Funny Ingame Messages


xxxxx on 22.07. at 03:35
Hello, I am [player]xxxxx[/player]. In 36 hours, when BP is over, I will farm you. This will be a traumatic experience for you, so i reccomend following these steps
>settings>start over> enter password> confirm
There you go!

tommyboy1287 today at 19:06
Hello, I am [player]tommyboy1287[/player]. , when BP is over, I will farm you. This will be a traumatic experience for you, so i reccomend following these steps
>settings>start over> enter password> confirm
There you gohave a nice say ;]=
xxxxx today at 19:08
Hello, I am xxxxx, and you were not here yesterday. Did you have a pressing engagement elsewhere?
tommyboy1287 today at 19:09
xxxxx today at 19:09
How did it feel being banned?
tommyboy1287 today at 19:10
ho do u
xxxxx today at 19:10
You liked it? Well that is good
tommyboy1287 today at 19:12
do u like baned
xxxxx today at 19:13
What is baned? I like bread and jam, but not baned, since I do not know what that is. I also like fish and chips. Do you?
tommyboy1287 today at 19:13
bannd u demb son a of bannd can
xxxxx today at 19:14
A band can? Well.. I like my jam to come in a can, and baked beans, they come in a can. But I don't think it is a band can.
tommyboy today at 19:15
xxxxx today at 19:15
What does that mean? A long row of periods? Usually you use a period to put at the end of a sentence, like this.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:16
xxxxx today at 19:17
Hmm, three periods in a row. I know! You must be using morse code! I do not know morse code so you should explain it to me.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:19
... .. .. . . .... . . . .. ..... . ....... . ..... ...... ....... ..... . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. ....
xxxxx today at 19:21
I still do not understand 0_0 Could you explain? If not, I may have to ask the TRIBAL WARS SUPPORT TEAM to talk to you about using other languages.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:22
...... ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. ;; .. . ' '. . '. '.' . '. ' . ''. ' ] ] [ [ [ [ .. ]. ] ] . . . . . ]. . . ]. . . . .; . . . ;; ;;.;;';;'''';....'';;'..
xxxxx today at 19:24
You do like fish and chips? That is great! I do also
tommyboy1287 today at 19:24
.... . .. . . . ... . . . . . .? ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .... ........! ...................//.......D?????/????????
xxxxx today at 19:25
Yes I do also. Oh really? Well I dont like that, but if you like men, that's your decision.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:26
u like men i knowd it thats why ur mother likes u so mach
xxxxx today at 19:27
You like to catch? That is gross, but once again it is your choice.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:27
u do wat!
xxxxx today at 19:28
What is a wat? I am not sure what that is, but I stick to women.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:29
lol stop lyein
xxxxx today at 19:32
What is a lyein? It seems similar to the word lion, but I am not sure if that if applicable in this situation.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:32
xxxxx today at 19:34
Back to morse code!
You already told me that, lets get away from that topic. You don't need to keep telling me that you like it up the butt.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:35
up n down urs
xxxxx today at 19:37
You would like to anally rape me? Ewww... sick, that is disgusting.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:39
well my troops will do the rape
ill jest tape it n put it on utube!
xxxxxtoday at 19:40
So you are a gay porn star? That is even worse... Please just stop telling me about your fantasies.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:41
haha im jest telling u ur fantasies
xxxxx today at 19:42
jest? Another new word? What does this word mean?
tommyboy1287 today at 19:42
ur smart one ant ya
xxxxx today at 19:43
ant? I do not really like ants, they crawl all over the place and eat my food whenever I have a picnic. Once again I am not sure why you are talking about them.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:45
xxxxx today at 19:46
Morse code again!!
tommyboy1287 today at 19:46
xxxxx today at 19:48
Stretching the page again? You are not a very social chap
tommyboy1287 today at 19:49
xxxxx today at 19:49
That is nice, I did not really want to see a picture of you though, I wanted a picture of your mom.
tommyboy1287 today at 19:50
lol oo wel
xxxxx today at 19:52
Do you know how to spell? Let me guess, you turned 8 this month?
tommyboy1287 today at 19:55
xxxxx today at 19:56
9? Oh good, that makes it all better. I just turned 6, so you seem very mature to me. 0_0
tommyboy1287 today at 19:58
/ \
xxxxx today at 20:01
What is that? Another picture of you? Come on.. I just want to see your mom, not you again :(


