise the various points Aten members are bringing up might be more directed at one half or the other? Personally I think when you merge with a family or tribe you adopt their legacy and history in many ways, in conjunction with your own. So by default MPX members may have lost 'credibility' in some peoples eyes.

Either way, it's just food for thought.


Mystic I am assuming your source is philler because you say REB opened discussions first before Aten even thought about it. Apart from philler who would know that?

Any of the Dukes or Barons within LWS.