Fools Council


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Hey World 63. I'm still alive. Do not worry. Just being busy in RL a lot recently. I wanted to create this thread for a while but was some how blocked. Mailed the mod of this world asking what's up with that. Seems to be sorted now though. IF you think i've being inactive please take a look at Senile and d3fu4127 such lovely coincidences don't you think (~^,)

This thread is to reveal to the world. What players are leading or lead fools. And I would like your opinion on the type of players you think or know they are.

Fools have an ingame council and a skype council. They actually differ lol. So some members are not mentioned as council but are included in skype chats as council. A lot of you do not even know that Balian is council. He's a good player but a lousy council member. So to some it up this is the real council of fools

Anorexic Panda
Bang Goes The Draw
The Barbarian...

What is this council actually doing for fools? It sends mails and messages some people on skype about what they are doing towards solo but are they giving it their all against Solo and Zomby? I will be discussing each member one at a time. Because the public at large can not take in huge amounts of information in at once.

First Up is FekFek. I'll keep this one sweet and short.

[spoil]Fekfek is losing villages to Solo extensively but yet he still has nukes and nobles to internal Julain Ceasar?

Troops were not even moved around. Now this is not the first time that FekFek has done this. It is actually the second time.

Their was another time when I was account sitting Jacochesh and fighting the Hmmm? players just after the first world win. Earlier Skype message with a player in fools.

[spoil][01:53:08 PM | Edited 01:54:44 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): Thats what was happening with Jacochesh. I was sitting it and julian and joe for ride. Jachochesh had premium for another 2 months so we could of used that account to noble other accounts until it goes up for internaling. It was the Hmm frontline war. I told fekfek to stop so many times over and he sent nukes and nobles without notifying the sitter which was me. So i started defending against his atttacks cause he was nobling villages that had full defense that was defending active frontlines with hmmm. Ay i was pissed. So once he started nobling villages i had to can all plans of nobling hmmm? players cause then i would be breaking the rules.[/spoil]

Look at the conquers of Jacochesh

Mind you Crazy Doc was a council member at the time, when I told him to stop he stopped. But why is it that only 2 council members and no other fools member got to internal jacochesh? Its because they were in the habbit of giving internals to the council first, then the rest of the players. Until I put a stop to that.

A snippet of who's next:

[07:42:23 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): O you sitting redeye too?
[07:42:24 PM] Stefan: [18/04/2013 13:41:54] Stefan: I will be leaving fools soon if there is no drastic change, this current form has continued for too long
[18/04/2013 21:12:34] Kartik Mishra (kkey): what ??
[18/04/2013 21:12:41] Kartik Mishra (kkey): what r u saying ?
[18/04/2013 21:12:54] Kartik Mishra (kkey): what drastic change do u want?
[18/04/2013 21:13:21] Stefan: nothing is happening, the tribe is going dead
[07:42:32 PM] Stefan: no that's kkey:D
[07:42:45 PM] Stefan: the first para's mine but he quoted me
[07:43:02 PM] Stefan: then in that second convo, I tell kkey clearly that I might leave
[07:43:10 PM | Edited 07:43:16 PM] Stefan: 1 or 2 days before I get promoted
[07:46:49 PM] Stefan: also, bang says straight away that I couldn't even run the squad, but we did the best out of them all:D
[07:52:17 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): hahaha. typical so typical. All this is going in my externals thread:p
[07:52:31 PM] Stefan: ok :D
[07:52:59 PM] Stefan: the two targets I got my squad to hit, lost 50 villages in the last 7 days..
[07:53:11 PM] Stefan: I sent 60 nukes to my targets, and not one noble
[07:53:24 PM] Stefan: I selflessly helped my squad
[07:53:36 PM] Stefan: don't see any other leader doing that
[07:53:42 PM] Stefan: fekfek nuking inactives
[07:53:51 PM] Stefan: kkey saving his for demoz
[07:54:06 PM] Stefan: bang saving his and letting everyone else clear seth for him
[07:54:18 PM] Stefan: they're laughable:p
[07:55:28 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): O they hitting sethmack too? I didnt even notice that. but yeah thats how they have always been. They were just cleverly hiding what they were doing and lying directly to the tribe.
[07:57:06 PM] Stefan: a few of my group were so I launched an op on him, cleared several villages and bang just swoops in afterwards:D
[07:57:12 PM] Stefan: Yeah, but not so cleverly
[08:03:18 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): ah i see. Yeah bang is like that. It took me a while to see it because i had so much faith in him but i eventually did:)
[08:04:02 PM] Stefan: (nod)
[08:04:12 PM] Stefan: first time he ever mails me was when I leave
[08:04:34 PM] Stefan: d3fu4127 today at 15:42
How about you ask me more precise questions and I'll answer them :)
Bang Goes The Draw today at 15:24
It is a simple slang term and you know what it means, so why not just answer in a civil manner dude?
d3fu4127 today at 15:23
My main beef? What are we, 12?
Bang Goes The Draw today at 15:22
Meaning what I said, whats your main beef.
d3fu4127 today at 15:20
Bang Goes The Draw today at 15:02
Whats the deal with you Stefan?

O and here's a sample of one of 600 attacks that Anorexic Panda has launched at Demoz:

Then Kartick who is Anorexic Panda asks another player when he is coming up to solo but he himself is wasting time and nukes on a player who is inactive?

