bAd will we unite and fight them or die?


Talk Talk Talk all you want. nUke is done.
Dear duke of nUke,
Click tribe. Properties. Disband Tribe. Ok. Then settings. Delete account. Insert password. Ok.

Ouch, everyone ran lmao..... But look at the guy that joined during everyone's leave hahahahaahaha


well how i shoud fight them if they mail to my tribe that bollocks? about how we leave our tribe they will leave us alone?

Their planting seeds and lying about it aswell they said 48h wont attack but i have already 30 so how could i fight
netrual war if they fight dirty?

But still this is a game and i dont care if they rim me atleast i tried to destroy them if i dont sucseed atleast i try'd.


Dear Oulocoz.

I'd like to ask one question. If you have a tribe with people leaving due to a mail from Aubrey like the one above, do you really believe that you're going to make a difference? In a situation like this, the most organised and structured tribe will do better. If your people leave after that mail, doesn't that make them unreliable?

In my eyes, anyone who leaves a tribe in order to avoid a fight, is a coward and a refugee. Last I checked, bAd wasn't a refugee camp, nor do we like them in this world.


Ouch, everyone ran lmao..... But look at the guy that joined during everyone's leave hahahahaahaha

That player was a brave one... All he wanted was a home! A family! And they lied to him, they told him nUke is the best place to be ;(

You will never be forgotten!




Awwwww. Another thread hating on bAd. :icon_redface:

And you plan to set up an OP on us, more so on me, plus we are not "official" NAP, we became NAP during WoB feedtime.


mail me ingame, we can work out a plan to unleash the downfall of bAd
ign: diiiiiiiii


Yes I'm referring to that, but the 24 hours was over at that point. As far as I'm concerned peace and love never brought up any reports, while kyouske has a report where the village wasn't cleared when he nobled it. Also if I understand you correctly you are saying that peace and love never actually attacked the village in question, only a village that was getting support from it. If this is the case the village does belong to kyouske. Now, we could talk about this for a long time, but it won't change anything, so I'm saying I might be wrong or I might be right I don't know both sides of the story or the full story, but based on the info I have gotten the village should belong to kyouske.

As for them fighting atleast a week now, yes that is true but I don't get what you try to accomplish with this. I don't see you winning an argument about this, peace and love has lost a lot compared to what he has got.

Also I could bring up how a bunch of wait member are refugees for joining bAd. You can say all you want about how it was planned a long time ago, but you can't use that argument unless you agree that the villages belong to kyouske. See from our point of view, wait joined our war with wob, they get a few villages from us, then when we start fighting back, kill a bunch of their nukes and noble a few villas from them, they run and hide to protection of bAd.

Wait hold on, that guy is actually really trying to convince himself that i was going to let a player i attacked and gained 700k in ODA on just him, merge into a player who supported him against me.

And Wait! members are refugees, 9 members fighting 120 members alone for over 3 weeks. Wait! was leading the war against Nra 19 to 3 with 3 being just recaps, And wait! was leading the war against nuke 12 to 4, 3 out of 4 being recap. Refugees indeed.

Strong logic players have nowadays.
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i say we unite as world and fight off those lying egoistic tribe called bAd
they think their going to win this world let's show em that's not going to happen if we unite we will
have power to destroy them in pieces and their tactics like this dont work.

This is what bAd thinks lets show em something new they havent encountered like 1000 incomings.
"But, as the world has progressed through start up, it has become blatantly obvious that outside of bAd, there really isn't anyone to give us a real challenge. So, I would just like to notify each and every one of you that this world is already over, as bAd will easily win it judging from the very sub-par competition out there."

"So, I guess you can all linger here, but it would likely be best for all for you to just give it up and start mentally preparing yourselves for the next no hauls world. This thread will be for you numpties to discuss the greatness of bAd, and any laughable tribe out there that you think might actually give us a run for our money. So, discuss, heathens."

Lets rim them all in one big blow with all top tribes nuking them out of this world.

Just give up. Resistance is Futile.


so much GANG BANG lol /....... stop hating on us because we are top of the food chain.


That player was a brave one... All he wanted was a home! A family! And they lied to him, they told him nUke is the best place to be ;(

You will never be forgotten!



