How do our patrols not find Rawr Mode setting fire to these bushes! He must be pro. :icon_redface:Katie and elephant man, dont go being silly now. He only leads HONOR. However he has influence over Agency and Auphan because of his flaming skills.
For example, he sets fire to a bush in K36 and both Agency and Auphan rush to put it out..
LMAO!!! Ok this whole thing is making me laugh crazy hard. Nice flaming back everyone.
Now that is down right outrageous.. Rawr Mode, would never do such a thing to anyone!I regret to inform you katie, this was all your doing. When rawr gets online he is going to have words with you...
Maybe he will set you on fire...who knows (^_^)
I dont get why he would call himself rawr mode then. (Puzzled)
And who could not love Geo??
Id say most of n/w k62 atm,since we joined the honor party!
Haterz gunna hate...flame away boys n girls.