[01:02:15 PM] Stefan: [01:00 PM] Kartik Mishra (kkey):
<<< how long before i see you up on the solo front, i want u guys to come up there.
I have two villages in k37 now and I still get this (facepalm)



:lol: If anyone wants clarification I can give it also :p

Oops, better change my siggy!


Rather than slate people why dont you cut out the crap and get to your point instead of ranting

I didnt know Balain was in council, nice I like that guy :)
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Still Going Strong
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If anyone wants to know Markvs plays on Spaccaculo, not the original spaccaculo. But I'm glad mark is on the externals :p As for me I am crazy (~^,) But Ranting is not what i'm doing. I'm revealing the truth as it is. Showing the world what sort of leaders lead fools and thus proving that fools leaders will be easy to beat if they play for themselves and not the players behind the tribe.

Yeah Bill (Balian) is an awesome guy. Pretty good player for someone who has grand kids. After the first world win he quit and gifted his account to myself and syb only. I declined wanted to find a new player than internal an account with 300 plus villages. But glad i talked to him into rejoining the world. I think others talked to him as well.

Oops, better change my siggy!

I can make you one;) A better one cause your sig kinda looks like a roulette table to me then i seen its an eye lol
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lol Im only here till World 57 closes 5th of May at the latest, the owner is back now and I did what I was asked to do couple of weeks back. In case you dont know what that was it was to help an old tribe mate and watch his acc. You know what that means, nah course you dont lol.

Nice of you to mention Spacculco tryin to use as bait the owner of the acc, esp when you said in mail yesterday you was close to him but that sums you up 100% :)

You take a personal dislike to a few people in a tribes council and see fit to try crap on all the tribe members and cause trouble in the tribe. Youve forgotten what it means to be part of a tribe

You dont care for those you left thats nothin more than an act you use in conversation to try manipulate people to leaving this tribe. In fact havin spoken with you I think you're a control nut that wants to call the shots and have everything his own way.

I dont know maybe you got crap kicked into you every playtime as a kid, either way hittin this acc or not isnt goin to change what you are :)
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yeah, you got your list not updated thank god. Also, was this the ing mail you sent me? Again keep it short and sweet for me Max. Also, you did not state that fek fek story of him losing vills was not the full story but I do prefer that it stays that story, some attackers may feel over confidant.

I actually like the leaders and most of the players. I think it is hard to do but I think a lot has changed for the better and will change soon again. I never had any issue with anyone. No one that I have know for a long time here has had any issues with FOOLS leadership even when Max you were in it. I think it is open and honest and doing all it can to allow people to put forth any and all constructive ideas. Some people/tribe mates just are not happy, some people just have their own agenda it can not be helped.

I recommend the leadership and the players of fools and jesters for anyone frustrated with their tribe to join us.. I like it here. I am happy we came here. All ideas, opinions are welcomed. Got to keep active otherwise you will get bogged down in petty issues. I am happy with my longtime friends and with all the new friends and players here. I thoroughly respect everyone's opinions also.

This topic seems to be irrelevant yet I have a bit of time. Again, it is good to have our tribe back up as the Focus of the the game. Anyone interested in joining and having fun do not hesitate to contact our tribe. You can be made famous on the externals!

w63 has Officially joined the Pop Culture Craze of Zombie movies, series etc. I am completely sold, I now am going to be a Zombie killer. The Walking Dead baby.

One Happy Camper


Still Going Strong
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@Mark. I'm glad the original is returning. Least I can talk with someone who knows the history of the world and has a mind to see what is and what is not:) Since you do not know me I can not blame you for jumping to the wrong conclusions. However Did i manipulate Defu into leaving fools? A top 10 player? Am I that good at manipulating people? Or did he see the truth for himself.

I care about 3 things. The truth. My friends (Not the accounts but the players behind the account). And my tribe. What you thnk of me is irrelevant. As long as my tribe know what I am doing for them. Fools will fall that is not a probabilty but a certainty. Where do the players go when fools splits? They will rejoin their former tribemates:)

Hell I even got proof that a council member admitted lying about me to the tribe. I told him to own up to the tribe because I do not like lies. But who have I lied about?! No one.

If you must know. I indeed was the kid getting beat up when i was under 10. Skinny as bones I tell you. I know how it felt to be picked on by bullies. But then I grew big and strong. I'm a giant, played varsity volleyball. But when I got big and strong I did not go and pick on the little kids. I went and protected them from the bullies :) Btw thats personal so if you insult that you will get infracted :p

either way hittin this acc or not isnt goin to change what you are

LOL. You have forgotten what strategy is. What possible benefit would I get from attacking that account? It makes no sense in anyway to attack you let alone even waste time faking it. I do not let emotions interfere with my strategy. I have said it so many times now for over a month. FOOLS WILL SPLIT APART! Forget them even being pulverised by solo and Zomby. They are going to split apart. Fools is fragile.

Worthy is a place for players who are frustrated of leaders putting themselves first. A place where all views are respected and treated as one. A place where we continually try and improve our game not accept that we have reached the highest standard. I'm training all my players. And I even learnt something from Watz Poppin? when i sat his account. Worthy will continue to evolve while maintaining its ideals.


hmm...finally something new and interesting in the externals!


