Best tribes you know since day 1


agree hm .. my dislike for undecided made me fail top list their positives as i did for the others. they definitely contributed great players and phenomenal fun to the world.


Boozie was in complete control....

Since when has a person who is never online in complete controll :icon_rolleyes:

Jeesh man , people who dont even play this world know more about axe than you , you have no idear what you are chatting and tbh your overly biased .

imo your love for AXE is incognito :icon_rolleyes:


Ancient, surely the objective of a tribe (especially one which wants to be known as a best tribe - read topic title) is to survive and win. Great ops and coordination barely meet that criteria if the tribe falls apart under the pressure of creating those great ops and the resultant incomings causing inactivity or even worse as in your case, mutiny and a lack of loyalty to the tag under the guise of having fun.

This argument sounds like Angacam's warbling after he saw his dreams torn to bits .. the true 1vs1 fight argument is always the one losers bring out but history is not written by them unfortunately.

-?- great tribe my foot - died at the first sign of pressure
tH and a few others - great tribes but lost it when the leadership lost interest - sign of a great tribe ? one that has leaders who ensure succession takes place
Ninjas and Vodka - can be bunched with the tribes that contributed excitement and great players to the world but did not have the will to survive
Scion - Sigh .. had it all, activity, a charismatic leader, courage .. but not great because they got outmaneouvered diplomatically every way they turned - sign of a great tribe - can manage relationships and not be arrogant
4Horse - again like Scion -had it all but were forced to give up the tag due to failure to maintain the right quantum of relationships in the surroundings resulting in too much to handle

To me, top tribes since day 1 or otherwise are those that handle the trials and tribulations of the game and survive to near the end with their tags intact .. in no order of priority, my list - this ignores the tots from tats incident as I rate these tribes for lasting until then

1) Axe - built an awesome team and had great sub leadership until selfishness split the tribe - Great tag, one that deserves to and will survive inspite of recent events
2) TSOH - always great, from Day 1 - dont know if there is anyone left in there who remembers the early TSOH-Exile war and the quality of the relationship that war created - pity that jmon and the boys went the way they did associating with those rogues, still love ya brothers
3) DA - Dont know anything about them but they have to be great to be here .. respect
4) Exile - Will be left here with DA when the dust settles on the current imbroglio - two of the quietest tribes around, yet phenomenally effective .. makes sense

Can i just say "ditto" without getting the mod stick thrown at me?


tH and a few others - great tribes but lost it when the leadership lost interest - sign of a great tribe ? one that has leaders who ensure succession takes place

I'm beginning to sound like an ass defending tH, but the leadership didn't WANT to have a successor leading the tribe, verm changed the name understanding that the tH spirit was dead and quit completely when sort of took control (this being before the evil merge and split).


1) VOID- A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H......Z jk jk

Real thing:

1) -?-
2) tH good tribe.
3) Wanted
4) Godly


Wanted was a tribe with potential , the leadership just failed to co-ordinate because tehy only cared about living themself , the original yulivee was teh only helper there , she kept it alive , but wanted cracked under constant attacks , and tbh , the academy tribe was attacked ALOT more xD

They made commander aybara (teh leader or academy) quit , and without him there was no point being there , the rest of the leadership was incompitent on helping otherss, they just sat there watching everyone fall .


My top 10 Big tribes:

1.) 4Horse-Would still be here today if they had not merged.
2.) Exile. Fam-My tribe. In my opinion, just took down AXE. Great Communication.
3.) old tH-Awesome. I watched them grow, a few fields away from me. It was a shame they went away.
4.) Envy Fam-My old tribe. Got a tad too arrogant and where crushed. The remnants live on in Exile.
5.) -?- -Where did they go?
6.) AXE-Beaten in a fair fight. Could not have asked for a greater, more worthy opponent. Would be 3rd had they not backed down.
7.) TATS-Traitors to AXE. Delete now or forever hold our nukes. Kiss my but Sid.
8.) DA-Many good players, watch them-They will go far. If they survive TATS.
9.) TSoH-I am ashamed of this tribe. They betrayed Exile.
10.) Evil-They had the potential to be the new AXE. Had they stayed active Exile would be fighting this.


DA - because it was at least mentioned several times in this thread :lol:
RoMe! from after the BBB war 'till the second Zeus war and when we had the real irchef because he was a great player
AXE - for being my enemies for a good 10 months
TSoH - they were the only real threat to DA :lol:
Exile. - for never declaring any wars in the forums yet doing fairly well in them (except for the one that was declared against axe)

I don't care about the others :icon_neutral:


6.) AXE-Beaten in a fair fight. Could not have asked for a greater, more worthy opponent. Would be 3rd had they not backed down.

You did nothing of the sort :icon_rolleyes: , the stats were pretty even . i think you guys would have just fought to a stalemate :icon_neutral:


If you include the quitters (unp) they did win by quite a bit
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