

Non-stop Poster
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It's like people have mentioned Internet/Electricity/Insert Industry here companies don't really care for the long time loyal people. It's entice new members, and also try and bring people back into the game, like if you're quitting a Satellite deal in the UK you often get a call offering you it for cheaper.

I honestly feel anything you could do to save your village if they had 4 nobles you can do the same if they only need to do it in 3, possibly one of the best uses is to ensure guaranteed recaps with a single surviving noble, not sure that's really something that's happening right now

Unless we're going to petition for everyone to get a freebie I think it's a non-issue, fair or not.

Metal Duck

Non-stop Poster
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It's like people have mentioned Internet/Electricity/Insert Industry here companies don't really care for the long time loyal people. It's entice new members, and also try and bring people back into the game, like if you're quitting a Satellite deal in the UK you often get a call offering you it for cheaper.

I honestly feel anything you could do to save your village if they had 4 nobles you can do the same if they only need to do it in 3, possibly one of the best uses is to ensure guaranteed recaps with a single surviving noble, not sure that's really something that's happening right now

Unless we're going to petition for everyone to get a freebie I think it's a non-issue, fair or not.

I'm calling you out as the biggest cuck on the W100 forums. First you defend merging accounts in that other thread. Now you try to downplay an obvious advantage with these buffs. You're either a fool or an Innogames stooge.


Non-stop Poster
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I'm calling you out as the biggest cuck on the W100 forums. First you defend merging accounts in that other thread. Now you try to downplay an obvious advantage with these buffs. You're either a fool or an Innogames stooge.

Who are you?

I stand by it, +5 loyalty is hardly a significant advantage. You should be back-timing the nobles after journey one or getting a tribe stack before journey two anyway. Simple.


It's a reasonable advantage, but using it at this stage in the game makes you bad. The advantage to such things comes in big Ops later on in the game :D


Still Going Strong
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I'm calling you out as the biggest cuck on the W100 forums. First you defend merging accounts in that other thread. Now you try to downplay an obvious advantage with these buffs. You're either a fool or an Innogames stooge.

if you think a +5 buff (which obviously will be so rare this world) is game breaking at this point you're the cuck. In fact, if you think right now would be the best time to use the +5 I would question if (and how if so) you ever made it above 10 villages on any world.

I don't love the the concept either but you're just spewing stupidity.

good day.

Metal Duck

Non-stop Poster
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Who are you?

Metal Duck.

I stand by it, +5 loyalty is hardly a significant advantage.

It doesn't matter. An advantage you get over someone else, is an advantage, no matter how big or small it is. No skill (a concept you probably wouldn't understand) was required to get this buff. Some players got it. Most didn't. The ones that didn't are at a disadvantage.

You should be back-timing the nobles after journey one or getting a tribe stack before journey two anyway. Simple.

Red herring. The only thing that matters is if having a buff gives you an advantage over someone that doesn't have said buff. By definition it does.

if you think a +5 buff (which obviously will be so rare this world) is game breaking at this point you're the cuck.

Straw man. Never said it was game breaking. I most certainly am not a cuck. The irony that you're in fact cucking for Zalinor with your post, is amusing, not because you're being intentionally funny, but because you don't realise it. Because you're stupid.

In fact, if you think right now would be the best time to use the +5

2/2 for the straw man arguments. Never said it was the best time to use it.

I would question if (and how if so) you ever made it above 10 villages on any world.

Ad hominem. It doesn't matter if I've made it to 10 villages or not.

I don't love the the concept either but you're just spewing stupidity.

I think it's evident who the stupid one is.


Non-stop Poster
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Accounts who have this buff will have some form of advantage ranging from negligible if they use it now, to significant if they use it in the future when they have 100 trains landing in an OP (as that could save them 100 nobles if they were risky minded) (however I'm sure at that point people will have troops to combat it.)


Non-stop Poster
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But... I was hunting Duck


Contributing Poster
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The most annoying part is why they don't just set the guidelines for who can actually get the boost. Inno's communication between players and developers has always been pretty bad.

This just highlights it yet again!


I can see why this is a disadvantage and also why others may claim its not that big of a deal.

Fair point, early game when someone has 1-2 nobles to send back-fourth its not that big of an issue.
However with this worlds as limited events and no PP pushing on those events, lets say 2-4 weeks down the road;

Player "x" builds 10-30 nobles in preparation for a war and mass noble spree on the enemy.
Player "Z" is the defender(s)

Player Z plans to snipe 4th noble on all trains to minimilize losses as has no support roops for some reason.
Player "x" gains all villages as +5 loyalty booster enables him to take them 3 nobles (Dependant on battle luck)

To make it fair, Inno should gift all players a +5 Noble Booster, some may end up with 2, yes, but it solves this little issue, in which they probably unknowingly caused

Shameful Sinner

I am absolutely disgusted in what i have read in this thread !
For sometime I have been concidering quitting this game due to the dirty tactics that are being used to preplan plan world wins, by the use of a large group of players who on mass can and do control the diplomacy of every world . If you have ever been privi a skype/Facebook or whattsapp group where the outcome of the world was 80% pre-planned before it was opened ,with the help of some of the in game moderation and support team .
But now I can see that the game itself is being manipulated to benefit the same group of players ! World 100 was supposed to be a celebration of all things great from the past 100 worlds . Its clear to me now that this game is corrupted beyond fixing ! How can it be a level playing field if the same players ,who play the same multi player accounts world in world out get gifted buffs !
This go's against every thing I stand for ,dirty tactics by the same old dirty players !

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
Reaction score
I am absolutely disgusted in what i have read in this thread !
For sometime I have been concidering quitting this game due to the dirty tactics that are being used to preplan plan world wins, by the use of a large group of players who on mass can and do control the diplomacy of every world . If you have ever been privi a skype/Facebook or whattsapp group where the outcome of the world was 80% pre-planned before it was opened ,with the help of some of the in game moderation and support team .
But now I can see that the game itself is being manipulated to benefit the same group of players ! World 100 was supposed to be a celebration of all things great from the past 100 worlds . Its clear to me now that this game is corrupted beyond fixing ! How can it be a level playing field if the same players ,who play the same multi player accounts world in world out get gifted buffs !
This go's against every thing I stand for ,dirty tactics by the same old dirty players !

Hey man, I decide the fate of this world, not a group of players... And I didn't get a buff either. Relax it's just a game =)