Interesting yes, new?? I think not.

We've been portrayed as a liars, huggers, cowards, bullies, etc. for the longest time. I don't think it bothers us anymore.

So go ahead and say what you want. We appreciate knowing people spend a good part of their time thinking about us.


FOOLS WILL SPLIT APART! Forget them even being pulverised by solo and Zomby. They are going to split apart. Fools is fragile.

This tribe is stronger than you think but be assured if it does fall then you join the menu with the rest of us and SoLo will eat your arse.

I've respect for that tribe. Plain and simple they fight and I cant see with them as fighters puttin up with your cryin, whinning and moaning for long :)
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sidd 271

Contributing Poster
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I care about 3 things. The truth. come on Max,aren't you the guy who used to feed information to enemy tribe??:lol:

I really dont know how you will reach the "high standards"...half your tribe is not growing
It's pretty cool actually that the people are leaving.Dont worry we got plans for everything:icon_cool:

Oh and your war stats during fool days

103 caps at 5 mil ODA.May be you should not tell the others how to use the nukes:icon_biggrin:


Looks like I picked an interesting day to drop by.

I remained in w63 after the secrets win because it seemed that FOOLS needed me around, in leadership and organization. Some time last week Bang decided to remove my privs (again), only this time without a word. I figured that was my cue that I was no longer needed. It feels good to be gone, I highly recommend it (y)

Just throwing that out there.


Still Going Strong
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Revealing True Nature


What I said and do is aimed at the council of fools who do things to benefit themselves first and then the tribe. Remember what I said before in my last circular, "I am the King of information." not because I get lots of information but because I know how to use it (~^,)

We've been portrayed as a liars, huggers, cowards, bullies, etc. for the longest time. I don't think it bothers us anymore.

I do love how you use the word portray. You are intelligent, fairly close to how intelligent Ezekiel is. But lets show the world a bit more of the person you are shall we.

[spoil]Demoz2 Apr 24,2013 00:07
Told u its legit

This message has been forwarded by Demoz2.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 24,2013 00:14
I know. Still don't see what the issue is though. How does exposing this mail benefit the tribe?

Demoz2 Apr 24,2013 00:20
If we can remove corrupt leaders and put in place better ones. Then that can help a tribe way more than recruiting 5 accounts worth 2 million points. Or do u disagree?

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 24,2013 00:29
"Corrupt", "dumb", "stupid", "elite" are terms we like to label players with. It all boils down to one thing, is the player working for the tribe or against it?

Panda, no matter how you dislike him, has always done his best to better the tribe. You see it doesn't matter what direction we go. We are at the point where as long as we stay together, we have a really big chance to win this world. Someone needs to keep everyone together. Panda is doing that and is therefore more of an asset than a liability.

Demoz2 Apr 25,2013 10:16
If u look at it in those terms then what u say is true.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 00:31
Look, you were gone for a long time so don't think for a second that things are what they seem.

Do not think for a second that we did nothing to get Max back. People did try and they tried several times. I personally made several attempts to do so. He was family but he had issues with leadership so he decided to split. He also said his decision was final.

FYI, he wanted Kekua out of the tribe. Leadership did not. That was the final straw that made him leave. Now Kekua is in his tribe. Max is just angry and his angel now defies logic. There is no reasoning with him at this point.

As for why he isn't being attacked, many have stated we don't want to open another front. Max isn't as big as a threat as you think. Sure he is a good player but deep down inside, he is still [ally]FOOL[/ally]. An angry one but a [ally]FOOL[/ally] just the same. He is family whether people admit it or not.

And please, please stop saying people think you expressing your opinions is shit. That is not true. Problem with some people is when the majority disagrees with them, they tend to treat it as a personal slight.

You make use of your right to express your views. Allow us to express ours without turning it to who's on who's side.

Anyways, you made it clear that you were interested in joining WORTHY. I guess that gives your posts a motive.

Demoz2 Apr 26,2013 00:58
On kekua topic. U don't know much. Mail erparnge or the barbarian they will confirm that 2 votes to kick out kekua was done. The first vote said to kick kekua this was done before max left. They did not kick him. Then second vote happened after 2 or 3 weeks after max left. As for kekua being a spy max got screeshots n skype messages of kekua trying to help out a mate. Mail him n ask him about it. I do not know if I can pass it on to u.

Thank you for mailing me though. I appreciate ur effort n time. So I will share some info to u. Max has got someone in council sending him screen shots of the forums I seen the council chat. I also did a lot of digging up on him I found out a good few things on which worlds he played. He is not experienced as me but then again how many people still play tw from world 1. The little I found out that he is a great talent in getting what he wants. He's proven a lot and is very admired among the players I talked to off world. He knows a lot of players and mods. I know a few mods myself and I know from experience u can get mods to help u out. He does not seem to be a player like that but I am careful when dealing with him. You just never know

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 01:04
I actually know more than you think. I had conversations with Max, DC and the rest of leadership regarding Kekua so I know what was happening. I believed him and was doing my best to get him back into the tribe. He said his decision was final so I backed off.

