Fools Council


Yes I should have. FOOLS can be beat and we may or may not see that. Time will tell. We merged for the win because we have had an alliance since the beginning, however I was not aware how self serving FOOLS was until I had spent enough time at duke in SOLO. I did not make the alliance nor had anything to do with it. That was formed well before I even started playing this world. I think it is funny how people still make SOLO out to be the bad guys when we are a tribe half your size fighting the good fight. You are right this world needed the war, so had the key players remained in FOOLS what would be the point? Also may I remind you that you recruiting all of Ifarm was not part of our arrangement. That was a stab in the back to SOLO. Alas, we are all over that the war rages on and we are having fun and I am sure your tribe is as well.


Oh please. You merged for the win because you wanted the win. We had no problems with that and felt honored to share it with our allies. As a sign of gratitude, some even volunteered to donate their PP from the win to guys in SOLO.

Would you have given the secrets without getting at least yourself or some of your mates into FOOLS? I think not.


O and here's proof that Fools council made solo and swendog look bad:
Jim is JADII on externals and Ershin ingame.

[2013/04/29 11:47:11 PM] JimDi3: btw I really do like swen.
[2013/04/29 11:47:31 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): You do know he is married right:p
[2013/04/29 11:47:43 PM] JimDi3: lol
[2013/04/29 11:48:52 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): if that went on the externals:p:D lol but like i said before fools leadership painted swen black. He is not a bad guy. He just did his best for his tribe. Like what you are trying to do with ifarm.
[2013/04/29 11:50:13 PM] JimDi3: yes I know, I respect him bc he n I are only here out of loyalty to our guys. now zomby just gave us a reason to find a singular purpose to exist here !!

Im tired and hungover and yet cant sleep. The above was nothing sexual lol. Also, Max my Opinion of Swen/SOLO was and has never been influenced or persuaded by any FOOLS leader. Swen knows that it was the Secrets fiasco that I was upset about. Never really hear any thing good or bad mentioned about Swen. Also, I am never going anywhere, FOOLS/JESTERS have really good leaders I like them in my tribe and I am happy to be here. I think others should come and join us, we are a fun bunch. Some lively skype chats about fun topics now. Besides let's face it you have allied yourself with my sole focus of this world, thus you would prevent me and the boys/girls from completing our purpose and that would be no fun for anyone.

Btw you never signed a license agreement with me to use my conversations for commercial purposes. We can negotiate a settlement now if you like or I can leave it to the courts. Your choice. Please refer to your skype license and use agreement to further understand if you are also exposed to Skype itself for legal action.


Max, I like you, but I'm pretty fed up with what you're doing now... quit it.

Garsy's lying and scheming was all right when he was lying to Andy about you to protect you wasn't it? THAT was cool, it was politics then. Now that you don't profit from his politics, you feel the need to 'reveal the truth', huh? That's just pretty low, you were playing along with all his schemes up until you had your disagreement.

I just wanna say that if you do succeed, which I doubt, and Fools somehow falls apart, I will not be joining you.

On a sidenote, I don't feel either Swendog or SOLO are painted ANY colour by anyone in FOOLS; they are enemies and we're fighting them, which is, you know, what this game is about, that is all.

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Everybody liked Max but he is a big drama queen now.He does nothing in game except this stupid dramas.

you are a



Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Max, I like you, but I'm pretty fed up with what you're doing now... quit it.

Garsy's lying and scheming was all right when he was lying to Andy about you to protect you wasn't it? THAT was cool, it was politics then. Now that you don't profit from his politics, you feel the need to 'reveal the truth', huh? That's just pretty low, you were playing along with all his schemes up until you had your disagreement.

I just wanna say that if you do succeed, which I doubt, and Fools somehow falls apart, I will not be joining you.

On a sidenote, I don't feel either Swendog or SOLO are painted ANY colour by anyone in FOOLS; they are enemies and we're fighting them, which is, you know, what this game is about, that is all.

The only thing Garsy lied about to Andy was the fact that he did not trust me. When he was passing most conversations to me. He told Andy that he would not see a player hit for no good reason. Andy could not give a reason as he was paranoid I would stab him in the back. As for his schemings I suspected such schemes but had no evidence since he was trying to play base and offend off each other and I was not gonna allow that to happen. As for the schemes i did find out I never agreed with them. He's scheme's involve backstabbing and acting out of spite that is not how I play.

