About those goals achieved and all that crap.
Lets put it like this:
War started in december 2013 and lets look at the stats since then.
BARB being side 1 naturally.
Month 1:
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 95
Side 2: 13
Difference: 82
Month 2:
Side 1: 318
Side 2: 36
Difference: 282
Month 3:
Side 1: 310
Side 2: 106
Difference: 204
Month 4:
Side 1: 450
Side 2: 454
Difference: 4
Month 5:
Side 1: 498
Side 2: 343
Difference: 155
Month 6:
Side 1: 121
Side 2: 370
Difference: 249
Month 7:
Side 1: 202
Side 2: 860
Difference: 658
Month 8:
Side 1: 770
Side 2: 307
Difference: 463
So, the war lasted for almost 8 months out of which Away managed to win 3. And one of of those 3 months was by 4 villages so we could even call that a draw.
Your most succesfull month was June of this year where you got a 600 village difference which was mainly due to fakebirdie and HPG. I wish I had access to these two accounts to copy the sitting log here, then you would realize how long those two players were gone already.
Another thing to add here, BARB hit 60% in the beginning of June. Did you really think we would bother with sitting rotten accounts after it was already done ?
So basically, all you Away guys did was win a real month of fighting and nobled out two inactive accounts when it was all over.
If that is achieving all your goals, ill applaud you.
But I hope this shows you how insignificant your tribe really was in the outcome of this world. Merely a nuisance when it was all already over.
And one more thing, Zeckt, you are lieing, Climb did not delete on sunday but late on Tuesday. And stats were already in our favor by then. If it matters at all.
And these are the stats from 1st of July to 15th of July.
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 455
Side 2: 283
Difference: 172
It clearly showed in what direction this war is heading.
Away, with rare exceptions like DeGaffer or rawdeath was just a bunch of fools thinking they are something more then they really are not recognising they were outsmarted and outmanouvered and beaten even before they were even founded.
So im glad you achieved all your goals which included winning 2 months of a war and screwing up your "tight bunch of friends". I applaude you. heh
And last, but not least, I will just say this.
2 months ago I posted in this forum EXACTLY what will happen.
And it did now.
tnx for reading and be gone now.