Why don't you send one of those mails to us? :)


Wait hold on, that guy is actually really trying to convince himself that i was going to let a player i attacked and gained 700k in ODA on just him, merge into a player who supported him against me.

And Wait! members are refugees, 9 members fighting 120 members alone for over 3 weeks. Wait! was leading the war against Nra 19 to 3 with 3 being just recaps, And wait! was leading the war against nuke 12 to 4, 3 out of 4 being recap. Refugees indeed.

Strong logic players have nowadays.

Wait hold on, that guy is actually really thinking he could have nobled the guy who he couldn't noble even with the help of 2 of his bashers, but needed a 3rd guy to help him. Also he got around 800k ODD then.

See you count the time when we just got rid of atomic and had still some inactives and players who didn't ask for support.
Here's the stats of the actual war and 0 of nuke conquers were recaps, actually I don't think nuke ever recapped a villa, but wait did.
Side 1:
Tribes: Wait!
Side 2:
Tribes: nUKe

Timeframe: 03/11/2013 00:00:00 to 09/11/2013 17:43:30

Total conquers:

Side 1: 48
Side 2: 158
Difference: 110


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4
Side 2: 3
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 359,779
Side 2: 910,817
Difference: 551,038


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 30,129
Side 2: 23,118
Difference: 7,011


You can change the times and see that mayority of your conquers were before this month, while we began to turn it around at the beginning of this month, and in this month we were actually ahead until you joined bad.

And 9 members fighting 120? Based on your(tribes) words I tought it was pretty much only CS fighting NRA, also NRA didn't really fight back, making this this 50% wrong, you were fighting 8 against 60, while nuke was fighting 60 against around 150 who actually did fight back. Or actually it was around 5-10 of us fighting against you. Wanted to add that we didn't have even a fake script for you, only for wob.

There's some logic for you. Don't come up with stuff that you know isn't true.


Wait hold on, that guy is actually really thinking he could have nobled the guy who he couldn't noble even with the help of 2 of his bashers, but needed a 3rd guy to help him. Also he got around 800k ODD then.

See you count the time when we just got rid of atomic and had still some inactives and players who didn't ask for support.
Here's the stats of the actual war and 0 of nuke conquers were recaps, actually I don't think nuke ever recapped a villa, but wait did.
Side 1:
Tribes: Wait!
Side 2:
Tribes: nUKe

Timeframe: 03/11/2013 00:00:00 to 09/11/2013 17:43:30

Total conquers:

Side 1: 48
Side 2: 158
Difference: 110


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4
Side 2: 3
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 359,779
Side 2: 910,817
Difference: 551,038


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 30,129
Side 2: 23,118
Difference: 7,011


You can change the times and see that mayority of your conquers were before this month, while we began to turn it around at the beginning of this month, and in this month we were actually ahead until you joined bad.

And 9 members fighting 120? Based on your(tribes) words I tought it was pretty much only CS fighting NRA, also NRA didn't really fight back, making this this 50% wrong, you were fighting 8 against 60, while nuke was fighting 60 against around 150 who actually did fight back. Or actually it was around 5-10 of us fighting against you. Wanted to add that we didn't have even a fake script for you, only for wob.

There's some logic for you. Don't come up with stuff that you know isn't true.

1- Yeah implying how many members you kicked who were rimmed by us? Oh and i do not know if you forgot, your conquered villages on us were on a guy who quit and was being internaled.
Don't know if you think we started playing the game yesterday night, but these tricks are old.

2- Is it our problem if NRA did not fight back? Plus where did you get this info from? They launched 2 major Ops with many trains and they got sniped and defended like no problem.

3- 5-10 of you fighting against us? Might i remind you that all the rest is sending heavy support for the so called (5-10) fighting us while we are only 9 players defending against 2 tribes 12 times our size. Or that does not matter to you? A war is a war, the whole tribe is involved. Spare yourself from this delusional reasoning you have. Accept the fact that you guys failed hard and prepare yourself for a restart.

Good day.
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1- Yeah implying how many members you kicked who were rimmed by us? Oh and i do not know if you forgot, your conquered villages on us were on a guy who quit and was being internaled.
Don't know if you think we started playing the game yesterday night, but these tricks are old.