We all know how good Max is. There is no question about that. Still, we don't think it would be right for us to keep begging the guy after he has repeatedly refused and stated he no longer had any interest in returning. A tribe needs to have a small amount of pride after all.[/spoil]

Thank you for acknowledging my abilities as a player:D You are right anger defies logic. I do not get angry I get even. Continue thinking I am angry. If i was my nukes would be off being emptied by now. Just like how Anorexic Panda emptied nukes onto Demoz. And for that it cost the tribe almost 5 million points. I'll explain this later.

You also do not mind by which way Fools wins as long as you win. Your own words "You see it doesn't matter what direction we go"
You have also lied. You did not talk to me about kekua. You have only mailed me once since leaving fools:

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 01,2013 07:11
Not sure why i'm answering since I plan on deleting in a few days/weeks.

I'm guessing you'd rather be a lock. A key has no purpose without a lock. A lock however stands just as proud with or without the key.

MAX-BURN Apr 01,2013 08:41
lol. I have a plan that would even keep Death count in the game and give him new life;) Anyway I didn't ask what would I be but i asked what would you want. Lock or key? Cant have both. And only want one thing.

But very nice answer.

MAX-BURN Apr 01,2013 08:45
But i get your answer.;)

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 01,2013 08:50
That's what I meant then. Lol.

So what exactly are you trying to do? Sort of lost interest in this world when you decide to leave FOOLS.

I really like this tribe but when you left, it just doesn't feel like home anymore. Not saying its all about you but I have grown to love the old tribe with you, garsy, erp and AP calling the shots.

MAX-BURN Apr 01,2013 09:08
Well that post serves many purposes. This is what I learnt about you and your answer.

Your intelligence is above average. You dont post on the forums but now i know you read them. How does that help me? I now know how much influence i can exert over you or rather how much i can manipulate you without you realising something is suspicious. Manipulation is not always bad. google the word and go to wikipedia. Misleading is bad. I think, i didnt google it lol.

Wondering why im showing this much talent now?:?
When I was in fools, i had nothing to gain. Now I have nothing to lose, but only gain.

:) Im glad you expressed what you said though. So when the time comes for me to play my trump card i know who was with me;)

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 01,2013 09:23
Oh but I do post in the externals. I'm using the carrot soup (check my IG profile pic) account to piss people off when I have nothing better to do. Lol.

I wasn't really trying to answer your question but it seemed a good way to get a chance to talk to you and maybe give you an idea how the tribe generally feels about you and you leaving. A lot of people want you back and are torn between their "love" of the tribe and your leadership.

What I really want to say is that regardless of what happened between you and Garsy/FOOLS leadership, we consider you family and will be nothing but ecstatic if you and the rest of the guys were to return and help us finish what we started.

MAX-BURN Apr 01,2013 11:08
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELL I NEVER KNEW!
I always asked people who was that lol. And never knew. I wondered all the time. Always thought who the hell is this guy.

So i was right then about above average inteligence ;)

What I really want to say is that regardless of what happened between you and Garsy/FOOLS leadership, we consider you family and will be nothing but ecstatic if you and the rest of the guys were to return and help us finish what we started.

GARSY IS NOT A FRIEND! If i had to confront him with the truth he would not know how to confront other people than the other guilty parties.

Right now im the invisible hand that adam smith (economist) refers to:p

IF i told you it benefited me more right now for evilsizer to leave and rejoin fools? What would you honestly tell me:p

MAX-BURN Apr 01,2013 11:09
dam next time less on the exclamation marks:p

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 01,2013 23:24
LOL. Was supposed to keep it a secret but i've been trolling people in previous worlds so someone is bound to discover who I am sooner or later.

I honestly couldn't care less. Lol. Truth is, i'd like all of you guys to come back so we can finally close this world. If not, then i'd probably just quit. I'd rather win with the people who I consider family intact than with people who I still see as total strangers.

MAX-BURN Apr 02,2013 14:35
watch:) :p All im saying is stick around for 2 weeks. read the forums comment. I wont let anyone know who you are. U went to great strengths

MAX-BURN Apr 02,2013 14:38 hide who you were;) Even garsy and the council didnt know who you were. Ezekiel got a forum account that he posts with at times creating nonsense. I realized that was him and when he said he does not post on the forums i called him out lol in public. Then he pm'd me saying shhhhhhh u the only one who knows im on that account. Thinking he told me but he didnt lol.

I didnt suspect you were carrot soup hence i have no right to disclose that fact

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 02,2013 23:41
Some people know. Ciranore does. He thought I wouldn't find out what account he was on but I knew as soon as he got back to this world so I sent him an inc. Lol.

Snape also knows its me though I don't think he is still playing.

2 weeks? sure. I'll be here. after that i'll probably quit.

So from deleting your account, to probably quiting to wanting to win the world. Largely different views. And as you can see I even predicted that Evilsizer would leave. Go ahead and ask Evilsizer she knows good and well what I am capable of. I let her leave for a reason. A reason that is between us. Maybe she'll divulge that reason but i doubt it. But mail her and she'll tell you I predicted what she would do to the T!

DeathCount is your best buddy and you claim that you lost interest in fools. Death has given you premium points to stay on this world because you said you are quitting. Hell he has even gifted you his K84 villages.

Mailed to JR47 on the 28th stating how dear a friend DeathCount is:

[spoil]NameAlreadyInUse Apr 28,2013 at 09:03
Same here buddy. Up to now, I am still hoping things can be fixed. DC is one of my earliest friends in this world. I have stood up for him for several times but never had to remind him of that and use it to my advantage. I value his friendship and this issue has caused nothing but problems for everyone.

