eQu Discussion


Absolutely! I'd have to noble my own villages. It would be an infinite loop... :icon_biggrin:


I may have to make an exception with myself. But just this once.


In my humble opinion they will be attacked and buried anyway, every tribe needs to grow to keep their players active on top of that this is tribal wars so the casus beli is merely a detail, if SubV and Brave want to attack other tribe they will simply because they want to do so.

i don't know anyone in eQu and i don't know if they merged their way to the top or not, all i know is that if SubV and/or brave decide to attack them they will, most likely, be doomed

looks like they'll (they=eQu) live for some more time, SubV is busy. We're having too much fun Fishing, and it's just too much fun to shift our attention. And it looks like Brave! is killing F34R Fam. So, i'd say they have about 2-3 months more before Brave! can have their fun with eQu (unless some bored Brave! soldiers want to have some action on the eQu's front).

By the way, i got to hand it to ~PWN~, they've only dropped 2 ranks despite losing that much to SubV already. I just want to say that they should enjoy their time on the top 15 for now because it's just gonna get rougher from here on out.


Great idea, BigMist.

As one of the dukes of eQu, I hereby declare the entire player list of world 48 to be our enemy. We will hunt all of you down no matter what flag you run to for safety.

There. Now I better not see anyone recruit any of our targets or they'll be refugees.


Well that would be the same as declaring War on the world and everyone knows that is a even dumber than merging BURN,but hey when we begin to hunt EX-Burn members then dont ask why we gave a warning to all tribes that these players will be hunted!


We go by the universal definition of the word "refugee" as used in TW. We just don't care about some tribe's fantasy definition, no matter how humorous...

All that aside, SubV has invaded our territory and taken one of our villages. eQu regards this as the equivalent of a war declaration and is treating it as such.


eQu, do not restart in the northwest. Trust me, bad idea.


All that aside, SubV has invaded our territory and taken one of our villages. eQu regards this as the equivalent of a war declaration and is treating it as such.

1. Is there an existing border-line between eQu and SubV? (im in SubV...but i havent heard existing borders). So, is there anything that tells us to NOT noble there?

but have you checked whether if that village was a barb when crazyhaze67 sent the nobles? (the bottom one happens first)
73 1 003 (364|708) K73 9,424 curlycyn [eQu] crazyhaze67 [SubV] 2010-11-30 01:03:13
73 1 003 (364|708) K73 9,448 Abandoned curlycyn [eQu] 2010-11-29 22:33:52

For better view: TWStats Linky

i bold-faded the time&day. The time BETWEEN THE 2 CONQUERS IS APPROXIMATELY 2.5 HRS. Clearly, Crazyhaze had sent nobles BEFORE your member took A BARB. Crazyhaze sent nobles at a barb...but your member took the barb 2.5 hrs before crazyhaze's nobles hit. So, to sum it up: your member nobles a barb that ALREADY HAS NOBLES HEADING TOWARD THEM. we were simply attacking a Barb...your member was unlucky enough to have taken a barb that has incoming nobles, that's all.

2. ~PWN~ shares a major portion with your tribe. So, it's unavoidable that we'll show our presence in that area.

3. i'd recommend attacking that village asap...so that we have some more ODD. we could use a few more ODD for our tribe (we're really low on ODD. Apparently, we dont get attacked that often).

4. Look before you leap. Dont just jump to conclusion that SubV is attacking random tribes. We are VERY, VERY organized when we're attacking. So, just CHECK BEFORE YOU BLAME US FOR ANYTHING, because it'll back-fire most of the time.
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RevengeComing;55527[COLOR=black said:
53][/COLOR]SubV is at war not only with Piranha but those who formally belong to the tribes named PIRANA and -DIE- actually.We will hunt down whoever has been in the tribe since when war started, regardless to which Flag they actually bring with them.

That should have told you right there not to recruit them if you didnt want our attention. Which if our angry members on here count for anything then you will get the attention you deserve for adding them. That should end it all.

Now thanks for your time and please dont leave mad, just leave


SubV is at war not only with Piranha but those who formally belong to the tribes named PIRANA and -DIE- actually.We will hunt down whoever has been in the tribe since when war started, regardless to which Flag they actually bring with them.

That should have told you right there not to recruit them if you didnt want our attention. Which if our angry members on here count for anything then you will get the attention you deserve for adding them. That should end it all.

Now thanks for your time and please dont leave mad, just leave

Sy for double post IDK what happened I clicked edit and when I got done editing there was a second one



nah, that's not the case, the village that kurlnova was talking about is not from a PIRANA refugee. Crazyhaze sent nobles to a barb (from long-range), but curlycyn (from eQu) took it before Crazyhaze's troops got there...so Crazyhaze took the village RIGHT AFTER IT FELL INTO eQu's control. And then Kurlnova declared war on SubV (or so it seems...i cant wait until RC sees this).

here's a Medieval version: (enjoy)

Sir Curlycyn of eQu
Sir Crazyhaze67 of SubV.

The story:

Once upon a time, there was a ruthless barbarian village located in the Southwest region of the world. We call this region Sector 73. One day, a kind knight named Sir Curlycyn from a country named eQu witnessed the ruthlessness and decided to liberate the people in that village. So, he sent out his most trusted noblemen to convince the villagers to revolt against the Barbaric way of life. Sir Curlycyn was successful in converting that very barbaric village into a peaceful village.

