Absolutely! I'd have to noble my own villages. It would be an infinite loop... :icon_biggrin:
Absolutely! I'd have to noble my own villages. It would be an infinite loop... :icon_biggrin:
In my humble opinion they will be attacked and buried anyway, every tribe needs to grow to keep their players active on top of that this is tribal wars so the casus beli is merely a detail, if SubV and Brave want to attack other tribe they will simply because they want to do so.
i don't know anyone in eQu and i don't know if they merged their way to the top or not, all i know is that if SubV and/or brave decide to attack them they will, most likely, be doomed
Great idea, BigMist.
As one of the dukes of eQu, I hereby declare the entire player list of world 48 to be our enemy. We will hunt all of you down no matter what flag you run to for safety.
There. Now I better not see anyone recruit any of our targets or they'll be refugees.
All that aside, SubV has invaded our territory and taken one of our villages. eQu regards this as the equivalent of a war declaration and is treating it as such.
RevengeComing;55527[COLOR=black said:53][/COLOR]SubV is at war not only with Piranha but those who formally belong to the tribes named PIRANA and -DIE- actually.We will hunt down whoever has been in the tribe since when war started, regardless to which Flag they actually bring with them.
SubV is at war not only with Piranha but those who formally belong to the tribes named PIRANA and -DIE- actually.We will hunt down whoever has been in the tribe since when war started, regardless to which Flag they actually bring with them.
1. Is there an existing border-line between eQu and SubV? (im in SubV...but i havent heard existing borders). So, is there anything that tells us to NOT noble there?
I just meant because they keep saying that the people they recruited we have no authority to go after. And I find that to be retarded at BEST. Because thats like saying if MRY5 had broken apart and then joined Piranha they would be fine with it instead of them just straight up joining piranha like they did
Uh... riiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
I'll say it again: we didn't get "there" by merging two tribes. We've been rank #6 for months.
Thanks for stopping by. Let us know how the "third grade" works out.
LMAO... merging some small tribes into us causes two top tribes to be chickenshits? LOL... that's a fascinating behavioral dynamic.
No matter. It's a war game, we're supposed to be at war! Besides, since we're apparently so threatening now maybe our rank falling will change things. We're soon to roll down the ladder as we bleed off our inactives, etc. That's for those of you concerned with rank! :icon_wink: