I am absolutely disgusted in what i have read in this thread !
For sometime I have been concidering quitting this game due to the dirty tactics that are being used to preplan plan world wins, by the use of a large group of players who on mass can and do control the diplomacy of every world . If you have ever been privi a skype/Facebook or whattsapp group where the outcome of the world was 80% pre-planned before it was opened ,with the help of some of the in game moderation and support team .
But now I can see that the game itself is being manipulated to benefit the same group of players ! World 100 was supposed to be a celebration of all things great from the past 100 worlds . Its clear to me now that this game is corrupted beyond fixing ! How can it be a level playing field if the same players ,who play the same multi player accounts world in world out get gifted buffs !
This go's against every thing I stand for ,dirty tactics by the same old dirty players !
That's right..their all cheaters! Amen to that brother! preach on....
Your tinfoil hat's on too tight, it's cutting off circulation to your brain.
just look at the pretty flowers.....keep looking!