Now that you don't profit from his politics, you feel the need to 'reveal the truth', huh?

Ask erprange I criticized who ever was doing crap because even he criticized them. But I kept in the council chats or privately between each council member. But now I am no longer on council and bear no burden of keeping silent. As for me profiting?! I was Rank 1, staying rank 1 is not that easy but staying in the top 3 is way too easy for me. But ever since the War with Offend that has gotten Fools where it is today I have not being back in the top 5. I stopped 'profiting' the day I joined Fools.

Ysanoire you see my primary goal is not to have people join me. It is to see that this world is won by a tribe worthy of the win. If you do not want to join me that choice is yours to make. I have not and will not force anyone to make a choice. And if we meet in battle. It will indeed be a great one. As you are much more skilled than anyone gives you credit. So I know my own skill will be tested (~^,)

Everybody liked Max but he is a big drama queen now.He does nothing in game except this stupid dramas.

Perhaps I do love a bit of theatrics :D All my troops are fully built up in my villages. I am switching most of my villages to defense since I border quite a bit of my friends and would not attack them but I am prepared for a large scale assault. With that many villages I can also adequately support my fellow tribemates.

You say I do nothing in game because you look at my stats and see no movement. I have not even sent out one nuke since forming Worthy. To show you and the world 2 things:

1. I do not need an account to do what I am doing. I want fools to split because the people leading it have corrupted the name and purpose it once stood for. Go and ask a player that is not in fools but was in other tribes whether they respect or admire fools. Go and ask your friends on other worlds if they would admire a tribe like Fools, a tribe that had 2 academy tribes. Senile was for inactives but it still is another tribe.

2. Ultimate strategy does not lie in attacking a tribe.
I have done more damage to fools that no other player nor tribe has done. The damage done is all thanks to your council. So many times I have extended hands to fools to help them out but was turned down because the players who are in power want to remain in power. You leaders are inactive so why are they leaders? If you can not lead step down and have someone else who can lead step up.

So lets assess the damage done by my actions. Forget my own account. The members who left fools due to my actions. Showing Demoz the truth while fools council did not take what he was saying into consideration. Hence the effective disbanding of Senile.

Erprange deleting because garsy took his privs again for no reason. I told fools council I have the power to kick members out of fools if i wanted to, which mind you I still do :D But I choose not to. I will not force change, but guide it. Unfortunately Garsy once again screws up and blames the only council member who did the most work and tried to help fools.

Two mails that will show you how the messed up the council you follow is:
MAX-BURN Mar 25,2013 05:36

I would so love to be in that council chat the last couple hours. Seeing what things they have to say and how they all start panicking and then perhaps call a council meeting. Huddle together come up with a plan make decisions, who's doing what and then have them send circulars to calm the nerves and get a hold of the situation. Only for all of it to die down in the days after that. Only to go through that whole process again when new shocking developments arise.

Although big ups to Mrs Bang she's been doing quite a bit since she joined. Anyway Just wanted to say we usually agree on most points, bang heads on a few but all views respected the same.

You know there's always an invite with your name on it. anytime. You are like me, prefer to get things done so naturally you would get duke status on your acceptance. Its not a nor an incentive, you are a great leader and thats all there is.

So whether you be at 3 million points or got beat down to 30K points, the same position would always await you:)

Btw send my congratulations on inviting another enemy account into fools. lol


Erprange (Deleted) Mar 25,2013 12:15
The council chat would have let you down. It was garsy explaining the evidence against you, and then kkey coming on suggesting alternative ops on solo after I posted the ones I came up with. That seems to be his job- criticizing everything, submitting nothing on his own. The majority of the council said nothing, as has been the case since the first win. They are just along for the ride, like so many others in FOOLS.

Balian did say that if you joined Solo, MCM and evilsizer would probably follow you, and then he started panicking because he would be surrounded by "enemies" again. I worry about that guy sometimes, he's very smart and active and a great guy, but he wears out the panic button a little early.

I will not be leaving FOOLS though, not because of any deep-rooted loyalty to anyone, just because it's easier to stay here and pick on rim tribes in the south. I have told everybody who asks that I won't be attacking solo, and I have yet to receive any grief about it.