2- Is it our problem if NRA did not fight back? Plus where did you get this info from? They launched 2 major Ops with many trains and they got sniped and defended like no problem.

3- 5-10 of you fighting against us? Might i remind you that all the rest is sending heavy support for the so called (5-10) fighting us while we are only 9 players defending against 2 tribes 12 times our size. Or that does not matter to you? A war is a war, the whole tribe is involved. Spare yourself from this delusional reasoning you have. Accept the fact that you guys failed hard and prepare yourself for a restart.

Good day.

1a- Perfect failure quit? I see him in bAd. There were 3 conquers on ycsy after he started to loose villages to you, also we started attacking him after he started attacking us, we didn't know at that point that he was quitting, and only 1 village was conquered from him after you joined the war, ycsy also got almost 500k ODD during the war so I'd say the village wasn't exactly free. Now we can come to a same kind of argument as you had with the NRA inactives, that doesn't lead anywhere, or leave it at this. If you leave all inactive/quitting player captures it makes it as 4-4 or 3-4 for this month, not sure which one.

1b- We kicked 2 players because they were inactive after we got rid of atomic.

2- I got the info based on what you have posted in the forums.

3- All the rest sending heavy support? I think you didn't read when I wrote that we were fighting wob and they actually fought back. We had mayority of our troops at wob front, at wait front we had only small packages of 100 spears and 100 swords from most of the players, that makes it to a max of 6k spears and 6k swords, and not even in every village, also I don't think that every player supported which makes the number even smaller. Oh and all the villages you conquered were in the middle of you and weren't able to receive fast support, while all the villages we conquered were close to your villages, making it easy for you to snipe/support the villages. Aand 3 of your 4 conquers during the war were hit by wob too (could be planned or coincidence), so you can save the our villages being hit by nra too line.

Not at all delusional reasoning and yes I have accepted that we failed, but you should accept that wait and you probably aren't as good as you think.

Now we can both save some trouble here by agreeing that I'm right here, nuke failed, wait probably would have lost to nuke(not easily), you are more skilled than me, but I'm a better teamplayer than you.

Good night :icon_smile:


Ycsy is a better player than me and probably most of the current top20. Cosmin as he is know as quit. That is why nUke took villages off him. And now if you look... them players are now in my basher tribe :D


Ycsy is a better player than me and probably most of the current top20. Cosmin as he is know as quit. That is why nUke took villages off him. And now if you look... them players are now in my basher tribe :D

Only 1 of them is in your basher tribe, and I never said he was a bad player, he was brought up and my point was that he didn't affect the war stats between nuke and wait much since we nobled only 1 village from him after wait joined the war.


Just shut up. NuKE IS DONE. The fact that 1 circ mail in 48 brough them from rank: 7 (4 mil, around 67 members) to rank 23 (1 mil 24 members) shows us how pathetic you guys are. Your all a joke. Stop defending rubbish. Its like trying to tell people that icecream is poop. Give up kid.


That doesn't mean much. Majority of players are better than you. :icon_neutral:
Your a fanboy of mine Choco. Adding me on skype giving me the tough guy act. Jog on you noob... :icon_biggrin:

Only 1 of them is in your basher tribe, and I never said he was a bad player, he was brought up and my point was that he didn't affect the war stats between nuke and wait much since we nobled only 1 village from him after wait joined the war.
The rest are under my control because they are friends with one that has joined... he is there "leader". They'll join soon. I own nUke buddy. I own you. Sit down.

Just shut up. NuKE IS DONE. The fact that 1 circ mail in 48 brough them from rank: 7 (4 mil, around 67 members) to rank 23 (1 mil 24 members) shows us how pathetic you guys are. Your all a joke. Stop defending rubbish. Its like trying to tell people that icecream is poop. Give up kid.
:icon_rolleyes: Some people ay Sharby?


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Just shut up. NuKE IS DONE. The fact that 1 circ mail in 48 brough them from rank: 7 (4 mil, around 67 members) to rank 23 (1 mil 24 members) shows us how pathetic you guys are. Your all a joke. Stop defending rubbish. Its like trying to tell people that icecream is poop. Give up kid.
Settle down there, sir.