Ok, there has been so much crap said in this thread I will have to reply.
First of all, it has been said that MORS op splat.
Side 1:
Tribes: MORS
Side 2:
Tribes: SECRET, BC!
Players: dills, smc396
Timeframe: Last 48 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 88
Side 2: 17
Difference: 71
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 745,048
Side 2: 133,129
Difference: 611,919
This you consider a splat ? We are more then satisfied with the outcome and I challenge SECRET to take more villages in an op.
Next, Viwrathe, I ask you again since you ignored my question the first time, when did MORS take any villages from Faux ?
About the alliance between Faux and MORS. At the beginning of the server both WET and Faux wanted an alliance with MORS but MORS wanted one only with Faux so we made a deal there. This deal is almost as old as the server itself so what the hell do you expect now ? That one side breaks it ? For what ? For SECRET, who has been toxic as hell since the PD days and probably has the worst characters on TW in the tribe ? Get real.
When the alliance was made there no tribe controlled its own continent nor was there a clear favourite to be seen. PD was rank 1, WET rank 2, MORS was around rank 8. Its not our fault that MORS and Faux grew at the best rate. You all had the same chances. So stop crying now.
Last but not least, SECRET and Pink declared on Faux together trying to perform somewhat of a gangbang and this is all you can get ?
Side 1:
Tribes: Faux
Side 2:
Tribes: SECRET, Pink
Timeframe: 28/04/2016 00:00:00 to 15/05/2016 09:11:04
Total conquers:
Side 1: 541
Side 2: 608
Difference: 67
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 42
Side 2: 127
Difference: 85
Points value of total conquers:
Side 1: 3,854,678
Side 2: 3,820,449
Difference: 34,229
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 368,841
Side 2: 1,067,497
Difference: 698,656