FAILuer in keeping it short...
This is more of a eulogy really but hay ...
Where to start really ... just made so many friends in this world that will go beyond this world and beyond this game. Throughout this world I have met, to me some of the best people on the net be they tribe, enemy or ally. Some players I have met go beyond friendship and honour to the tribe and gave everything they have to make sure to game is fun.
But where to start, I have no clue as there are so many real characters I have met in w14 that have influenced me.
Toxic, you have been the solid rock I stand on. Could not have got through this world without you at my side it is as simple as that. Brother in arms I give you the biggest respect as you never gave up on me. Definitely not a player I would like to face across the battlefield.
Dab, another solid rock who I cannot give enough respect too, always there always ready and always talking sense into my deaf ears.
Pav, erm, Pav just thanks for just being you
Chief Ed, your slow steady ways are always a calm point in the chaos I usually leave in my wake. (And I have left a few) respect for all the FTW mails. Respect matey.
VH, you’re hard work with diplomacy but we got there in the end, you have worked very hard for your guys and I give you respect for it 100%. Definitely you are one of the most influential players late on in the game. Still thought it would have been fun to go for a one –v- one with. (And yes with some of your stubborn diplomacy I nearly did go for it lol .... love ya really). But a better friend in this game you would be hard to find.
Mett, What can I say .... your just the geezer .... you are definitely a one off a kind ,,,, just never change. You have one of them personalities you either love or hate and I love the chaos you always bring to the battlefield.
Sandy .... ***HUGS*** Babes ...
LaddyDragon .... What can I say you have always been at my side through it all right from the start, silent but deadly dragon at my side how could I ever lose, you really do need to have faith in your skills babes you are a lot better than you think. Love ya simple as that ... (and give my best to Ron if you read this).
Ravenj, Where to start .... simple I guess really ... you’re the best at being you .... You have had me in tears of laughter more than once, the things you come up with and the tricks you play, and the ways you wrapped me around your little finger ... you have the kind of warped mind I love ..... Confession time .... Who was the biggest spy in FAIL it was me, you can blame Ravenj for that

Rocco ... never could find the heart to finish you off. Respects matey.
Lee, you’re one of the best advisors any Duke could have solid reliable and always full of information and the way you love to twist things, paranoia is not the word for it? But I love you for it as it always keeps me sharp and watching over my shoulder making me work harder in diplomacy to cover my rear.
Stellro .... You make the forums fun, just a shame you came across two tribes that had a long standing connection. You are a good leader never lose your faith in that as your guys were very loyal and fought well on the battlefield. I just remember one bit of advice you gave me. “FAIL would not stand a chance against GOH as you’re too far away and too spread out” and I told you “I have faith in my lad’s abilities”. Seem I managed to prove you wrong on that one
Syb, respect to ya but your aggression does not match your playing skills; you are good at the banter but just could not put it where it matters.
Dou, to you I give a 100% respect as you are the best of the GOH bunch, good solid skill on the field and solid diplomacy you were very hard to breakdown on or off the battlefield. You made the game fun for me.
Burns, what can I say .... you were just on the wrong side of the fence. Respects matey and one day you can teach me them cat skills of yours .... Shame diplomacy skills is not your strongest point or you really could have been a dangerous opponent.
Past players ... well thats hard ...
Bee, who I turned down three time in to joining FAIL, fantastic guy who taught me a lot about diplomacy. But let’s not forget the rest of the FAIL crew who worked so hard for the tribe at the start of the world to give us the reputation that preceded us in battle.
Jay, talking of battles I cannot believe how long we fought for full out 24/7 and that was before I ever heard of co-players. But a hard fought war like that built a friendship that goes beyond the game. One tribe against eight of the top ten tribes well we did ask for it lol. But it was a battle fought in hell and sleep deprivation that I never ever want to repeat (respect to all who fought through that war and came out the other side). But Jay you are without a doubt one of the best players I have fought against or along side. Respect is not a big enough word. Hardcore TW player and the best of mates I could ask for.
Tammy, I know you will read this but the amount of keyboards I have worn-out chatting to you in and out of game. Love ya babes and just do me one favour .... get well soon as you will forever be in my heart.
Div the Don, sorry Stell but you were never going to take him out. How much of my deff did I lose in your villages Don? How many snipes of GOH trains did I manage to get? For a long time you made the game fun for me. Stell you can blame Tammy for his survival ....
, but ultimately Stell you got out played on and off the battlefield, but the forum was all yours
Gandalf, miss you matey...
TAC, Comments .... No .... your are a good warrior bro miss you about the place ... so get more active!!!
Ddaddy, never managed to interact with you much in this world but from here we moved onto more wild adventures.
Velo, my battle queen .... never complained just did your job and gave them hell. Respect babes
Bella, what sweet poison you are, you love and hate in the same min, such fiery passion for this game I can understand why you left us. I hope your little angel is doing good. But I must admit you are one player I would not like to face on the field, you never learned when a battle was lost and would keep at it until you won through with that hot passion of yours. Love ya babes.
FAB, what can I say, you’re a solid mate and I miss your influence.
Spike ... just keep them tunes going...
Last of the lost I put
Alex & Vedad who were a huge influence on my leadership .... Miss you guys and hope all is good for you.
This list could go on forever,
Battles well the reborn war I will never forget. I think in that war we faced the best as I learned a lot and it was a steep learning curve I can tell you. I think if the Eagles had kept up their onslaught things might have been different.
But the most fun was with Jay and over Tammy against Tango, bless him and I do give Tango respect as after looking into his account he did it all without scripts. I still laugh about that fight even now. (OrangeSquash I believe the tribe we made was called).But it was the aftermath in the next morning as I woke to being Duke of OWNED. Still to this day do not know how that happened but OWNED guys you rock for sure.
I would give a mention to the lads we saved on the rim, you know who you are the DW crew who from nothing became a solid part of our wars and although small gave everything you had, the survivors have proved themselves hardcore. Respect.
Lastly to my solid crew of tribe mates who gave it everything and more I am glad I got to meet you and you will forever be in my memories as friends as we have fought through this with lack of sleep and lack of RL. To me you’re the best of the best.
The biggest NOOB
P.S. If you want to stay in contact PM for my FB