Countdown to end game!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser103075
  • Start date


Must say I have enjoyed this world more than any other I have played. MIND was fun, so to was spamming the forums with derick :)

Also the fact that I was newer to the game meant that I didnt expect as much from people in regards to ability. Whereas now I hate anyone who can't play and wouldn't give them a chance due to the fact I'm too lazy to teach :p
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Thats pretty much how everyone feels eventually, some just take longer to get to that point.



Total owned villages 55,918

Owned by Axte F. 40,766

Current % 72,90317965592475

Weeks noblings : Axte=> 386 player villages, 23 barbs ; Dsband => 94 p.v., 2 barbs
Barb vills under 1000 points nobled by Benc7 on w56 => 130 and raising => 10 x month as average

Owned vills missing to 70% REACHED 09/04/2012
Owned vills missing to 85% 6.764 Estimated time based on last week noblings: 61 days or when Benc7 will get 150 barbs total (under 1k points)
Owned vills missing to 100% 15,152 Estimated time based on last week noblings: 126 days or when Benc7 will get 170 barbs total (under 1k points)

Stats has been calculated estimating the half price nobles to be given on the 27th may since we met today the 1.000 players criteria.

Stats dont take in count that during summer Benc7 may have more thirsty of little barb vills.

Total owned villages 55,545

Owned by Axte F. 41,674

Current % 75,02746

Weeks noblings : Axte=> 660 player villages, 16 barbs ; Dsband => 82 p.v., 0 barbs

Owned vills missing to 70% REACHED 09/04/2012
Owned vills missing to 85% 5.539 Estimated time based on last week noblings: 53 days 22/07/2012
Owned vills missing to 100% 13,871 Estimated time based on last week noblings: 131 days 08/10/2012


I think this world has played out exactly how a world is supposed to play out. Good tribes fight wars verse each other, obviously no one ever wins a war by nobling out an entire tribe until end game, so u fight til someone crushes the other or a stalemate, and the winner usually recruits the better players from the enemy. You do this enough times when it gets down near the end and you have a tribe of active and solid players built up, that eats the rest of the world up.

Believe me I know all about how a world isnt supposed to play out. World 31 that I currently play is a nightmare, started a year before this one, was a ton of barb nobling, merging, hugging, and the world is at a point where a very end game merger has to happen or it never ends. I would take so much more pride in winning this world than that one, even though im 1/5 my size here than I am on 31. There was some leaders on this world who really knew how to play this game and it shows in how this end game has been set up. So good job to the leaders past and present who have made this world play out how it is supposed to.


The only disappointment for this world is the length of the wars, not really the outcome or what they were. It would've been nice to be able to fight longer and enjoy those wars, but its pretty clear the majority of W51 wasn't here to stay for 2 years.


I think that's the case with the majority of new worlds. They all seem to be finishing earlier or looking to finish earlier than older worlds.


I wouldn't even say they try to end earlier, the 2-3+ year commitment is no longer there, so in essence it'll always appear as if its over faster and faster as the commitment shrinks and shrinks, its a different style of TW. I know I wouldn't have more than a year to commit, and I didn't, so I'm glad things went the way they did.


twruinted my life: I agree with you in a sense; Axte have done well tactically to ensure that they won this world. But come on now, some good wars? No. You're right, no-one ever wins by nobling out an entire tribe, but I do think that's a little bit of an understatement. I ask Credo to compare Axte to W2V on 56; I still deem Axte as a bigger mergefest.

AoL: It's a shame, some people are committed for that length of time, but there isn't much some can do really. Axte took out their opposition through recruitment and a bit of fighting. How you managed to convince some to join you I have no idea; some of those in TRIM (let's not forget that they were the r2 tribe and you merged 80% of them here) I was sure were with me until the end. I'm glad some of them are winning the world, they're good people. Whether they deserve to or not is another story altogether, but then I guess this game isn't about who deserves to win; it's about who wins.

Congratulations to Axte on winning w51.


