Not sure where you get your information, but that was never discussed with our members.
Not sure where you get your information, but that was never discussed with our members.
I was one of those who was very much against 'teaming up' with why in any fashion but unfortunately ibra is correct. Tyrant did offer Why?? a 'deal' to take us out i happened to see the proof which made me very disappointed really as i was hoping for a good war to finish the world off. Alas its clearly not to be so just got to take the lesser of the two evils really.
What you guys did is pretty shitty in every way you look at it, Please do not lie to yourself to justify your shitty move. You want to win a world via merger "Why's Motto" then be it. If you lie to yourself 100 times it doesn't become a truth just becomes retarded.
Aren't you in a tribe that is the result of the same crap happening and hasn't made any progress the past month? You're a real star manI heard about this a few weeks ago about Tyrant planning on attacking their own ally. Nobody buys your sympathy story here either.
Good luck to Noobs and Why!
Shhh its okay, you can try and hide the tears.Aren't you in a tribe that is the result of the same crap happening and hasn't made any progress the past month? You're a real star man
I actually think its shittier for when a tribe you have an alliance with postpones their war with a mutual enemy indefinitely while also having a 'we wont support our allies' clause in their NAP with said mutual enemy. Mike's shown me all the conversations he had with you and your tribe leaders asking when are you going to attack Why?? with us, when when when when? And the response was always "next week" or "next month" no wonder the dukes got fed up with your incessant procrastination and signed a deal with the metaphorical devil.
We postpone What? Man please get your facts straight, My former Co did arrange this NAP because Noobs wasn't capable of helping us with WHY war and the war had turned into a stalemate and obviously our growth was stunt. While Noobs were getting their asses handed with a tribe called Korea which thanks to Tyrant who jumped in and helped with even while fighting Why?! Secondly there was no terms where we said we wont support WHY enemies , OFC we will support our Ally and we have when they asked us to, I still have logs where WHY leadership whined about us supporting NOOBS and where we said OFC we will support our Ally.
Anyways since the NAP was arranged and as Andrid said and I will admit it, My former Co basically bent us backwards to get this NAP behind my back which practically cost me to go pretty inactive and loose all motivation for a long time along with the fact I loved spending my time with my first born than this retarded game where Lying and deception is the only merit to win anymore. We did take longer than we should have to jump on WHY I will take the full responsibility for that as I was super inactive and couldnt just told my council to bug off when they decided to extend the NAP. But nothing we have done should driven former Noobs to act so dishonestly and be some double standard hypocrite who had laughed at WHY for as long as I remember for how they played the game and yet merged with them just because I failed to response to their merger offer cause I was too busy with real life. Truly pathetic.
Anyways I will be off from this nonsense and good luck with winning this world.