Light Dark Devil on 22.07. at 15:19
I want a Nap ort allianc if possible because our trib are growing along side of each other and i think it would benefi both of our tribe if we worked together to rule of these k's and the world what do you say?,
[player]Light Dark Devil[/player],
[xxxx today at 20:57
Light Dark Devil today at 21:00
well the way i see it if we work together on this world we could end up ruling it as i beleuev both tribes are experienced and dangerous
[xxxx today at 21:01
Light Dark Devil today at 21:03
why not?
[xxxx today at 21:05
today at 21:06[/u]
well we are rank 11 i K46 and if we join forces it would mean you hav more power together over more territory
[xxxx today at 21:07
Light Dark Devil today at 21:10
well i meant rank 1 and do u wanna keep messing me around or do you actually wanna show some respect
[xxxx today at 21:10
Light Dark Devil today at 21:12
why not?
[xxxx today at 21:20
[xxxx today at 21:21
why not?
[xxxx today at 21:21
Light Dark Devil today at 21:23
why not?

wow... sorry i kind of butchered that one


wolfgarrr today at 21:27 said:
sooo you think you can go around farming some of my mates ehhh well look on my profile and look at rule #2 i will break you and you tiny little 20 spears you see i know you type...think ur bad to the bones farmin everyone if ud look we have you surrounded mateyou got it all wrong you !will! be on my farming list enjoy growing while you can cuz i assure u it will be the last points you ever get cuz ill farm u till you quit ;) that i promise you
~regards~ (and your worst nightmare)

Some fool trying to act all crazy'en all.

Red Hulk

portugal737 today at 20:36

Relentless Hulk today at 20:37
2 Mins till?

portugal737 today at 20:38
3 mins you mean?

Relentless Hulk today at 20:39

portugal737 today at 20:39

Relentless Hulk today at 20:40

portugal737 today at 20:41

Relentless Hulk today at 20:42
karl kann kick

portugal737 today at 20:43
Conversational partner

Relentless Hulk today at 20:44

portugal737 today at 20:46
Put your spears up where I can see em, BUD!

Relentless Hulk today at 20:47

portugal737 today at 20:50
You lied to me charle!

Relentless Hulk today at 20:50

portugal737 today at 20:52
I has to many irons :(

Relentless Hulk today at 20:53

portugal737 today at 20:54
yum, milk duds

Relentless Hulk today at 20:55

portugal737 today at 20:56
Hello, this is customer service. How may i assist you?

Relentless Hulk today at 20:56
ugly :/

portugal737 today at 20:57

Relentless Hulk today at 20:58

portugal737 today at 20:59
Nothing like Nestea

Relentless Hulk today at 21:01

portugal737 today at 21:06
Das my BF's name!!

portugal737 today at 21:06

Relentless Hulk today at 21:06

portugal737 today at 21:08

Relentless Hulk today at 21:08

portugal737 today at 21:09

Relentless Hulk today at 21:14

portugal737 today at 21:14
Give meh your MEMBARS!!

Relentless Hulk today at 21:15

portugal737 today at 21:17
Merge into meh or die!

Relentless Hulk today at 21:17

portugal737 today at 21:17
We B frans?

Relentless Hulk today at 21:20

portugal737 today at 21:20

Relentless Hulk today at 21:21

portugal737 today at 21:21
SVT mustang cobra 1999

Relentless Hulk today at 21:22

portugal737 today at 21:24
Welcome home son

Relentless Hulk today at 21:26

portugal737 today at 21:28
Did you finish your homework?

Relentless Hulk today at 21:36


Enjoy you sick freaks

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 15:37
I have weird growths all over my body and I don't know how to get them off. I have previously tried burning them off with molten wax and sucking them off with a dental vacuum but both of these options only seemed to encourage the spread of my growth. My friend said you might be able to help me out. Do you have any suggestions of what I should do?

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 15:54
No answer?

dray 123 on 22.07. at 15:57
iv just looked ata nd i had some more t look at

one did [player]Dr. Hannilamb Shearer[/player] tell you about me

2nd go to a doctor if its true

and second im still in school meaning how am i going to know what your talking about

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 16:03
Well don't they teach you about STDs in school?