BenC7, you should accept a world as it is. Nothing that you say would make us feel bad of how we win the game. Fact of the matter is everyone in Axte have more than their fair share of fighting and endured it. Thus it now has the players that it has now. Just playing on ideology will get you no where. Rather than holding grudges and trying to tell a winning tribe what to do and what they did wrong. Maybe you should improve your game play first. Ie, you should start in W56 and stop the bleeding o mighty one :icon_rolleyes:. Doesn't look like the great tribe that you were bragging about a few months ago are doing that well. Let me let you in on a little secret (even if Axte didn't merge the way they did, they/we sure as hell won't be losing like your tribe in W56:lol:)

Granted there were some key players and leaders that left due to RL which allowed the world to progress the way it did. But it's no fault of Axte. Maybe instead of busting on Axte and the way they play. You should look back in your tribe and see why it failed so badly. That might help you in future game play. If a tribe is strong and fundamentally solid, there will be nothing that Axte can do to break it. And the newer worlds are ending quicker probably have more to do with the scripts and the tools that are now available, meaning it's easier to farm and you can generate more nobles than before thus noble out players faster. That's probably why in the newer world they try to limit the farming. Personally, I think the best part of any world is at the really beginning when you only have a handful of villages and that's when you have to use your skills to the fullest. Instead of sending thousands of fakes, you actually have to do timing :)


Thanks for that.

"O mighty one?" I've never claimed anywhere to be a good player, I consider myself to be at an average skill level, you're the one that just shot that nickname at me.

I've said time and time again that I've learned things from w51, it was my first world, I'm happy with what I did here.

You don't like me, that much is obvious. I'm certain that half of Axte don't either - I don't care. You can lecture me all you like, my opinions won't change.

I just congratulated your tribe for winning the world and all you can do is insult me personally (something I see time and time again, more personal insults thrown my way than actual debates, bring back TPS), just shows what type of a person you are.

W51 showed me the ways of TW, I was bitter about it at first, I couldn't believe that my friends whom I'd played alongside with for so long (senseidave/MLP) would leave me surrounded by Axte - I lost motivation, I lost the will to play, I gave up. I've now learned what people are like in general on this game, they play to win: usually by any means necessary.

I wasn't going to, but I will comment on your rant at me for w56. I have spent over a year in MoM on 56 now, joined on day 1 and I won't leave until I'm rimmed. Am I leaking villages? Yes, there's a reason for that. Have I applied to join the enemy who now outnumber us 7:1? No. I'm fighting. If this is something I need to feel bad about then sorry, I have no idea where you're coming from. I'm proud of my efforts both here and there, if you want someone to bitch over me with, go find Ukawa.

By the way, I still think MoM are the best tribe on w56 :icon_wink:.
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Well said ben.

Its not their fault they had to merge with everyone rather than be a real tribe ;)

If you wanna join a newer world in the future il be game, im currently out of all tw worlds.


MoM is a great tribe. I don't play W51, so I can't care in the slightest about this world, but you are an outsider and have no place to bash a tribe and it's members on a world you most likely know nothing about.

All it does is make you look like a poor sport who is just grasping for straws because you either have run out of intelligent things to say and feel if your post is long it makes you look smarter, or you had nothing intelligent to say at all.


Hmmmm... let's see....

But come on now, some good wars? No.

You're right, no-one ever wins by nobling out an entire tribe, but I do think that's a little bit of an understatement.

some of those in TRIM (let's not forget that they were the r2 tribe and you merged 80% of them here) I was sure were with me until the end. I'm glad some of them are winning the world, they're good people. Whether they deserve to or not is another story altogether, but then I guess this game isn't about who deserves to win; it's about who wins.

Those sounds more like an attack than congrats even if you end it with.....

Congratulations to Axte on winning w51.

Axte as a bigger mergefest.
And i love this quote :icon_rolleyes: Trying to compare 2 worlds that are years apart. The major "merge" that you probably didn't like happened during the later part of last year (closer to the end game), so if you want to do any reasonable statistical comparison, at least wait for that world to be close in terms of game stage. Because a lot can still happen between now and then in that world.

By the way, I still think MoM are the best tribe on w56 :icon_wink:.

You're entitle to you opinion just as you've said NUKE was better than Axte

MoM is a great tribe. I don't play W51, so I can't care in the slightest about this world, but you are an outsider and have no place to bash a tribe and it's members on a world you most likely know nothing about.

