Dreaded dirty plays

  • Thread starter DeletedUser118547
  • Start date


How many of you want to see some low plays that are made from 2 people , Dreaded and SassyLicious?
Its part of my fault trusting SassyLicious anyways forgot that backstabbers still exist in this game.
They just show their personality anyways.Im tired of bad players like them
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Now they hacked my account and sent some offending mails to my members lol. Cant believe it , reported to tw anyways

Tomorrow will post some skype conversation proofs between dreaded and sassylicious to show their backstabbing plans
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Now they hacked my account and sent some offending mails to my members lol. Cant believe it , reported to tw anyways

Yeah that's believable. I'm sure your strong following of loyal members were outraged because they know your true strong leadership. And i'm sure this really happened, and it's not just that you're horrible at leading.


Question is why would you give someone Duke privileges if you did not want them to take control?

Bit reckless if you ask me.


>invites outside player to come join council
>makes player duke within a few days
>tribe is getting killed in war, no participation or forum activity
>Kapo gets a sit from a guy to snipe for him and never logs on
>things this keep happening

"how did this happen?!?!??"

You know how I know the mail part isn't true? Aside the fact no one would need to hack you to damage your tribe, you never mail your players anyway or interact with them so obviously mailing on your account would be a red flag.


Its part of my fault

Sorry man but it's 100% your fault. No way that should be able to work.

So does that mean the AOW portion of this war is over? Has PTG/BAN gone back on their alliance with AOW or whatever AOW is/will become yet?


Well Dreaded that doesnt hide your backstabbing plans


Lets make this clear:
You have no proof, if you do show it;
You where not overpowered, you quit, that is in tribes log;
Everyone knows you where bad leader, not a real point, but wanted to trow it out there.

All this nonsense about us joining RAGE, is just another conspiracy BS from you, you are the kind of player that thinks of storys and then run around crying over them, I would say that is rather childish.

Facts that I do admit:
I'm in charge, and players in No Fun love it;
I'm in good relations with Dreaded. , and like 1000 other players from TW, I'm in this game for 9 years, I know every good player out there.

For no that is enough information, if anyone has valid questions, that are not just pathetic conspiracy theory with less evidence then NLO existence, state them and I will answer. I have nothing to hide, No Fun is tribe built on ashes of bad everything, so I have a lot of work to do to make it a big player on worlds stage like it should be.

Kekua (SassyLicious)
Duke of No Fun


Ill show you up the proofs no problem , when you plan to eat the aow members 1 by 1 and only let RAGE recruit some players

You keep on telling that, there was a propaganda minister for Hitler, Joseph Goebbel, who believed that if you repeat something over and over again everyone will believe it, are you trying this tactic you sneaky smart men?



All jokes aside between me and Kekua about how bad the tribe you were running is, and it's mass recruitment. The stats still show that you have eaten near as many of them as we have. So I still see you as the bigger threat to AoW :lol:

I see nothing wrong with a good player taking control of a tribe and getting rid of its weak players to create a tribe of only strong players.

As opposed to the tribe you ran, a weak tribe ran by a weak person who internalled other weak players while good players got no help.
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It seems that you guys admitted that there was an arrangement to weed out some AOW members and salvage the good ones.
Nice. :)


And your tellig me your not weak when u aint got the balls to have a fair war , but make plans to backstabb and finish the war and eat the other members 1 by 1 because you were afraid of fighting. And your telling me Sassy wanted to create a good tribe while he kicked the members that gave alot of that tribe for more then 50 days and he dont know shit about it. Good or bad it was all my work and backstabbers like you ruin everything , trust is a virtue but seems like in this game there are only bitchies who u cant give your precious trust.
You wont win the world dreaded im sure for that , keep playing dirty and stop mentoining my internal villas coz my friends gifted me and even the king accept gifts.
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And your tellig me your not weak when u aint got the balls to have a fair war , but make plans to backstabb and finish the war and eat the other members 1 by 1 because you were afraid of fighting. And your telling me Sassy wanted to create a good tribe while he kicked the members that gave alot of that tribe for more then 50 days and he dont know shit about it. Good or bad it was all my work and backstabbers like you ruin everything , trust is a virtue but seems like in this game there are only bitchies who u cant give your precious trust.
You wont win the world dreaded im sure for that , keep playing dirty and stop mentoining my internal villas coz my friends gifted me and even the king accept gifts.

Oh yeah i'm sure. 11 gifted internals.

We did fight you. You didn't take a single one of our villages. You didn't even retaliate. You didn't even sit your members, attempt to post an OP. You didn't do anything. You posted 1 time in the entirety of the war. You took a sit from a member to snipe and then DIDN'T DO IT.

1 by 1 we catapulted your members down and they got no help. They were allowed to be beaten into the ground.

You didn't orchestrate a SINGLE OP

I do what is best for my members. The biggest crime for a duke is to allow members to under perform, and to not teach them how to perform better. Following that, doing anything that is not in the interest of his or her members is wrong. I don't need to waste our time punching meatshields so you can sit in the backline, pathetic, quiet and internalling your members. Your war was a disappointment.

There is a reason no one fought us, because no one cares about you. They don't disagree that you are an awful leader. AoW was a place holder for both people who had no choice, or people who unfortunately were new and now don't know what a good leader is like because of you.

As a duke, it is WRONG to allow a war to be declared and not respond instantly by setting up to protect your members and fight back. You sat there and did nothing while they died.

If my members need something that will aid them, I will make it happen. Ask any member and they will tell you this.

If a member asks you for help, you take their village.

You want to make accusations, you ran your tribe into the damn ground and watched it burn, and now you want to cry on the externals because someone saw that and took advantage of it. Welcome to Tribal Wars, Kapo.
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Well you keep talking shit and going off the topic , You dont know what i did for my tribe , you just declared war and nobled some members that we took from TGW simple as that , the front was weak and you knew if you started attacking other members you would get messed up coz we had alot of good members , I accept i had no time to take in control everything after you declared the war , that was the reason i was searching for a new duke , not a new backstabber who created plans with you how to get down AOW in dirty ways
I was ok until he started kicking old tribe members who gave alot for the tribe , changing name and then i got the info of his dirty work with you all the time. Welcome to Backstabbers wars , you made the game like that

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Kapo, have some self-respect mate, you are being a bit sad right now, crying over how no one likes you, when clearly you are just not up to any standarts at this level. Well I don't even know why you are still alive, maybe you can tell me, why are you? In other worlds players like you are first villages for others, but in this it seams something saved you, maybe you want to share about that?

One more thing mate, I did let you stay and even told that after reforms you would get your tribe back, but then you started talking lies like everyone want me back and what not, when all tribe mailed me with congratulations for finally stepping up and getting rid of you, but still I kept my cool, and didn't dismiss you. Tell me where I did wrong of you, I have been nothing but fare and just.


Facts that I do admit:
I'm in charge, and players in No Fun love it;
I'm in good relations with Dreaded. , and like 1000 other players from TW, I'm in this game for 9 years, I know every good player out there.

..... mmmkkk then :icon_rolleyes:
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