He failed.
the 3rd paragraph does not have 5 sentences
the 3rd paragraph does not have 5 sentences
[/spoil]X LoSs X on 25.08. at 19:17
I want to know if your tribe forums active or not.
Xinn today at 14:39
I aint telling you jack shit mate
X LoSs X today at 14:39
Xinn today at 14:39
you have no need to know any of this information
X LoSs X today at 14:40
I do.
Xinn today at 14:40
really? And why is that?
X LoSs X today at 14:43
Because i really need it!
Xinn today at 14:43
for what purpose?
X LoSs X today at 14:43
for purposes that will help me!
X LoSs X today at 14:44
and [ally]ODA[/ally]!
Xinn today at 14:47
and why are you helping ODA and why do they need this information?
X LoSs X today at 14:55
okok i lied. [ally]NUTZ[/ally] need the information! but its top secret!
Xinn today at 14:56
I dnt care who it is for, I want to know why you need to know how active the forums are.
X LoSs X today at 14:58
Ok, just don't tell anyone we had this convo! Also don't post it all over the forums! K?
X LoSs X today at 14:58
AND do not tell [player]20mayfair[/player] because he said if i told anyone outside the tribe he will noble me to the last village!
Xinn today at 15:03
Well, you just demanded that I tell you how active the forums in my tribe are. I don't think that that is a request to be taken lightly. I think my leadership should learn about this and then decide what to do from there. I don't know which tribe you are trying to find this information for, but whoever it is aren't going to get it from me. Good luck in finding it out.
Also, why shouldn't I tell 20mayfair? If you have been asked to find this information out then I guess that meant you had to speak to someone in this tribe. I don't quite understand but I'm sure something will happen as a result of this. What it will be I am unsure of.
X LoSs X today at 15:05
Ok, nuts want some ground for frontlines with hermit and they are going to noble out the top 10 best members out of you guys. So they told me to attack one of you guys and see how long it will take till you attack back.
But please do not post this anywhere! Do not even tell 20mayfair because this was his idea!
And i don't want to attack incise you guys noble me out!
Xinn today at 15:09
So they are going to attack us? And you think I shouldn't inform my tribe?
X LoSs X today at 15:11
Only the top 10 of you guys! But it would depend how active you guys are! Please don't inform your tribe or tell anyone else about this.
Just tell me how active your forums are and this will end for all of us!
Xinn today at 15:17
This is one of the most active tribes I have ever been in in 3.5 years of playing TW.
X LoSs X today at 15:25
Cool, invite me please.
Xinn today at 15:25
No chance
X LoSs X today at 15:25
Xinn today at 15:26
I doubt any of us will want you.
X LoSs X today at 15:33
Xinn today at 15:36
For doing what you did. Trying to get information from me for other people. Now that you have done this, what is to say you won't be a spy?
X LoSs X today at 15:40
X LoSs X today at 16:03
but your not going to post this on the forums right? no one needs to know about this
Xinn today at 16:07
not in the forums no
X LoSs X today at 16:23
are you going to tell [player]20mayfair[/player]?
Xinn today at 16:26
no. I am going to inform the leadership of my tribe so that they are prepared for when Nutz come along
Xinn today at 16:27
do you know when they will start attacking?
X LoSs X today at 16:29
Yes, today at 12am server time they are going to hit the guys in k49.
X LoSs X today at 20:16
I was joking you know that right? TEHE
Xinn today at 20:19
I cant say that I knew you were joking, however, if they were all going to hit at 12 then the attacks would have already been sent :L
X LoSs X today at 21:04
they would of been sent yesterday trololololol.
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:03
I am very new to this world and I just nobled my first village . I don't mean to impose upon your territory had I known this was one of your farms I would not have nobled itI would have chosen something out of the way , which I will do in the future .
Kindest Regards
alb.knight on 14.08. at 19:25
I think you accidentaly chosed the wrong world.
Its w58 teh last one ... so you should go there ASAP and delete this one too.
If fate is nice with us ... we can meet there and you prolly gona need to restart again but thats not important.
Am gona make a shower ... when I get back I hope you deleted and not here anymore.
If you still here (sad) we gona have fun
~ alb
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:29
well I am not going to delete as I plan to join a tribe ,hopefully your tribe ,,, when i am at a more useful level
Kindest Regards
Echohawk aka Catharyne
alb.knight on 14.08. at 19:32
You should join [ally]~ONE~[/ally] its the best tribe lately in this world.
I'll give you a day or two to cantact them and fix things.
If you dont find room am sorry but need to clear the space
ltr m8
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:33
awesome I will contact them now
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:34
whom should I contact in that tribe ?
alb.knight on 14.08. at 19:37
^ he is a friend of my co Rob ... so prolly gona fast things up
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:41
sweet thank you
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:43
ohh I pulled all my troops out of that village so the only thing you will run into is the wallsAlso some of the resources are missing ,,, sorry about that .
alb.knight on 14.08. at 19:47
thnx m8 ... I apriciated that gesture
Let me know the [player]skitzomaniac[/player] answer when you'll have it later
Have a good day or night
Echohawk on 14.08. at 19:48
I certainly willThank you again
Not a mail... but oh well.
[5:01:53 PM] *** jidge2782 added Wolf ***
[5:01:56 PM] jidge2782:
[5:02:03 PM] jidge2782: hi
[5:02:06 PM] Choccy/Commando: (bandit)
[5:02:11 PM] Wolf: I WILL BAN YOU ALL
[5:02:12 PM] ツ Rob ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶: why does everyone add hom to chats im in?
[5:02:14 PM] *** Wolf has left ***
Everyone hide from DaWolf.![]()
Not a mail... but oh well.
[5:01:53 PM] *** jidge2782 added Wolf ***
[5:01:56 PM] jidge2782:
[5:02:03 PM] jidge2782: hi
[5:02:06 PM] Choccy/Commando: (bandit)
[5:02:11 PM] Wolf: I WILL BAN YOU ALL
[5:02:12 PM] ツ Rob ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶: why does everyone add hom to chats im in?
[5:02:14 PM] *** Wolf has left ***
Everyone hide from DaWolf.![]()
I sent him a PM with the title "You have received an infraction at Tribalwars Forum", but it wasn't actually an infraction :lol:
Oh come on someone has to have some new funny IG mails.
Funny ingame attacks count, right?
You've never accidently sent a 1/4 nuke out when tabbing through hundreds of tabs clicking your nuke script?