Agreed, maybe you should give BenC7 that advice. I don't care much for MoM, but if he bashes on my tribe, than it's fair game. Wouldn't you agree
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Agreed, maybe you should give BenC7 that advance. I don't care much for MoM, but if he bashes on my tribe, than it's fair game. Wouldn't you agree

No, Axte is on this world, so is Ben. This means he can comment on the tribe with at least a little accuracy as he was here to watch the tribe grow, expand, merge, war, whatever else they did. If you however never played the world, and don't actually know anything about the tribe and are just basing conclusions on stats most likely from TW stats, then you cannot accurately judge the tribe in question.


You might not like my arguments, but unlike yours, they aren't personal ones.

And i love this quote Trying to compare 2 worlds that are years apart. The major "merge" that you probably didn't like happened during the later part of last year (closer to the end game), so if you want to do any reasonable statistical comparison, at least wait for that world to be close in terms of game stage. Because a lot can still happen between now and then in that world.

I also love this quote, you say I can't compare Axte merges with those on W2V because of the time they appeared in the world?

Axte has merged a tribe during every period of world 51, I have plenty to compare with. Early game: Apathy, Jester. Mid game: Sheeps, Pl@GUE. End game: TRIM - I'm sure I've missed some.

Oh trust me, there is nothing more I would love than to see a fight for the victor on w56, It'd be a first for me to see on any world I've played.


No, Axte is on this world, so is Ben. This means he can comment on the tribe with at least a little accuracy as he was here to watch the tribe grow, expand, merge, war, whatever else they did. If you however never played the world, and don't actually know anything about the tribe and are just basing conclusions on stats most likely from TW stats, then you cannot accurately judge the tribe in question.

That may be true, but judgements base on personal biased due to bad experience of another tribe is worst than judgements base on pure stats. Not to mention that he has never been in the tribe or tribes that were involve thus he only knows as much as what the stats and forum say (he was never involved in any of the war, not between SHEEPS vs Axte, MINDS[his tribe at the time] vs Axte, or NUKE vs Axte). Those were all recent and granted the SHEEPS vs Axte was the major and more notable war. But to say that we didn't do any fighting that's just pure ignorance. And that does not include all the other wars that were fought up until that war. Between the beginning of the world up until now we have less than 65 players, to say that we are a mergefest.... well wouldn't you think the number of players would be more than that if we only merge and don't war? It's nice to see you come to this world's forum and try to back him up partly because he's your mate and I've somewhat insulted your tribe MoM (which I would more than happy to apologize for as I don't know anything but stats on your tribe). That said, i stand by everything else that I've said.


Talk to anyone who played this server who didn't spend time in Axte (not many)... they'll stand on my side of the argument - not yours. Perhaps my comments that Axte had done "nothing" (don't quite remember saying this, but I'll take your word for it) were a tad wrong, you have done something. I agree that Axte have "earned" their right to be the winners of this world, that doesn't mean I like it, nor does it mean that I won't comment on it. I can also now see that you're down to 69, as you've rightly pointed out: plenty of internalling has been done since I've left :icon_wink:.

SHEEPs vs Axte was only noticeable in the sense that it was a statement. My hunch tells me that it was probably due to both sides were using their family tribes to superstack the frontlines - as far as I can remember the front was very small, maybe 2.5k's long.

Sure, the SHEEP/Axte war was full of OD, I'm not sure the caps were high for either side - I'm tempted to say that Axte were edging it... and then a full merge of 4 family tribes (2 on either side) into a single, 1 sided, superfamily.

Did I miss something?

EDIT: Looked it up, looks like the conquers were somewhere around 548-517 to Axte, and that accounts to 1.7% of Axte's total conquers, major war right there.
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Point proven, his bases in calling us a mergefest from the beginning of the world to the end.... we can count it with 5 fingers. BTW I wasn't with Axte since the beginning of time, I was with SHEEPS and PL@GUE. SHEEPS and PL@GUE's players were divided among Axte and MIND while other players quit after the war.

Axte has merged a tribe during every period of world 51, I have plenty to compare with. Early game: Apathy, Jester. Mid game: Sheeps, Pl@GUE. End game: TRIM - I'm sure I've missed some.

Talk to anyone who played this server who didn't spend time in Axte (not many)... they'll stand on my side of the argument - not yours. Perhaps my comments that Axte had done "nothing" (don't quite remember saying this, but I'll take your word for it) were a tad wrong, you have done something. I agree that Axte have "earned" their right to be the winners of this world, that doesn't mean I like it, nor does it mean that I won't comment on it. I can also now see that you're down to 69, as you've rightly pointed out: plenty of internalling has been done since I've left :icon_wink:.

