Best Account of 67


Omg its the great rank 1 account who didn't do shit, what was your caps/losses against Away again?

I bet he had less losses than you had caps on that entire Away war. (Which probably wasn't very much anyway).

I'm assuming you joined that account in May, after Jack was OP'ed on. Away caps after that time is almost non-existent and is more revolved around 2k barbs, perhaps more barbs nobled recently than I have in two years.

That's got to tell you something.


Actually I had the account earlier than that, February i think it was. Over 100 war caps i believe i got with JARNAK against Away, not bad when an account twice my size couldn't do as much until the enemy deleted.

As for the barbs, they were all nobled for rank <3

Funny thing is Roman, up until i nobled the 62 2k barbs in the last few days your own account has nobled 195 barbs, mine had 200 not really a big difference is it.

"That's got to tell you something"


Actually I had the account earlier than that, February i think it was. Over 100 war caps i believe i got with JARNAK against Away, not bad when an account twice my size couldn't do as much until the enemy deleted.

Damn pet you are delusional, 100 caps in 8 months is not impressive when you do nothing else, sitting an account when you do nothing else is not impressive, sending nukes without nobling is not impressive. I dunno what your ego will be like when you actually do something lol

Jarnak account from Feb to end of world nobled:

337 villages (173 barbs) = 164 actual villages (22 nobling yourself) = 142 villages in 7/8 months

Thats piss poor, i had to double check when i saw that. I dunno how you can justify your mouth when thats what youve done.

Also im 3 times your acc :icon_biggrin:


Funny thing is Roman, up until i nobled the 62 2k barbs in the last few days your own account has nobled 195 barbs, mine had 200 not really a big difference is it.

"That's got to tell you something"

Boss's account stats (Maximum 3k)
Your account stats (Maximum 3k)

2k Barb's has been highlighted, as that's what you accused the account of doing. You can obviously see that this is not true. So more BS from you as usual Crocky, you've always tried to put me down. So let's see how you like facing facts when you spout nonsense BS, which you've been doing for quite a while. :lol:


Boss's account stats (Maximum 3k)
Your account stats (Maximum 3k)

2k Barb's has been highlighted, as that's what you accused the account of doing. You can obviously see that this is not true. So more BS from you as usual Crocky, you've always tried to put me down. So let's see how you like facing facts when you spout nonsense BS, which you've been doing for quite a while. :lol:

ohhh the sting :D

I wanted to feel included


Oh how cute, Crocky is trying to boast about how many/little barbs he nobled. I suppose you would argue about that since we all know there is no way you could beat anyone else at war caps. All you did was kept Jarnak alive long enough to see the end of the world and before that you weren't doing much as previously mentioned, you had over 200 nobles and this was while coins were full price.

But I am all about being fair so here is a reward for all your hard effort


no raao/real rd are the only 2 accounts on that list that did not have its originals on them at the end. And of raao and rd those 2 didn't run they left due to Amanda and multiple other reasons. Raao would have returned but Amanda's lack of planning made him decide not to after his vacation. RD was similar. I can very easily tell you that because I was the one who organized the ops Nuts DID run on K45 (acebren and oda kings being most memorable) both hard hits but both also leaked so it was NOT fair game. I am using the context WAS because its in the past.

@ Rebel Nuts core I will agree was crap. There where a few that were indeed awesome players but what would you do if the shit players around you fall and its too extensive to adapt? I'm sure you would have buckled too. Also best of luck in future worlds.

all credit to the original raao, he was the best attacker i faced on the world, really challenged me, without the help of ODA and mike i wouldve lost a few villages.

but that OP was never leaked, not to me anyway


@Slp, you mocking my caps against a tribe you were a scared to attack? "oh I'm a solo player i can't"

@Roman, you said "perhaps more barbs nobled recently than I have in two years" I just showed differently <3

@Dylan, you know the account had near 400 nobles before i took it, is it really my fault that the account was inactive but kept minting coins until i got it? I know my activity isn't great, but still did more than slp against Away, really says a lot about him.

Now why don't you all go back to your gay little skype chat and think up something better <3 I proved my point, No BARB intervention = Nuts! rim TPL

Ever get caught spying, use the Dylan excuse.

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16 in the clip and one in the hole Faze dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold now they drippin and yellin its a tad bid late Fazee dog and Roman G had to regulateeeeeeeeeee


@Roman, you said "perhaps more barbs nobled recently than I have in two years" I just showed differently <3

Your response was poor, instead of admittance you tried to shift the blame and imaginably create another point to go on. To humour you, my own barb conquers compared to yours to verify your point:

My Barb Conquers:

Crocky's barb conquers:

Dere, I waz nice to u and proved ur point by comparing ur barb conquerz over teh past few months to my 2 yearz. Plz tho, seriouzly continue to BS other ppls.


swaghetti with yolonara sauce
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Your response was poor, instead of admittance you tried to shift the blame and imaginably create another point to go on. To humour you, my own barb conquers compared to yours to verify your point:

My Barb Conquers:

Crocky's barb conquers:

Dere, I waz nice to u and proved ur point by comparing ur barb conquerz over teh past few months to my 2 yearz. Plz tho, seriouzly continue to BS other ppls.

Barb nobling is barb nobling no matter the size Roman, please stop setting the max to 3k points :)


Poor Crocky, his 2k barb accusation didn't work so now he's resorting to "barb nobling iz barb nobling". Plz make ur mind up.

Barb nobling is barb nobling no matter the size Roman, please stop setting the max to 3k points :)


and your bed too. jump in it, it is way past your bedtime.
You waz a noob getting your ass handed out to you on your own account and you waz a nubcake on Jarnak

lol what? Ass handed to me? by who?

You coming speaking more shit as well? <3


Im bored now with this saying something over and over doesn't make it true, croc.

As i said the now is fact what could have happened did'nt, and may never have done so live with it. We werent rimmed and the world would still be going for about a long time if we didnt join barb, and barb may not have lasted

If you keep going down that line nuts might won the world as Nuts wanted to recruit us. Im sure you will say were all shit player anyway and it would matter, but @ the end we were some of the most active players on this world.

The facts are we joined barb we won the world and you are annoying..nothing else matters.


Im bored now with this saying something over and over doesn't make it true, croc.

As i said the now is fact what could have happened did'nt, and may never have done so live with it. We werent rimmed and the world would still be going for about a long time if we didnt join barb, and barb may not have lasted

If you keep going down that line nuts might won the world as Nuts wanted to recruit us. Im sure you will say were all shit player anyway and it would matter, but @ the end we were some of the most active players on this world.

The facts are we joined barb we won the world and you are annoying..nothing else matters.

I disagree, as i showed in the stats Nuts! vs TPL, they were hammering on you(TPL) up until barb jumped in. So i'll say it again, Without BARB, TPL would of been rimmed.