I'm stil wondering what TW and HAWKS are going to do once Love is gone.
I'm stil wondering what TW and HAWKS are going to do once Love is gone.
I guess there not going to fight for it if Hawks and TW alliance is that strong so im guessing the Hawks and TW will cast aside the lower ranked and less active players and merge to give the Hawks the win. I guess a wins a win how ever it comes to the Hawks :icon_rolleyes:
Ha, you didn't sound like that when you left Legion wanting to join us :icon_rolleyes:
are there a fair amount of players who haven't been helping out in the war? it seems like you guys had a pretty strong participation in attacks.
Just attack love
There are many reasons why players are inactive or do not participate as much as someone like yourself Richard atleast your upfront about where you stand im sure if i was a Hawk or a TW player with less activity i would be worried weather or not i could be dumped from the tribe, it stands to reason many of the lower point players arent as safe as say some of the leaders in the Hawks and TW
well if thats so Richard, then I would end up with atleast 1 village in each K... and most likely many more per K and would reach GAs goal he has set for me :icon_razz:
Well come on now if activity and active involvement in the Hawks is a reason for keeping a player in the Hawks or even keeping his leadership rank surely Lord Hawk should be demoted then as his activity isnt exactly high compared to what it once was.
As for being a morale basher surely with Legion gone now and love a shadow of Legion former glory those bashers should be going after a few of there own villages. I still wonder if you have so many bashers in TW and the Hawks how are you going to accommodate them into the one tribe how do you pick a active basher over another active basher.
Still dont worry to much all you little guys in the Hawks and TW the leaders of TW and the Hawks will have a plan :icon_wink:
LH isn't the only leader, so no one expects him to do all of the work :icon_rolleyes:
What is the point of them getting more villages? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of being a basher?
I am not speaking about TW, I am speaking about lower point players in Hawks. You seem to neglect the fact the world isn't going to end tomorrow, next week or next month, and players are always going inactive.
But keep trying what you are attempting here, I'm sure plenty of players read the world 33 forum :icon_wink: