I keep dropping the topics because this thread is not about me, you, leah, Nest and our issues. Once again Faux you call me the "backstabber" and trying to "benefit" myself. When really I am only defending my actions. You are the one who actually backstabbed Faux. You are forgetting 90% of faux's late game issues were caused by your actions then you bailed on the tribe once we called you out on what you did wrong. You were a great leader from when I gave you privileges till I returned from my 3 weeks of training. After that you made mistakes, then pushed leadership of the tribe to me while you escaped to W87 now to W88.
Only mistake I made on W86 was locking an inactive Jack off my account. I don't regret setting it for delete because everyone in Faux besides CD was not there when I first joined Faux so I do not regret my decision there. With Jack I could have kept the account active till he returned but to me I lost interest in W86 long before this happened so his inactivity just secured my decision to delete the account. You just have this locked in your head I backstabbed everyone when in reality I could have deleted my account when I left it to Jack. But I left it with him to benefit Faux. I told Nest when he quit W86 I was going to quit. I didn't want to play without him because I joined with him and Paul. So the fact the account was on the world for as long as it was, was simply because I didn't want to leave Faux hanging. In the end though all my friends left for W87 or W88 so deleting the account was no longer an issue to me. As faux was left with 3 or 4 players I respected and the rest were mass recruitments that you did before you bailed on the tribe.