[Breaking News] - Stuck in a slump as JELLEH shares soar!


They are doing very well defensively

Well... They are holding better than I personally thought they would, And have made the effort to re-cap. Still waiting on them to attack back with force though


:O Good luck Stuck. I wish my account had never gotten hacked so I could help :/


Stuck was destroyed because JELLEH had a mole on the inside who basically disbanned the tribe, on top of that they mass recruited as many players from STUCK as they could...

I highly doubt JELLEH could have done anything had they not of had a little STUCK in them... Just an opinion of course.


Stuck was destroyed because JELLEH had a mole on the inside who basically disbanned the tribe, on top of that they mass recruited as many players from STUCK as they could...

I highly doubt JELLEH could have done anything had they not of had a little STUCK in them... Just an opinion of course.

No, I agree with your signature.


I don't mind, I put it there because its true. However, if you look at the tribe, well over 1/4 of the points are ex-STUCK members and more than half of the villages taken from STUCK during the very short war were from ex-STUCK members... the numbers do tell a story. I'm not taking anything from JELLEH for the sneaky tribal disband that they skillfully played off, or the war in which they mutilated STUCK. Just stating an opinion.


It can't be "true" and an opinion at the same time. Just sayin'....

Anyway, good job JELLEH. Pretty impressive for a new tribe.


I don't mind, I put it there because its true. However, if you look at the tribe, well over 1/4 of the points are ex-STUCK members and more than half of the villages taken from STUCK during the very short war were from ex-STUCK members... the numbers do tell a story. I'm not taking anything from JELLEH for the sneaky tribal disband that they skillfully played off, or the war in which they mutilated STUCK. Just stating an opinion.

I agree we played of some dirty tactics to win, But hey, in war, what's wrong with sneaking in through the back doors and kicking them out the front? We did what we needed to do, did it, and enjoyed as the ex-stuck members were sooooo happy to attack their ex-members. They even asked, on occasion.

It can't be "true" and an opinion at the same time. Just sayin'....

Anyway, good job JELLEH. Pretty impressive for a new tribe.

Thank you, sir :)

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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Congratulations to the team for such a fast, well deserved victory.

Just as a mini-announcement of sorts.

When I began pulling back the remnants of HEAD to one tribe, after my own period of inactivity, as part of -Red representation I made it clear that we wanted a democracy. The JELLEH group also wished for this. The Stuck members who were joining us, also wished for this.

However, when a new council was elected, the JELLEH duke became power-crazy, and decided that it is in his and the tribe's best interests to refuse to hand over power to the voted-in duke(s) and council, and threatened to disband the tribe because he didn't wish to become the democracy he had originally stated he wanted. As such, the real leadership of JELLEH is now leaving and pulling all members bar the Briskanator account, and those who would rather stick it out with this player, to the new tribe.

This isn't really a big issue, but as is expected with PnPs someone will always come and post "JELLEH IS HAVING INTERNAL ISSUES :O :O :O" and as such, we feel it best to be honest and explain what is about to happen, and to alert the world to the childish player who is about to be left isolated for his selfishness.

Thanks all for reading.


JELLEH IS HAVING INTERNAL ISSUES :O :O :O they disbanding I guess Stuck won this war.


lol yer you keep thinking that ;)

I've been pretty inactive on the externals but quickly reading through, to be classed as a tribe hopper is a complete joke! If you look through my stats on the worlds that i have persisted with you will see that I have been loyal to any good tribe i have been involved with, and as far as the guys which jumped ship doing nothing.....well apart from 1 or 2 members of stuck that didn't come across we were the most active and co-operative for a long long time. How many times did i speak to you on skype ACID......I was there.

I'm sorry, I appreciated my time in STUCK but having played with some very good tribes and this world was serious lacking something for me! Yes ACID was inactive, far too much in my opinion all the way through this world and the tribe never really jelled... They had good players, most of which realised that STUCK was infact living up to their name...and jumped ship to Jelleh.

I for one have rediscovered my love for the game - thanks to the leadership i now play under. I have never wanted to be a leader in this game but will die for the people that make this game something worth playing for, long live Infection :)