MAX-BURN Mar 25,2013 12:53
LOL. Ah trusted Khey. Surprised he would still do such things then again maybe not. He's usually got something to say about everything. Had a long long conversation with him skype. Im sure you can expect what was discussed. Makes for good reading. But there were times i had him stumped. He could not answer some of my questions because he could not answer them without contradicting himself.

As for Balian haha. Shame i think its a trait among the senior men players. Since JR is quite similar at times. Balian and Evilsizer are super close, so no idea what he's worried for. I even thought that if syb left he would follow.

And join solo? LOL I have thought about that before but I couldn't betray so many friends as to join a future enemy. I had all intention of rejoining Fools but on my own sweet time :p. One thing though. In the council chat was there any talk of me actually not being loyaly to Fools by Garsy or Khey? Cause both have said they had full trust in me the whole time. And Khey kept on going on about how he never doubted or suspected me of anything. I know thats not true. Just curious if he indeed express such concerns.

Its cool with me. You probably also dont want to see Fools start crumbling down or see any hard work you put in go to waste. I'll be recalling all my support i self stacked against solo and zomby frontlines so they wont be used much down south. If you need support just shout. And the offer still stands anytime.

Its surprising that you haven't heard any grieve about it. I wonder what would of happened if i said im not attacking solo lol

Erprange (Deleted) Mar 25,2013 12:59
garsy was the only one to come out and say you betrayed FOOLS. He initially suspected you, amrit, or myself, so evidently he passed false information to all three of us and waited to see which information leaked back to him. The evidence was shaky, and I called him on it, but he seemed sure. He has since made a forum post and circular mail saying that a lot of what you claimed in your mail wasn't quite true. Will/fekfek just nodded and smiled. balian and kkey changed the subject.

Garsy did say that we will be hitting solo in 2 days and max in 3 (be prepared for solo in 2, max in 3). I highly doubt that, I think it was a joke, but you never know. I assure you that an op against max-burns would go over like a fart in an elevator.

MAX-BURN Mar 25,2013 13:13
Holy Shit! Wow he actually did that. I know I would of caught on that ploy if i was still there lol. Wait Garsy said i betrayed fools the day I left Fools or today?

WOW! WOW! WOW! He's planning an Op on me. Wow after everything! And im not even thinking about hitting fools. Although Death count wants to lol. But he's like a bull on steroids. Well im never ever gonna freaking consider him a friend if thats what its come down to.

An op on me? lol. Offend tried that once. With many players. This time round its few and they are all loyal. Except counting Jester:p But thanks for the heads up. I was gonna leave my defense in Sdcz but he's got no incoming so i can pull that out.

My prediction based on past patterns comes true once again 4 days later.

Erprange (Deleted) Mar 29,2013 13:54
Circular to council/hidden forums access

Good morning,

I'll get right to it. There are a lot of people with council privs, and not a lot being done with them. Solo has been nuking us, and nobody responded. I set them as enemies, otherwise they'd probably still be NAP. Nobody is approving barb claims, nobody is checking to make sure barb caps had been approved. Kekua is still here, after twice being voted to be booted. Nobody is coming up with ops. Lady Bang is trying to organize, which is a start, but for the most part, everybody is sitting back waiting for somebody else to step up. So now I'm calling you out.

Some of you have specific tasks, and you are accomplishing those- sc0rn does data, for example. Most of you have no specific assignments, and so you aren't doing anything. We've tried several times to get an official list of who is doing what, but with no follow through, there's no point. Some of our new guys are stepping up to run ops against rim tribes, because clearly they aren't getting any instructions from the actual council.

So here's your chance. If you don't want to be on the council, no problem, just let me know and you can go back to being a soldier (which is fine, we can never have too many soldiers). If you want to stay on the council, sign up for something. Anything. Help out somewhere, with something. But don't sign up for something and then bugger off for a week. Say you'll do something, and then do it, and keep doing it until you don't have to do it anymore.

We cannot just put her in neutral and coast to another victory. It's not going to work that way. Stuff needs doing. The tribe will only go so far as it is led, and right now, it is going backwards.


Erprange (Deleted) Mar 29,2013 13:54

This message has been forwarded by erprange.