It wasn't Shearer that refereed me. It was somebody who you cured with your "love drug" (He called you Doctor Love.)

dray 123 on 22.07. at 16:34
sexual,transmitted,diseases it is called S,T,I now and you have gental warts i think not sure think that is the one with scabs all over and growth

dray 123 on 22.07. at 16:35
what with the love drug thats soming from the 80,90 era

dray 123 on 22.07. at 16:37
is it cause i dont fight peopel on this game as much any more

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 16:51
Can you give me some symptoms of genital warts so I can confirm this?

dray 123 on 22.07. at 16:53
it was in yr 8 when i learnt about them i cant remeber

and plus it depends on on witch gender you are

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 17:47
I still haven't decoded. For all intensive purposes let's say I'm male

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 20:04
Why did you change the names to STIs?

dray 123 on 22.07. at 20:24
cause itsname is know known as sexauly transmitted infections

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 20:26
But STD rolls off the tounge better

dray 123 on 22.07. at 20:27
yh i know but i was taught differnt is all this you have said true cause most people are embaresed to even say the name were i live

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 20:28
But how did I get it?

dray 123 on 22.07. at 20:29
i think genital warts cover most of the privat area i think depending were you had sex

dray 123 on 22.07. at 20:29
from having sex

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 20:33
But the past time I had sex was 6 years ago with a monkey. Monkeys can't give stds can they? Did you give it to me?

omfsmthefsm on 22.07. at 21:35
Are you just going to stop helping me now?

omfsmthefsm on 23.07. at 01:17
Oh, I forgot to tell you I am furiously gay. I don't necessarily classify male on male action as sex but I have had it roughly 85 times in the past month and a half. That has been cutting back for me. But I always took a shower afterwards so I can be clean.

But I still think I may have gotten these from you or a monkey, is that possible?

dray 123 on 23.07. at 12:33
one im not gay
two if you did a monkey what are you thinking
three who said me to you
four im 15 and i quess your over 18 and i gave to you what is not possible you would be classed as pedo

dray 123 on 23.07. at 13:14
by the way have told you all i know and im goin to have to stop speaking to you cause im wastig my time on the pc to talk to when i could be doing soming else

omfsmthefsm on 23.07. at 16:04
I'm only 12

dray 123 on 23.07. at 16:33
right got to stop talking



1337 recruit message :icon_redface:

he mailed me too, Anyway

lango545 today at 01:17
hello [player]Dekzy[/player] its good to see a tribe based off a game series i love, quite refreshing to see something familiar.

i am writing to you on the subject of diplomacy. i would like to ask you to undergo a form of alliance with us whether it be allies or naps. i assure you that such an alliance with benifit us both in many ways. if allies we can watch each others backs and be more united against all threats we may encounter, if naps we can both get on with our own business without any disputes between us and maybe later on an alliance would be made between us.

i remember a story told to a great leader conquring half the world, his name was Genghis Khan. when he was young, he and his brothers were fighting, his mother tore them apart and without a word she handed them an arrow and told them to break it. this they did with great ease. then she handed them a cluster of arrows tightly bound together and told them to break it, this however they could not break. to this she said to them 'if you fight among yourselfs you will be easily broken, but if you stand together nothing shall break you.

i feel this story has some truth to us, just like the arrow, alone we will stand a better chance of being broken but, if allies, if we stand together like the cluster of arrows nothing shall break us, or if we become naps, then we will both be sure to let our arrows fly apart from each other, never striking each other.

i hope you consider my offer as i am sure it will benifit us both.

[player]lango545[/player] diplomat of [ally]MYTH[/ally]



im sad most of my tribe sent out restart mails and none ended up here :/



Sorry no offense intended, but the fact that you posted that in a thread called Funny ingame Messages hints at yo thinking it is not only funny, but funny enough for you to share.
1 question.
Are you serious :icon_neutral:


I didn't get any restart messages...marking a first..I feel unwanted and unloved.