I do not hold grudges against Max, you or any of the guys who opted to join WORTHY. I just wish that instead of choosing sides, people would just concentrate on fixing the problem.

Best of luck to you buddy.


Death is a dear friend to you. And has done a lot to help you out even when he is in Worthy. And you talk to him a lot. I know because I account sit him from time to time. Here's the mail between you and him. The full mail. Did you not just betray information while being in fools. If you did not then you lied to Death(Journe)

[spoil]DeathCount Apr 18,2013 23:55
Do i need to demolish the headquarter already ?

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 19,2013 01:16
Nope. You can leave things as they are. :)

DeathCount Apr 19,2013 10:18
Oeps demolish all the headquarters until 20 ;D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 19,2013 10:20
Lol. No worries i'll just build it up to 21. :)

DeathCount Apr 20,2013 00:26
That's a poor train. Did death ok you nobling his villages yet?

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 20,2013 00:29
Not if its aimed at a gifted village. Lol

Yep. He even sent the contents of his villas to stack one of mine. :)

I'm assuming i'm talking to Max?

DeathCount Apr 20,2013 00:33
Ah yeah i just noticed the previous attacks from you. He set me about 3-4 days ago i only accepted it now. My sisters getting married tomorrow so its been a really chaotic week. Family some you love some you hate haha.

I took some time out now to try and catch up with the latest events.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 20,2013 00:38
I hardly open Opera nowadays. Besides, nobody in this area knows how to snipe. I killed them all a long time ago. LOL. JK!

Yeah. Jorne told me about it. Have you started hazing the brother-in-law yet? That would be fun. :)

DeathCount Apr 22,2013 22:54
Necroechi attacking me :eek: :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 22,2013 23:26
Lol. What K is he in?

DeathCount Apr 22,2013 23:36
K73 lol
He just scouted 5 villages now he is clearing 2 of them with just axes en lc. And 2 trains running 16 and 28 hours :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 22,2013 23:37
You still have D there right? What are you planning to do?

DeathCount Apr 22,2013 23:53
Don't know still rocking on my own server.
Going really hard over there already 33 looters.

Still got my iphone installed on this world, so if something happens and still have time i will do something. Only 4 may PA runs out.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 22,2013 23:56
Awesome! I surprisingly got the POTD award a few days ago.

Btw, thanks to the PA you gave me, i'll probably be able to get myself to that 20th spot. Lol

DeathCount Apr 22,2013 23:57
Haha probably will go on delete 4th of may.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 22,2013 23:58
How many days will it take before you barb?

DeathCount Apr 22,2013 23:58
5 days i think :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 00:02
Wow, that close? Can you clear [coord]430|779[/coord], [coord]434|780[/coord], [coord]444|782[/coord] and [coord]442|781[/coord] for me before you hit delete? Lol.

I'm sure we'll still be in touch in skype right? I can still a few more tricks from you. :D

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 00:05
Haha we will see :D probably will use my nukes a last time some time ;)

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 00:09
I'm guessing it going to be on [player]Necroechi[/player]? Poor guy picked the wrong inactive. Lol

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 00:14
Haha K73 is 95% offence :s

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 00:14
Sometimes the best defense is a sword. ;)

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 00:15
My defence is Axe :D
But he is nobling from long distance :s
So still sucky :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 00:23
I meant sometimes the best defense is a swift stroke of a sword. In short, going on the offensive. Lol.

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 00:24
Ah lol english terms not my speciality.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 00:28
No worries. I'm sure that's how an offensive-minded player such as yourself works.

Anyways, got to go now. A bit late for work. Talk to you later buddy. :)

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 13:49
How is Fools going?

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 13:49
Max or Jorne?

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 13:50
Jorne :D

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 13:53
Let me be clear of you stab me in my back BE aware!

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 13:55
Why pull out the support? Got a train and was supposed to send another one to your villages. :(

Fools is doing OK. Very close to getting our bearings back. Good players have started stepping up to help the tribe and activity is starting to pick up too.

Stab you in the back?? Why the hell would I do that. You told me you were quitting buddy. How in the world will you doublecross someone like that?

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 14:01
You have become leader of Fools?
And max pulled the support away.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 14:04
Nope. You and I know what happened the last time I was part of leadership. Lol. And besides, I do not have the patience to cater to all the egos we have in here.

Why did Max do that?

And more importantly, what kind of "stab in the back" did you think I was going to do? I found your tone and accusations quite a surprise.

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 18:22
You still can have my K84 villages lol :D
Don't know why max did it probably he doesn't trust anyone.

But as leader of Fools you probably will put the tribe in favorit in comparison with me.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 23:22
Lol. I'm not in FOOLS leadership. I help out in cleaning the forums but other than that, i'm just a regular member. I'm not even THE forum mod. I don't decide on anything around here. Its mostly panda, fek and some of the other guys.

Yeah, Max is probably getting paranoid. Anyways, i'm glad we don't have trust issues. You said you were quitting and last thing I want is for you to leave this world thinking you got double-crossed by me.