MAX-BURN Mar 29,2013 15:31
MAX-BURN on 25.03. at 05:36

I would so love to be in that council chat the last couple hours. Seeing what things they have to say and how they all start panicking and then perhaps call a council meeting. Huddle together come up with a plan make decisions, who's doing what and then have them send circulars to calm the nerves and get a hold of the situation. Only for all of it to die down in the days after that. Only to go through that whole process again when new shocking developments arise.

So seems my prediction came true right? So even though i left, even though Solo is hitting them & Zomby getting more villages closer to the frontlines, even though they suspect me of wanting to destroy fools. Nothing of much consequence is really being done after all despite having 9 council members.

MAX-BURN Mar 29,2013 15:32
But good circ! The longest mail i seen from you i think lol

Btw if you think I hold ranked accounts in high regard this is what I can do:
[spoil]The Top 5 accounts merged their way into it, excluding Arioch44. He is most deserving of his rank. Their is a top 5 account that wants me badly on their account. I could easily merge accounts with them. Merge my account into theirs and achieve rank 1. Or I just need to gift them half my account and they become rank 1. As for farming no one could match my farming on this world. So on top of the 100 nobles they already have farming for a month would easily get me another 200 nobles. That account would leave fools and happily go on merging my account while not being bothered with any war. Since it would not be attacked by fools nor solo nor zomby. But that account would achieve such a large gap between rank 1 and rank 2 that there will be no way of catching up to that account and it would forever hold rank 1.

The war between Solo and Fools will last months upon months! Whereas it will only take 2 months with our farming to fully merge accounts. You think those top 5 accounts are not selfish accounts? You think that they put the tribe first? I will put my own account on the line to show you people how those players really are. It is a possibility right? Imagine a 10 million point account in 2 months. [/spoil]

But let me assess the damage I've done in points. Because after all points is what most of you guys hold dearest:

NueroticEmperor 2,055,999

So almost 20 million points. Not including my 4 million points. This is the loss that I have directly or indirectly caused fools to lose. And not even a single attack has being launched by my account. Lets match that to what solo and zomby have done to fools? ;) But please do not thank me for having done this. I have only being able to do that thanks to your ever glorious and grand council :lol: I warned you

You might not like what I am doing. I do not care. You might not agree with what i am doing. I do not care. What I am doing is not to please you. It is simply to make this world WORTHY. Attacking my account means nothing, for I place no value on my account. I have no intentions of attacking fools itself. Fools will fall apart, but the blame will lie with your council because they are responsible for all the tribes actions.
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sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I dont know and i dont care what is written above.BUt this is something for you.


A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia (such as Alzheimer’s).
People with a delusion of grandeur often have the conviction of having some great but unrecognized talent or insight. They may also believe they have made some important discovery that others don’t understand or appreciate.

Just saying.


So many times I have extended hands to fools to help them out but was turned down because the players who are in power want to remain in power. You leaders are inactive so why are they leaders? If you can not lead step down and have someone else who can lead step up.

Like I said in the beginning, you're wanting to call all the shots lol

you didnt learn nothing from that playground mate, Sounds more like you stood with the girls and turned into a little :)
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Still Going Strong
Reaction score
@ Max, Max has always had my back and has been a loyal friend. I have not always agreed with him but I respect him and most of the time he is very clear and upfront with his goals like them or not. Max is one of those people that may be too smart for his own good, but I respect his insight and game strategy. In my opinion he is one of the best players in this game.

We at war with each other and that's such a nice thing to say:icon_wink: You have my respect as well. You keep your word unlike other leaders.:icon_rolleyes: If you say something you stick with it. Even in RL its rare to find such people.

Like I said in the beginning, you're wanting to call all the shots lol

Call all the shots? If I had the time yes that would be best. I am a control freak, got a bit of OCD as well. Steve Jobs was a control nut was he not?! But I am no power freak. Title means nothing to me. Swen will tell you I do not care for leadership status. I gave up my baron and duke privs up 3 times in fools only to be given them back. I've only asked for Baron privs once. And that was to do the op on Eltharian so he would stop nuking Jaime Lannister. Something Fekfek the duke was suppose to do but did not do jack in the sith War.
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Maxypoo said:
erprange 3,629,801

Sorry, but you did not directly or indirectly contribute to my points going away. Please remove me from your table.

