On this magnificent day as we gaze upon the field of battle, it has fallen upon me to write certain matters regarding this auspicious occasion. On this glorious morn as I arise from my tent, I find mist has encompassed us about. It is a brisk morning and I have awakened before dawn to prepare for battle as my nerves would no longer allow me to slumber. As I look around at the massive encampment of tents, horses, siege equipment and other miscellaneous weapons that empower this Great War machine, I can’t help but reflect upon how we arrived at this moment.
It was a peaceful time in our land long ago. Of course there were certain unavoidable skirmishes in the outlying regions. Those can never be avoided when raiders, bandits, and young kings try to encroach on your lands. But then a new kingdom began to grow. The tribe called For the Record began to increase in rank through minor battles and diplomacy.
At first it was nothing noticeable as they were in a distant land, and a few of their closer outpost villages were burned by our border patrols
But they kept building new outpost villages nearer our borders and growing in number each day. One day they even dared to invade as near as our neighboring trading nation Wild Owl without provocation. I think we lost a few innocent civilians that day that happened to be visiting there at the time. As 4TR, as they are called, began to grow our leaders became more and more interested in keeping a watchful eye on their actions. As we sent scouts deep into enemy territory we learned certain information that must be kept confidential to this day, but it became apparent that 4TR would even dare attack us, the great Barcode, one day. This was the final straw. This hostile nation must be dealt with immediately and severely, but could we win.
Of course we are mighty warriors seasoned in battle with massive armies and war machines
But this hostile nation has been growing so rapidly and with much promise. Then we noticed that their greatest warrior named King9979 was only devouring his fellow tribe mates and not protecting his kingdom by conquering the surrounding savage lands. We did have hope, we could win this battle and we will. We will declare war on this nation and act swiftly. We will attack them before they have the chance to complete their battle plans to attack us. We assembled the armies and travelled several days over treacherous terrain to arrive at this point.
We traveled stealthily, moving only at night without lanterns and along rivers and dark forests to finally reach our encampment
And so it began..
So keep it in your records that For the record is Checkmated.
Barcode shopping season is on.
By Jazbix and Dust and shadows.
It was a peaceful time in our land long ago. Of course there were certain unavoidable skirmishes in the outlying regions. Those can never be avoided when raiders, bandits, and young kings try to encroach on your lands. But then a new kingdom began to grow. The tribe called For the Record began to increase in rank through minor battles and diplomacy.
At first it was nothing noticeable as they were in a distant land, and a few of their closer outpost villages were burned by our border patrols
But they kept building new outpost villages nearer our borders and growing in number each day. One day they even dared to invade as near as our neighboring trading nation Wild Owl without provocation. I think we lost a few innocent civilians that day that happened to be visiting there at the time. As 4TR, as they are called, began to grow our leaders became more and more interested in keeping a watchful eye on their actions. As we sent scouts deep into enemy territory we learned certain information that must be kept confidential to this day, but it became apparent that 4TR would even dare attack us, the great Barcode, one day. This was the final straw. This hostile nation must be dealt with immediately and severely, but could we win.
Of course we are mighty warriors seasoned in battle with massive armies and war machines

But this hostile nation has been growing so rapidly and with much promise. Then we noticed that their greatest warrior named King9979 was only devouring his fellow tribe mates and not protecting his kingdom by conquering the surrounding savage lands. We did have hope, we could win this battle and we will. We will declare war on this nation and act swiftly. We will attack them before they have the chance to complete their battle plans to attack us. We assembled the armies and travelled several days over treacherous terrain to arrive at this point.
We traveled stealthily, moving only at night without lanterns and along rivers and dark forests to finally reach our encampment

And so it began..
So keep it in your records that For the record is Checkmated.

Barcode shopping season is on.

By Jazbix and Dust and shadows.
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