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 23:44
But are the planning something on my ?
Because necroechi claims me :s

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 23:53
Nope. I guarantee nothing on the forums is being said about you. The guy probably noticed you were already inactive.

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 23:54
haha have random trains now :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 23,2013 23:56
random trains? fake trains?

its just an individual move. that much I can guarantee.

has anyone else even attacked you or bothered to send any fakes?

DeathCount Apr 23,2013 23:58
No nothing else.
But i have random trains ready to launch.

Is someone stacked?

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 24,2013 00:03
See? You know how things are done here. If an OP on you is scheduled, you'd be seeing a ton of fakes by now.

I doubt anyone bothered to stack. Like I said, everyone thinks you're inactive already. Most of the focus is on [ally]SOLO[/ally] and other local targets who aren't really fighting back.

I can try and talk Necroechi out of attacking you if you want. Just thought you didn't care anymore.

DeathCount Apr 24,2013 00:04
Haha busy on other server but if i get attacks i still care lol :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 24,2013 00:05
Lol. So would you like me to talk to Necro? If yes, what would you want me to say?

I'm going to be taking more of those K84 villages later. Will send some attacks to clear so don't get paranoid thinking i'm going to stab you on the back ok? Lol

DeathCount Apr 24,2013 00:07
Haha ok :D

No let him attack me ;)

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 24,2013 00:31
Staying to show your defensive prowess huh? Lol. Good luck buddy. I'm sure you'll handle the attacks well. ;)

Off to work now. Need money to but premium on the 4th. Lol. BTW, i'm now in the top 20. Thanks to you again.

DeathCount Apr 25,2013 01:52
Going for rank 1 yeah :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 25,2013 01:54
Lol. I thought you were already ranked first in your server?

I'm going for 19 today. I surprisingly got the Looter and Plunderer of the day away a few hours ago. Looks like people here are starting to slow down.

DeathCount Apr 25,2013 01:55
I mean you are going for rank 1 again two trains on my villages :eek:

I am the boss on my world :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 25,2013 01:56
Lol. Too far. Even if I get all your villages, I might be short a few villages more to catch up with M.C.M. Lol.

So what happened to Necroechi's attacks?

DeathCount Apr 25,2013 10:47
Sniped ...

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 25,2013 10:52
Lol. Did he bother sending more attacks?

DeathCount Apr 25,2013 18:57
He is back ;)

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 25,2013 23:23

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 02:05
Jupz again a train lol.
First try to snipe already worked :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 03:08
Lol. He never learns.

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 11:17
Can i have some villages of you in K74 ? :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:18
I thought you planned on quitting? I was about to ask for he rest of your villages. Lol

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 13:25
LoL i hear more and more words Fools is planning an OP on me...

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:28
From whom? Nothing is posted in the forums bud. Ask your source to send you a copy or screenshot of the post/convo because I honestly cannot find anyone talking about you here.

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 13:29
@ xxxxx: you are correct , its is in the best interest to take worthy out but there are few, seemingly little but when you look at it from out of the box major, complications, hence we, though technically are at war, havent really launch a full scale war with them.

@ xxxxx: yes, we declared on them, thats coz death attacked one of us. and we wouldn't have left him alone after he did that, and we had planned to take death out by opping him. While we are still finalising the details, diana deleted and we had an an arrangement, a back door thing, between a players of ours and death, which completely changed the situation. So we decided not to press the issue. Till that agreement between one of our and death hold good, we dont see death being a threat to anyone else, but we are still wathcing the situation closely.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:31
Let me look more closely where your source got that.

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 13:32
Cancel your trains for the moment :D
Otherwise i should snipe it :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:36
Ah I see where he got that. A guy from SENILE who I think is your source asked why you guys aren't being attacked. Thus Panda's explanation.

You knew very well that people wanted to get back at you for taking amrit's villages. I even requested you to temporarily cease the attacks so I can talk to the guys. They did stop and I assumed that was that.

As far as the OP on you is concerned, it was never posted anywhere in the forums. It is possible that individual groups are planning as evidenced by Necros attacks and the mention of the Dianna account. Might be the guys from iFarm but I cannot be sure.

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:36
Sure. ;)

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 13:38
Pfff don't know what to think anymore :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:38
crap. I can't cancel them anymore. :/

If you feel uncomfortable about what is happening, I understand. Go ahead and snipe them. Just want to reassure you nothing is being planned and people would rather concentrate on SOLO and other local targets.

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 13:44
If i am back in time i will try and dodge my support.
Otherwise you have bad luck :D
But need to go for a few hours :s

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:47
OK buddy. Just tell me if you want me to stop taking those villages. I have other targets in K85 so i'll concentrate on those and hopefully get myself into the top 10. Lol

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 13:47
Pfff you taking villages in K84 is more nobles for K74 :D
My cluster should expand :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 13:51
Lol. So are you really quitting? I'm actually surprised you're a lot more active again despite being ranked first in your server.

How are things going there? Any great players from .net that play there too?

DeathCount Apr 26,2013 15:34
No .net doesn't play on .nl because language is different. Yeah lot more active now because the account came at a point were few farms runs on day are good enough so more time :D

NameAlreadyInUse Apr 26,2013 15:38
Lol. well good for you. still holding the top spot? i'm glad to see you here again but i must say all the info being passed on to you bothers me.