Unbeknown to Sir Curlycyn, another noble knight named Sir Crazyhaze67 from the country named SubV had also set his eyes on liberating the threats of the barbaric ruler of that village. Days before Sir Curlycyn of eQu was able to reach the village, Sir Crazyhaze67 of SubV had ALREADY SENT his mosted nobles along with 100+K of escorts to liberate the barbaric village from its ruthless ruler.

As the troops had traveled too far, Sir Crazyhaze of SubV could not call back the troops in time. Thus, attacking Sir Curlycyn's newly conquered village and overtook control of the village.

One of Kings of eQu was furious because Sir Curlycyn was attacked and decided to declare war on SubV, which is currently the strongest country in the world.

The End.


I just meant because they keep saying that the people they recruited we have no authority to go after. And I find that to be retarded at BEST. Because thats like saying if MRY5 had broken apart and then joined Piranha they would be fine with it instead of them just straight up joining piranha like they did


1. Is there an existing border-line between eQu and SubV? (im in SubV...but i havent heard existing borders). So, is there anything that tells us to NOT noble there?

Yes, see the eQu profile. The nobled territory belongs to eQu.

The village you reference that was taken by curlycyn is the third village taken by crazyhaze. The first was taken in our territory without permission. Subsequent dialogue with crazyhaze helped clarify SubV's position and approach on the matter.

I just meant because they keep saying that the people they recruited we have no authority to go after. And I find that to be retarded at BEST. Because thats like saying if MRY5 had broken apart and then joined Piranha they would be fine with it instead of them just straight up joining piranha like they did

We were in the middle of assaulting and taking villages from the very people PIRANA recruited. Stats and our reports support this.

Stats fail to show a single BURN village being nobled by SubV. Do you have any attack reports? No.

Your comparison fails.


Well KurlNova U sure are a bad Duke!

2nd)We have NO diplomacy with u and therefore have NO bearings or borders with EQU so then that lets u know we will invade any K we are interested in!
3rd)dont declair War on sum1 unless ur ready to go to WAR with Us!
4th0 U recruited BURN and as I remember correctly they where EX-PIRANA members from the start of the War so that makes them refugees and they as in ALL PWN,DIE,BURN and any other tribes that are or were PIRANA Fam are to be hunted down to the last vill!
5th)U protecting BURN members will drag u into a War that EQU wont survive in!

6th)PWN and BURN are in ur k's and ur so called territory so we will continue to take them and move into any K we feel the need to so our presence is unstoppable!

If u want points and vills then have the balls to War the owners and take them not recruit them!,now if u were to noble all BURN members and maybe acceidentally cross-noble us then that would be fine,but U took them in and well we have a list of players so be prepared when our attention turns towards u!!!

Well I have and other have posted and commented on EQU's sudden merge with our enemies so like i said tread carefully and for future purposes make better decisions and think them through before u get caught up in somthing u cant back out of!!!

"I Declaire" are some really strong words so use them wisely not lossely!
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Everyone seems to like bullying poor Kurlnova. :lol:


Uh... riiiight. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll say it again: we didn't get "there" by merging two tribes. We've been rank #6 for months.

Thanks for stopping by. Let us know how the "third grade" works out.

As you will see from me flaming on peezor, you guys would be rank 7 right now if it wasn't for your merging this month. You haven't been rank 6 for months as Walsh so kindly pointed out for me. Hell you haven't even been rank 6 for two months. Stop talking out of your ass, grow up, and noble the enemy instead of merging them.


@ kurlnova

You have stomach of complaingin of us nobling in "your" territories after have recruited all over the places in between our k74 clusters.

You had already recruited a refuge from PIRANA a while ago: bdanc3. I had asked for dismissal and you refused. And not happy of it alone you well tought to merge in BURN after we officially stated on external we would have hunted them down.

So please stop complaining on what is obvious: you hit on SubV toes = we hit on yours.

You picked this, you cannot come here bitching on what is "right" and what is "wrong", on what is "your" and what is "subv's". You started hostilities trought hugging and recruiting over players we have been claiming as out targets... that is.

Seem that S-W of w48 really has just a hugging attitude, also considering the alliance that has been standing between eQu and PIRANA until PIRANA crumbled. Opportunism, recruiting button, and merges: these are the keys to understand w48 S-W history, nothing else.


LMAO... merging some small tribes into us causes two top tribes to be chickenshits? LOL... that's a fascinating behavioral dynamic.

No matter. It's a war game, we're supposed to be at war! Besides, since we're apparently so threatening now maybe our rank falling will change things. We're soon to roll down the ladder as we bleed off our inactives, etc. That's for those of you concerned with rank! :icon_wink:

Oh really? Here the War Guru speaks! :lol:

Sorry, mind remind us which great wars eQu has been in?

You have no title of speaking on what this game is about, really.


BigChill, I'm not the one declaring. You seem really excited over something that didn't happen.

rep, I forgot how important rank and points is to you, lol. We were rank 6 before we recruited them, we're rank 6 now. Even if that "moved" us a rank by keeping 6, you're the only one that cares. The original poster asked "how we got there" and I pointed out that we got there by everything we've done before the recruitments. It's that simple.

RC, I'm not complaining. I don't care about what's happened. Was just stating some simple facts. You've also gotten some things wrong. Will clear that up later.