Long gone are the days HTM ran PRIME with an iron fist and an open mind. He left due to real life and left a failure in charge. Don Funk, gone...a gaping hole of barbs. Why? Things didn't go his way and he didn't want to play boohoo!
Horsing who cracked under the pressure of the coalitions attack and quit the game. He was inexperienced and proved it by his recent actions.
The mighty KONG falls to prime due to unforeseen circumstances and what does prime do? They recruit half of them and the other half goes barb from bans! Prime never won anything, they simply capitalized on what some pissed off players did.
Allies? No, BSM and prime were never allies....that was only for the kong war. Time and time you cross into our borders. You snap back begging for our friendship because the useless barb munchers you recruit aren't capabale of reading the forums, like goldenswimmer.
Our alliance has turned into a bad marriage, you repeatedly question our loyalty after disrespecting us again and again. Then you declare on TRY TO RECRUIT Kiltom and mail us asking to fix the border issues? It was your mass recruiting which started this border garbage and you know it, what are these players ever going to do for the tribe other than start diplomatic conflicts?
Do you know why divorce is so expensive? Because it's worth it!
We hereby break our shattered remnants of an alliance with you and declare to take half of your shit.
So the question after this reading this is "Why no pictures if Guyver wrote this?"
Simple, we're seen here.
Horsing who cracked under the pressure of the coalitions attack and quit the game. He was inexperienced and proved it by his recent actions.
The mighty KONG falls to prime due to unforeseen circumstances and what does prime do? They recruit half of them and the other half goes barb from bans! Prime never won anything, they simply capitalized on what some pissed off players did.
Allies? No, BSM and prime were never allies....that was only for the kong war. Time and time you cross into our borders. You snap back begging for our friendship because the useless barb munchers you recruit aren't capabale of reading the forums, like goldenswimmer.
Our alliance has turned into a bad marriage, you repeatedly question our loyalty after disrespecting us again and again. Then you declare on TRY TO RECRUIT Kiltom and mail us asking to fix the border issues? It was your mass recruiting which started this border garbage and you know it, what are these players ever going to do for the tribe other than start diplomatic conflicts?
Do you know why divorce is so expensive? Because it's worth it!
We hereby break our shattered remnants of an alliance with you and declare to take half of your shit.
So the question after this reading this is "Why no pictures if Guyver wrote this?"
Simple, we're seen here.
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