I think someone is trying to mess with your mind buddy. They are trying to scare you into becoming canon fodder.


I do so love how you try and get information out of Death. Now Death was quitting for 2 reasons. I was barely online for about a week and he would run out of premium on 4th of may. But know this he is well stocked with premium thanks to JR47. He will not be deleting. He will see this world to then end by my side, because ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. He is rank 1 on his home server a huge lead over rank 2. He is a true warrior and he will show his colours (~^,)

And You kept on going on and on about him deleting. You expected him to delete, but your expectation will not be met. Anyway you say that there is no op on him. But here is evidence that was posted in forums that normal tribe members are privy to. Forget the council skype chat. You posted in that same thread so you definitely read it.

@ Demoz2: you are correct , its is in the best interest to take worthy out but there are few, seemingly little but when you look at it from out of the box major, complications, hence we, though technically are at war, havent really launch a full scale war with them.

@ cebarn: yes, we declared on them, thats coz death attacked one of us. and we wouldn't have left him alone after he did that, and we had planned to take death out by opping him. While we are still finalising the details, diana deleted and we had an an arrangement, a back door thing, between a players of ours and death, which completely changed the situation. So we decided not to press the issue. Till that agreement between one of our and death hold good, we dont see death being a threat to anyone else, but we are still watching the situation closely.

So I ask you this. Why Lie to Death about their being even a possibility of an Op? You are the type of player who wants to win at any costs forget how you win. At the end of the day you are in Fools and you try and help fools because you want to win not because you care about your tribemates. You claim that I am family and Death a very dear friend so why on earth are you in fools if winning is not what you desire? Death still stands up for you and trusts you based on words. I trust in actions not words.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score

[spoil]You yourself said you do not know the history of the tribe. All you see is large accounts in fools occupying most of the top 20 and then assume that Fools is the strongest tribe. I can tell you now that Fools is not that strong. Its fragile. Solo can not be split apart. Zomby can not be split apart. Worthy can not be split apart. Fools can. Because a lot of members are tired of the leadership, fair enough quite a bit has changed. Members that did not say much in forums stepped up. However the old council is still in control hence why nothing significant has changed.

As for solo eating my ass? LMAO. They'll be more like propping it up so I get a better view of the world. Again this shows your lack of knowledge and judgement. Solo are indeed a respected tribe and deserve more praise then it gets. Solo council have no leaks, because they all believe in one another. Fools council have leaks and question each other. Typical example is what Siddharrt (Erprange) just said, a senior council member having his privs removed because they thought he would disband fools.

[spoil]Erp fed me info. But info that showed how the council was lying about me and how it was lying to the tribe. That stopped when I became less active. He had fools best interest at heart and continued to do his best.

Mail showing how things typical go on in council:



So you think Solo would eat me up?! Because a tribe that you judged to be worthy and respected would never put up with a player like me who whines and moans? So then it would not make sense that Solo for MONTHS wanted me to join them? That Swendog wants to make me a Baron and help with operations on fools?

If i did that I would have to put together operations on friends. But I am getting tired of people thinking I just cause trouble and think i am capable of doing nothing. I've proven myself more than once on this world. But maybe I should join solo to prove once more, while you are on this world (~^,)

[2013/04/26 05:22:19 PM] Swendog : Hey bro. Why don't you join solo and help lead it as a baron with the rest of your crew and we work together to unite the rest of the world

1st May
[01:23:01 AM] Swendog : Why not just join us
[01:23:19 AM] Swendog : And help. Takes some pressure off of you and gives me some help
[01:24:00 AM] Swendog : Everyone who wants to join us may follow you I can make enough room
[01:24:19 AM] Swendog : But don't throw in the towel
[01:24:38 AM] Swendog : We can accomplish beating fools if we stay at it and break them piece by piece
[01:24:53 AM] Swendog : Their leadership is vastly inactive. Kkey doin most of the work
[01:26:48 AM] Swendog : Not that you care but i would make you baron and could definitely use your help in operations[/spoil]

Think i'm lying perhaps. Well let us ask swendog the duke of solo for his public opinion on me. SWEN tell us what do you think of me as a player and a person? Who do you admire and respect the most in this world? Who stood up for you when fools tried to tarnish your reputation?

O and here's proof that Fools council made solo and swendog look bad:

Jim is JADII on externals and Ershin ingame.
[2013/04/29 11:47:11 PM] JimDi3: btw I really do like swen.
[2013/04/29 11:47:31 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): You do know he is married right:p
[2013/04/29 11:47:43 PM] JimDi3: lol
[2013/04/29 11:48:52 PM] MAX-BURN (WR): if that went on the externals:p:D lol but like i said before fools leadership painted swen black. He is not a bad guy. He just did his best for his tribe. Like what you are trying to do with ifarm.
[2013/04/29 11:50:13 PM] JimDi3: yes I know, I respect him bc he n I are only here out of loyalty to our guys. now zomby just gave us a reason to find a singular purpose to exist here !!

Swen talks to Jim quite a bit recently from what I understand. Best Buds one could say. (~^,) So imagine if me and Ershin had to join Solo? The frontlines change instantaneously. Not saying it will happen as Ershin is set on Zomby. But what would happen once Jim sees proof of how selfish the fools council is. That it sacrifices its most worthy players for players of higher points.

