

I am absolutely disgusted in what i have read in this thread !
For sometime I have been concidering quitting this game due to the dirty tactics that are being used to preplan plan world wins, by the use of a large group of players who on mass can and do control the diplomacy of every world . If you have ever been privi a skype/Facebook or whattsapp group where the outcome of the world was 80% pre-planned before it was opened ,with the help of some of the in game moderation and support team .
But now I can see that the game itself is being manipulated to benefit the same group of players ! World 100 was supposed to be a celebration of all things great from the past 100 worlds . Its clear to me now that this game is corrupted beyond fixing ! How can it be a level playing field if the same players ,who play the same multi player accounts world in world out get gifted buffs !
This go's against every thing I stand for ,dirty tactics by the same old dirty players !

That's right..their all cheaters! Amen to that brother! preach on....:p

Your tinfoil hat's on too tight, it's cutting off circulation to your brain.

just look at the pretty flowers.....keep looking!o_O


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
I am absolutely disgusted in what i have read in this thread !
For sometime I have been concidering quitting this game due to the dirty tactics that are being used to preplan plan world wins, by the use of a large group of players who on mass can and do control the diplomacy of every world . If you have ever been privi a skype/Facebook or whattsapp group where the outcome of the world was 80% pre-planned before it was opened ,with the help of some of the in game moderation and support team .
But now I can see that the game itself is being manipulated to benefit the same group of players ! World 100 was supposed to be a celebration of all things great from the past 100 worlds . Its clear to me now that this game is corrupted beyond fixing ! How can it be a level playing field if the same players ,who play the same multi player accounts world in world out get gifted buffs !
This go's against every thing I stand for ,dirty tactics by the same old dirty players !

Don't let the door hit you on the way out


I'm calling you out as the biggest cuck on the W100 forums. First you defend merging accounts in that other thread. Now you try to downplay an obvious advantage with these buffs. You're either a fool or an Innogames stooge.

Mmmm yep the players who Pp farm and merge accounts to backstab there starting tribe's always do get there way !

Another one to add to the list of failures by Inno for W100. Eeek.

Murph your trying to tell us you don't have or know anyone in your (I'll not say tribe because that means nothing anymore) group of friends spread out around the world, waiting to meet back up for the world win.

Your tinfoil hat's on too tight, it's cutting off circulation to your brain.

TIN FOIL ! LMAO who needs one of them , here Sinner borrow one of these wizards hats !
There full garenteed to protect you from trolls and any electrical brain washing weapons !
I've still got my wizards hat on from W89 where I .played the wizards off against my old tribe DST ,he's right about groups out side the game , and I'll back him in saying this game is no longer trustworthy !
What's inno got to say about this . Or are they doing a Trump on us ?
(Pulls the popcorn from under his hat ) fresh popcorn anyone
Hi Minty (fresh,bone. .........)
Paul & Noel how's your 2s love affair ? Still going strong ? Still popping the poppers :p
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Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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Any comment Inno

Well this is what they said to me:

Hello jirki,

I just wanted to say thanks for the +5 noble booster I got when joining the world and that you are my favourite support person. If anyone else gets this ticket then you are also my favourite support person too

Kind regards
Tribal Wars - Customer Support2018-05-17 20:22:23


We are glad you liked the booster, but I'm afraid we can not take credit for it, since special offers are not set up or added to the players by Tribal Wars support.
I will send Jirki a hey from you :)

Best regards,

Community Manager.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
There may at times be responses from Community Managers that normally handle the support from merged markets, which is the case here. Sun is the DK Community Manager.

I hope you got that hey he said he would send you


Why cant they just distribute a +5 Noble booster to everyone who doesnt already have one to even it up? Is it that hard? :)

duke nukem

So after all the complaints Inno are still handing out buffs. My friend quit W100 in disgust a few days ago. Today she received this from Inno. Well I've had enough. They clearly don't listen or just don't understand that they're killing a game. W100 was supposed to be a celebration of a great game. Well.....its not something I will ever play again.



Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
So after all the complaints Inno are still handing out buffs. My friend quit W100 in disgust a few days ago. Today she received this from Inno. Well I've had enough. They clearly don't listen or just don't understand that they're killing a game. W100 was supposed to be a celebration of a great game. Well.....its not something I will ever play again.

View attachment 1642

Seriously when did the player pool become this bad? Whining over minor things which are set up in the core game mechanics, these buffs are auto-given by the game not anything do with .net.

Is the whining because we're all used to being the ones with the advantage (by dropping pp here or there to buy or even just balance res)?

This buff you can only get by going inactive, if I think back to when I've received this (after joining a world just to trade flags) it doesn't arrive until at least 2 days of inactivity.

Next lets look at what that buff does (on an alternative world) and assume it is similar.


Let's assume they activate this buff now at 1 village and lets max the pits to 30. This would give a nice return of 69k of each resource. But you lose minimum of 13K of each in farming returns. So it could be feasible to get 55K. (more if you save the buff until later)

But let us remember you're vulnerable during this period of inactivity, unless you have a high warehouse you're quite likely to overflow in res during that time.

By all means everyone go "farm" the buff by going inactive for X days, I'm sure some people will happily take your village instead.

Maybe this will be the next strategy players use when joining a non PP world. Restarting after being given this reward for inactivity.

However as much of an advantage this is (if you survive the inactivity) I can't understand people quitting over it, funnily enough it seems to be people who haven't had the best of starts by not adapting to the limited hauls and pushing pits first. Not everyone above you has felt the hand of InnoGods to gift them buffs so adapt your game strategy and let us see what you can do on the world.


I've just got the sane 30% resourses bonus myself mate , but no permanent noble bust !


They should not of been able to of been used on 100 ,there should of been a block on there usage on 100.


Meh. What a long thread about nothing. I have teh 10mins of my life back.

If you need this bonus you're a terrible player. If this bonus made you lose a village...terrible player.