Here is one...I knew this dude was a noob but I decided to see what would happen if I apporached his request seriously(well seriously for me)

-CarlTaylor- on 24.07. at 20:58
I noticed that you are very active, so I just wanted to drop you a message to say hi. Perhaps we could coordinate some attacks with each other in the future?
nightttcrawler on 24.07. at 23:26
-CarlTaylor- on 24.07. at 23:33
Why not? This is tribal wars, not player wars. I'm not ready for a tribe yet and you're the closest player who I'd even be willing to talk to.
nightttcrawler today at 00:16
What do you have to offer me that makes it worth my time?
-CarlTaylor- today at 01:48
Coordination takes cooperation from two parties. It's not about what I can offer you, it's about how we can help each other. If you're only out to play for yourself though, you aren't the type of person I'm looking to spend my time playing with.
nightttcrawler today at 01:50
How many troops do you have? Because it seems to me like your asking me to protect you until you grow some..which I still await the reasons why they would help me?
And I play for my tribe and myself both.
-CarlTaylor- today at 02:26
Why would I be asking someone for protection this early in the world? I could really care less if someone attacks me at this point. As I said originally, I'm looking for a friend and someone to coordinate with... someone who I can count on to be there for me, as I would be for them. Support is only a minor part of coordination. The main part is the attacking, clearing, demolishing, and nobling of other players.
nightttcrawler today at 02:33
You can't suppport outside of the And I have tribemates to do the other things. That is why they are there.

The day I need an 81 point player to help me noble someone is the day I should just quit. He and his 5 spears are going to help keep villages clear for me I guess.

Airplanes in the Night

When did Tribalwars get so stupid?

penaughty2 on 21.07. at 18:13
I will be farming all in my 20x20, and ive sent this to everyone in my 20x20.
Restart Now.
In The Night on 21.07. at 18:16
penaughty2 on 21.07. at 18:18
Sorry, can we forget this? Too many people to kill at once.
In The Night on 21.07. at 18:21
LOL =-)
penaughty2 on 21.07. at 18:22
Oh kmon.. Please? How about we be PA's?
Airplanes In The Night on 21.07. at 18:27
I cant tell if your serious or just stupid?


Oh dear. One of my members attacked a pointwhore from the masser academy of a mass recruiting tribe. Now they've gotten their blood pressure up and want revenge... I presume? Really, wars before Nobles, or at least Catapults, are really quite useless.

paulodecanio on 24.07. at 23:39
[player]Sagamantha[/player] has attacked one of our players.

this is an act of war.

Draconzar today at 04:56
So you plan to declare war and attack him or us with what... spears, swords, and maybe some axes? Have fun with that. We'll enjoy the ODD :)


joeyjohnston11 today at 06:07
hey im looking for a co-player if your interested my times are from 5:30 server time to about 15:00 server time if your interested i would do the smae gfor ur acc so let me know....

ukpompeyboy today at 07:06
hey bud cheers for your offer but theres no chsnce i will let anyone play my account! i pley 22 hrs a day and will grow even stronger then mebers with co-players! good luck in this world im sure you will need it lol :p


joeyjohnston11 today at 07:08
well can you co play my acc i just need a sitter from the times of 5 server time to 16 server time

ukpompeyboy today at 07:12
u need to speak to your tribe first! im a decent player that wont take the piss but theres many that would! please be careful who u mail and who you trust. its easy to grow if u know how :D

joeyjohnston11 today at 07:14
Im the duke of my tribe and my brother is the only other member in it

joeyjohnston11 today at 07:19
i just need sitting everynight from about 5:00 server time til about 16:00 server time

ukpompeyboy today at 07:21
so listen buddy.... theres many people that would take advantage, im an experianced player but a nice one. if i co-played your account whats stopping me from disbanding your tribe? everything you have worked on would be lost! i know alot of people that have done this but i think its a nasty tactic! i wouldnt let someone sit my account unless i knew them and trusted them! especialy if you a duke! if ur an inexperianced player i suggest u join a tribe that has experiance! to survive so early u need to be strong and know how to lead your tribe! anyone else will take advantage! be wise and dont be silly man!

joeyjohnston11 today at 07:24
Im very expereinced and in my tribe it only conisist of me and my bro were not recruiting players so it will just be me and him...if you disband my tribe then me i just call him and we start a new one becausew we have no work put into the tribe there just two people and thats me and my little brother

joeyjohnston11 today at 07:29
its very late here so ill just set you as my sitter if u can just make spear and keep attack the three barbs in my 5x5 thanks also ill send u over some premium points in a week for doing this for me thanks ill read ur reply in the morning

ukpompeyboy today at 07:31
noob alert haha i did try and warn him :D