@Sid(Anorexic Panda) You are up next on the forums:p The stuff and contradictions I have on your account lol. Will be by far the longest post here from all the listed council members.

Btw your stats are wrong. Those are official war caps. What happens when a tribe kicks the player out. Those caps do not show up on the war stats. The very reason fools kicked mengwasi out along with kekua right to prevent higher losses. While i just took in demoz2 who is losing villages like fun. Its because I want you guys thinking you have the upper hand.

Do you know why countries build nukes? Go read up on Nuclear Deterrence Theory then maybe you will start to understand what war is all about (~^,)


You know our bet is still on:p Those fools accounts will be leaving (~^,).


Ooh, so its my turn? :) My, you are good at twisting words. Lets try and untwist them one by one but first:

MAX-BURN Apr 01,2013 09:08
Well that post serves many purposes. This is what I learnt about you and your answer.

Your intelligence is above average. You dont post on the forums but now i know you read them. How does that help me? I now know how much influence i can exert over you or rather how much i can manipulate you without you realising something is suspicious. Manipulation is not always bad. google the word and go to wikipedia. Misleading is bad. I think i didnt google it lol.

Ladies and gents, I introduce to you Max-Burn. ;)

The "Its doesn't matter what direction we go" was a response to a heated discussion among our members which includes Demoz's expose of sorts on what needs to be done to improve the tribe. A myriad of comments and suggestions were made to which my reply is "It doesn't matter what direction we go" as long as we do it as a tribe. Clear?

Now about Kekua. You did say Kekua was feeding info to the enemy. You wanted him gone. Leadership did not, so you left. Right? I had conversations with DC and certainly participated in FOOLS' forums. So I don't think there is an issue there. Point there is I was well-aware of what was happening. Nothing more, nothing less.

Did I plan on quitting? Yep. Told everyone. Even stopped farming and taking villages for a stretched period of time. Never said I was sure. I said I was probably going to quit. Did I decide to come back? Definitely. Even told DC I am now more motivated to keep playing that I was in the beginning of the world. Is this still an issue? Should it even be?

As far as betraying DC or my tribe: DC took a ton of amrit's villages at your command. Is there an OP on him posted in our forums? Nope. But you already knew that didn't you. Do I have mates who want to organize an attack on DC? Definitely. And he knows it. And he wants to attack them as well. What I did was to talk everyone out of attacking the other side. So did I succeed in protecting my friend and my tribe? I think so. And all of this was done with permission from the higher ups. Which makes me happy btw. :)

Lastly, it is true that you and DC are family but so are there rest of the guys here in FOOLS. If members of your family fight, do you take a side or do your absolute goddamn best to get everyone back together?

p.s. as for what type of player I am, everyone is free to judge. I love it when people talk about me. :)
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Interesting yes, new?? I think not.

We've been portrayed as a liars, huggers, cowards, bullies, etc. for the longest time. I don't think it bothers us anymore.

So go ahead and say what you want. We appreciate knowing people spend a good part of their time thinking about us.
I don't think about you carrot or FOOLS, unless I have to launch some nukes. Ya'll are just people trying to play a game just like us. Nothing special about you, Well except that you have grown to over 200 million points by hugging. lol, sorry had to say it.


Looks like I picked an interesting day to drop by.

I remained in w63 after the secrets win because it seemed that FOOLS needed me around, in leadership and organization. Some time last week Bang decided to remove my privs (again), only this time without a word. I figured that was my cue that I was no longer needed. It feels good to be gone, I highly recommend it (y)

Just throwing that out there.
You as much as it is worth will be missed bud. Wished we would have fallen on the same side, but you have always had your integrity and it was a pleasure getting to know you. Hope to see you in another world. Enjoy your time off.


@ Max, Max has always had my back and has been a loyal friend. I have not always agreed with him but I respect him and most of the time he is very clear and upfront with his goals like them or not. Max is one of those people that may be too smart for his own good, but I respect his insight and game strategy. In my opinion he is one of the best players in this game. Max defended SOLO when Bang and Ezekial and you kkey were too short sighted to admit your lack of respect for a tribe that helped you win the SECRETS round: a decision that if faced with again as things stand today I would not have done. I should have united IR, IFARM, BASE and rid the world of your conniving ways. That is my opinion. Now that is merely labeling the 3 people I mentioned. I hold no ill will or negative feelings for anyone else in FOOLS. It goes without saying that you have some of the best players in the game, some good people and I've enjoyed getting to know a few of you and although we are enemies in game doesn't mean that we can't be civil.

sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
@ Max, Max has always had my back and has been a loyal friend. I have not always agreed with him but I respect him and most of the time he is very clear and upfront with his goals like them or not. Max is one of those people that may be too smart for his own good, but I respect his insight and game strategy. In my opinion he is one of the best players in this game. Max defended SOLO when Bang and Ezekial and you kkey were too short sighted to admit your lack of respect for a tribe that helped you win the SECRETS round: a decision that if faced with again as things stand today I would not have done. I should have united IR, IFARM, BASE and rid the world of your conniving ways.

Tbh war between solo and fools was inevitable.This world needs 60% dominance to win.And without this war it was not possible.And yes you should have united IR,IFarm etc before the secret win.You want the win.So you didn't.And you should not have left fools after the win.