well, there isn't a thread for this currently, unless another was made while I was making this one.
but this is my only decent mail so far, hopefully you'll find it as funny as I did
but this is my only decent mail so far, hopefully you'll find it as funny as I did
Inversion today at 20:12
Chicken loving Walrus today at 20:16
Inversion today at 20:17
:O Im sorryIt attacked me and some how ended up in a KFC Bargain Bucket :/
Chicken loving Walrus today at 20:18
Nobody touches my chicken and gets away with it
I'm gonna mark you as pink on my map as revenge
Inversion today at 20:22
:O! Your marking me pink ?Is that racism ? Is it cause im white ? >:O
Chicken loving Walrus today at 20:24
it's cos you touched ma chicken
nobody touches the Walrus's chicken and gets away free
Inversion today at 20:26
Im sorry :'( Would it help if I said I touched your turkey instead ?Its not chicken
Chicken loving Walrus today at 20:27
I have no turkey
how could you even suggest that.
A true chicken lover such as me, would never have any turkey, turkey is just a cheap rip off of chicken
Inversion today at 20:34
Lolit was fried chicken >
I fried it alive
Chicken loving Walrus today at 20:35
fried chicken is nice though, as long as you give it all to me, I'll forgive you and change your map colour back to normal
Inversion today at 20:40
Okay*Hands over fried chicken* Happy ?
Chicken loving Walrus today at 20:40
you're no longer pink now