EDIT: or kekua, either. Barbarian made the first poll, I pointed out that it had been ignored and archived, Bang posted a new poll, and booted him. Just because people leave FOOLS doesn't mean you are involved.
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Max we think very differently, to me loyalty is to the tribe members not only the Duke
W57 my Duke wasnt there for the last battle but it dont matter. He made from the start and before he left a tribe with values that stood up for each other and didnt back down

We was the under dog in that World as SoLo is now. We close that World in 5 days winners and the Duke will be as it was from the start

You put too much emphasis on the leaders and fail those you should stand by for the sake of your own petty issues.
We have squads with leaders, that choose their own targets. Why would you not want to be part of that development. Instead you continue to rant about ill treatment when you could lead a squad to victory

I understand being annoyed with players, Ive taken enough people out myself. But walking away from your team, that only shows lack of respect for those that once stood with you

All councils argue :) thats how things are. You're clearly hurt by this tribes council in the past but walkin away was not how to solve your problem, and neither is this thread


w63 has Officially joined the Pop Culture Craze of Zombie movies, series etc. I am completely sold, I now am going to be a Zombie killer. The Walking Dead baby.

You?! A Zombie Killer? :lol:

You could be more modest, don't put yourself in a throne. The only thing we lately see is FOOLS being pulverized.


I wouldn't say Fools is getting pulverized but we are certainly holding our own.


Mr. Angel, yeah, I said I was "going to be...." also unless one of the 23-----3k barbs you "pulverized" the last two months was a FOOLS I am trying to figure out what exactly you do in this world....oh, yeah I forgot, you ALMOST have 2x ODA, oh Well Done, BRAVO BRAVO!!!!! I mean you only have been fighting SOLO and FOOLS for 9 months....maybe another year you will decide to not pay money to pulverize barbs and try real players.

Seriously, do not attempt to start in with me. Just ignore me as you have ignored every enemy since you joined. Do not get in a war of words with me or in a tw war.

Go about your barb munching. Leave me alone do not engage me in any conversation or anything. Thank You.

Now back on Topic, I think we have the bestest, greatest, gosh darn leaders, ummm gentleman Mr. Angel is A BARON AND LEADER even Max and Swen have to chuckle at that, just a bit.....


I like Angel he's a little crazy. His perspective is a bit off, but I have found him to be a pretty good guy.

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Max we think very differently, to me loyalty is to the tribe members not only the Duke
W57 my Duke wasnt there for the last battle but it dont matter. He made from the start and before he left a tribe with values that stood up for each other and didnt back down

We was the under dog in that World as SoLo is now. We close that World in 5 days winners and the Duke will be as it was from the start

You put too much emphasis on the leaders and fail those you should stand by for the sake of your own petty issues.
We have squads with leaders, that choose their own targets. Why would you not want to be part of that development. Instead you continue to rant about ill treatment when you could lead a squad to victory

I understand being annoyed with players, Ive taken enough people out myself. But walking away from your team, that only shows lack of respect for those that once stood with you

All councils argue :) thats how things are. You're clearly hurt by this tribes council in the past but walkin away was not how to solve your problem, and neither is this thread

Max has never been part of the solution,he is always part of the problem.


Sid no offense, but I think that is a very narrow-minded way of looking at it. Max has not always been a part of YOUR problem, he was a valued part of FOOLS leadership otherwise FOOLS would not have desperately tried to get him back. Max disagreed with the way you guys were doing things, disagreed how SOLO was treated after FOOLS council members told us we should recruit some of IR, Ganja recruited the tribe then Bang had a little temper tantrum along with Ezekial and you guys went ahead and recruited all of IFARM to spite SOLO, Ezekiel even said so. Oh wait I should mention that AFTER Bang had his little hissy fit Ganja went ahead and kicked EVERY member of IR just to appease you FOOLS. The alliance was dead at that point. Max disagreed with you guys and you all in council continued your circular conversations trying to justify the fact that you just couldn't ever finish a war. Look at your history is there a tribe in this world that you have fought that you haven't recruited from or merged into you? HOW BORING! Now when I say you I am referring to the few narrow minded people that have made some of the poor decisions at FOOLS. The only people I have a problem with in FOOLS for the record is: Bang(egomaniac), Ezekial(too much to mention), and kkey(follower and horrible peace maker).