He quit but only logs in to send stuff at you (including his defence). Please guys, shut up, both of you
I'm converting most of my villas to Offense because of fact that I don't need D anymore -.- I thought I'd be able to at least lose my D on your villa but noooo, you suck so bad you can't even defend yourself against D. Obviously, you haven't quit because you continue to send attacks my way and you continue to lose villas. So that disclaimer of yours is invalid.
so umm like this world is still new and all, but how come there aint more troops being sent out at people? what is 11 spears gonna take out a nuke er something?
didn't you know that mixed villages are how the pros do eet?
Yeah I suggest you build the following:
3000 Spear fighters
2000 Swordsmen
1500 Archers
3400 Axemen
100 Scouts
1500 Light cavalry
320 Mounted archers
120 Rams
100 Catapults
8 Nobleman
Works like a baby for me in both defense and offense!
Hm .... Well .... :icon_eek: I said this could be -epic beard men- on drugs
but it aint him lol
Anyway lets forget about the obvious, lets point to less obvious:
120 rams will lower enemy wall 20 by 5-6 units which is not enough. Cats in
this case will not help, because in attack algorithm calc. they do not hit
the wall together with rams, hence your guys will start fighting behind
wall 14-15 which is a bit too high ...
Diluting attack nuke with defense, scouts or even cats is a bit brave ....
moving on,
heres one of 12 reports from 3 different players in ~WU~ that are l33t nukes.
i now have 15 reports of mixed villages coming in as nukes, and 18 mixed villages defending against my failz axe nukes....
L33t Warriors United
P.S 4 hour noble train ftw.