Duplicate Disable The Double Flag Item Coin Flags


Still Going Strong
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I think it's safe to say that one of the worst and less engaging aspects of the game is the current minting meta. Having to spend hours spamming a button and looking at a screen causes burnout and is simply unfun.

I suggest that we go back to mass minting, something that can take a way quicker amount of time, people would still need to whale out on respacks like they do them, without the hassle and burnout of double flag minting. This would break down one of the current barriers that casuals/beginners have when it comes to TW, giving them more of a chance and being healthy for the playerbase.

In order to keep the length of the worlds the same we could get a buff to coin flags, as i'm sure that people are satisfied with the current amount of time it takes to finish a world. Any other idea on how to keep the current balance regarding the length of the worlds would be appreciated as well.

It would be great if the community could have the chance to vote on it.