SHEEPs vs Axte was only noticeable in the sense that it was a statement. My hunch tells me that it was probably due to both sides were using their family tribes to superstack the frontlines - as far as I can remember the front was very small, maybe 2.5k's long.

Sure, the SHEEP/Axte war was full of OD, I'm not sure the caps were high for either side - I'm tempted to say that Axte were edging it... and then a full merge of 4 family tribes (2 on either side) into a single, 1 sided, superfamily.

Did I miss something?

EDIT: Looked it up, looks like the conquers were somewhere around 548-517 to Axte, and that accounts to 1.7% of Axte's total conquers, major war right there.

As I've said before I was not in Axte so I don't know much about the apathy and jester. But I was in SHEEPS and was in the front line on the major part of last year.

Damutantman, if you read this post. You'll see just how much he knows about W51 even tho he was in it. Virtually nothing but speculations and stats.

BenC7 to correct you, no you cannot be better off. And if anyone who was involved in the wars can agree with me. Those that thinks like you did were probably the ones that were in the other corner of the world where it was safe and looking at the world base on just stats.

And your Hunch can't be any further away from the truth. First off, 2.5-4K was a great distance since players at the time have less than 150 villages. And most even less than that. And to travel that distance is a long trip. With the world of no support rule until the village is captured, it's virtually impossible to successfully take and keep a village. You of all people should know just how hard that would be if you weren't too busy internaling and eating up barbs and actually fought against players that fought back since you've played this world. If you look at the villages exchanged rather than the net nobled, you'll see that.

Some of the front was super stacked. Don't know about Axte, but SHEEPS did not have a chance to superstacked ours with our allies PL@GUE. It's mostly thanks to your tribe MIND recruiting some of our players and the fact that AGG and RAM betrayed us (if you have paid attention during the course of the war, you would know). PL@GUE was fighting their own war for the most part while SHEEPS was fighting Axte. I can type out the entire course of the war for you, but it's pointless. Go back in the forum and read up on it. It amazes me how much you truly know about the world even though you were in it. Unbelievably

EDIT: Looked it up, looks like the conquers were somewhere around 548-517 to Axte, and that accounts to 1.7% of Axte's total conquers, major war right there.

Again you were comparing numbers but not base on the timeline of the world. Not to mention you did not include all the tribes that were involved during the course of the war. Maybe just maybe if you included those that allied themselves with Axte and SHEEPS at the time, the number might make more sense. Another one of your lame trick on playing with the stats :icon_rolleyes:

Edit: I would also like to comment on the 4 tribes merged commented. The merged net a total of less than 2 tribes worth of players, maybe 80ish-90 players maxed. N the 4 tribe merged was not a success as part of the tribe broke off due to the history of the 2 sides (i.e creation of K.O) so the number may have been even less than that. In a sense you can call it a super tribe, but it was due to the incoming attack from MIND and NUKE alliance. NUKE's leader at the time even came on the forum at one point to point out the the attack was coming but NUKE was not ready and MIND's leader jump the gun. In a sense you're leader catalyst the end of the SHEEPS vs Axte war. He may or may not share the plan with members in your tribe as I remember Wildanimal who would in turn be in the front line knows nothing about it and probably majority of your tribe did not know as that was probably the reason why the tribe split (I don't know what the reason was as I was not in the tribe and you guys didn't say anything about it, but one can assume as it happen just as the war started). But the plan was there and that's part of the reason why he was slowly recruiting players from SHEEPS throughout the course of the war. The plan was let SHEEPS and Axte fight it out while NUKE and MIND come in for the kill which would probably splitting the world into two equal half. So in your honest opinion can you really blame the outcome of the war? TBH, we would have been more than happy to kill each other off at the time, if only your leader didn't recruit our players and stole some of our accounts and have the gull to threaten the rest of SHEEPS players to join or MIND with rim them with Axte.
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MIND split for a number of reasons ranging from selfishness to Derick's incompetence as a diplomat/recruiter. I think in hindsight had I known what I know now, I would not have joined TRIM and would have convinced boxer/trouble that merging with Osi's tribe was a bad idea.